Dr. Jai Maharaj

World Net Daily


Exposed: U.S. funded Hamas university

Audit reveals funds sent to school terrorists boast is used
for jihad

By Aaron Klein
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Jerusalem - An audit has revealed the U.S. government
authorized nearly $1 million in aid to a Hamas-controlled
university senior terror leaders told WND is openly
utilized by Hamas to recruit fighters, manufacture
explosives and train on campus grounds for attacks. The
audit concluded the American tax dollars were provided to
Gaza's Islamic University between 2002 and 2006. It stated
officials from both the U.S. Agency for International
Development in Tel Aviv, which initiated the fund request,
and the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, which conducted an
investigation, found no "derogatory information" on the

Also in March 2007 State Department spokesman Sean
McCormack told WND U.S. officials concluded after a review
Islamic University does not support terrorist activities.

But Israeli and Palestinian security officials and
Palestinian terrorist leaders themselves scoffed at the
State Department claims.

An Israeli security official took offense with McCormack's

"It's the height of absurdity to hear Hamas' Islamic
University is not involved in terrorism," the official

Islamic University was founded by Hamas spiritual leader
Ahmed Yassin, who was assassinated by Israel in 2004. Hamas
leader in Gaza Ismail Haniya sits on the college board,
which was raided in January by Palestinian security forces
who seized rocket-propelled grenades and rockets.

Abu Abdullah, considered one of the most important
operational members of Hamas' so-called military wing, told
WND Islamic University is regularly used by Hamas to
support "resistance activities."

"It is no secret that we utilize all tools at our disposal,
including our fighters at Islamic University in
preparations to fight the Zionists," said Abu Abdullah of
Hamas' Izzedine al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, Hamas' declared
"resistance" department.

Muhammad Abdel-Al, spokesman of the Popular Resistance
Committees, a Hamas-affiliated terror group, told WND
Islamic University is "extremely important" for recruitment
of militants. He said several members of his group study
chemistry at the university to aid in the manufacture of
explosives and suicide belts. The Committees is responsible
for hundreds of rocket attacks from Gaza aimed at nearby
Jewish cities.

According to Israeli and Palestinian intelligence officials
Islamic University's main campus in Gaza City has been used
by Hamas' so-called military wing to recruit terrorists and
suicide bombers. The officials told WND chemistry labs were
used to manufacture and improve explosives for Hamas-
affiliated militias.

Reuven Erlich, director of the Intelligence and Terrorism
Information Center and Israel's Center for Special Studies,
told WND his organization analyzed material captured in
previous Israeli raids of Islamic University, which yielded
mass quantities of weaponry and Hamas incitement material
supporting terrorist attacks.

Officials from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud
Abbas' Fatah party last February claimed they captured
seven Iranian military trainers -- including a general of
the Iranian Revolutionary Guards -- inside Gaza City's
Islamic University, which they said was being utilized as a
Hamas military training ground.

The Fatah officials said they also found some 1,000 Qassam
rockets, rocket-propelled grenades and equipment to
manufacture the rockets inside the university. They
previously suspected kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit
was being held for a time on the university grounds.

Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) asked USAID's inspector general to
conduct the audits following media reports detailing the
funding to Islamic University. He told the Chicago Tribune
the U.S. government's failure to detect terrorist ties at
the school suggested "either incompetence or a complete
breakdown of the vetting system as run by the State

U.S. law prohibits transactions with terrorists or their
supporters. The audit initiated by Kirk concluded the U.S.
government lacks adequate controls to stop foreign aid from
being provided to terrorists. One of the follow-up audits
reportedly concluded USAID "did not always follow
applicable federal laws" when approving aid to the

While the USAID audit in question focused on Islamic
University, WND previously broke the story the U.S. is also
funding another terror-saturated university.

USAID the past two years has reportedly provided $4 million
to Arkan, a Palestinian program that funds law schools at
several universities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,
including Al-Najah University. The Arkan program is
entirely funded by USAID.

Israeli security officials say Al-Najah University is one
of the most important recruitment grounds for West Bank
terror organizations. The Israeli Defense Forces a number
of times has raided the college and arrested terror
suspects. At least 15 Palestinians who carried out suicide
bombings the past six years attended the school.

Senior members of the Islamic Jihad and Al Aqsa Martyrs
Brigades terror groups are openly enrolled at Al-Najah, WND
has learned.

One senior leader of the Brigades, the declared military
wing of Abbas' Fatah party, told WND many Brigades leaders
study at the university, which he described as a
"recruitment center for jihad."

The senior leader said he is studying sports education.

A leader of the Islamic Jihad terror organization said he
is studying chemistry to enhance his terror group's bomb-
making capabilities. He said others in the chemistry
department manufacture explosives for Palestinian groups.

Islamic Jihad and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades have taken
joint responsibility for every suicide bombing in Israel
the past three years, including a 2006 bombing in Tel Aviv
last April that killed eight Israelis and American teenager
Daniel Wultz.

According to the U.S. Foreign Operations Bill of 2006, it
is illegal to fund universities which the Secretary of
State "knows or has reason to believe advocates, plans,
sponsors, engages in, or has engaged in, terrorist

USAID has a history of funding anti-American Palestinian

WND first reported a northern West Bank street funded by
USAID was renamed for Saddam after his execution.

Zacharias Zubeidi, leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
in Yaabid, told WND the city changed the name on the U.S.-
funded street to show "Saddam Hussein is still alive."

"We will honor his memory until the American and Zionist
occupation is driven from our land," Zubeidi said.

WND reported USAID also reconstructed roads and
municipalities in areas in the Gaza Strip controlled by

In a WND interview, Hamas Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar
thanked USAID for its efforts.

According to Palestinian Media Watch translations, after
USAID funded road projects in the West Bank city of Jenin
in 2004, a central street there was named after the first
Iraqi suicide bomber, who killed four American soldiers in
Fallujah. The mayor of Jenin reportedly participated in an
anti-American dedication ceremony in which speakers blessed
the "resistance of the residents of Fallujah"

Also, a USAID-funded Palestinian sports center was named
after Salef Khalef, operational head of the Black September
terror organization, which was behind the killing of two
U.S. diplomats in Sudan in 1973 and the massacre one year
earlier of 11 Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich.

To interview Aaron Klein, contact Tim Bueler Public
Relations by e-mail , or call (530)

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