extreme duudsonit aka the dudesons


New member
does anyone on hear watch the dudesons other then me?

four finns and a little piggy with a death wish. Jarppi, Jukka, Jarno, HP, and Britney are from finland where the extream winters with little sunlight drive them insane and the summer sun keeps them awake in many sleepless nights. started before jackass and viva la bam, these guys have been doing crazy stuff for ages. I've been watching their show Extrene Duudsonit since *** knows when.

Jarppi's my favorite dudeson just because the guy is so mellow and calm. he has this kick *** laugh that just makes me laugh even harder then what I origanilly was lauging about. he also has the best facial expressions. but i love the dudesons.

EDIT: happy 26th b-day to jukka of the dudesons!



New member
OMG! That is my favoritist show ever...It was hilarious when they had the job at the store and were modeling the womens underwear lol


Active Members
This show helps prove one of my biggest arguements for America: That we are not the only country on the planet that provides dumb, wasteful, and senseless entertainment to consumers!

But more to the point, this show is just as dumb as jackass. Its like Tom Green only with a lobotomy. Its just stupid.



New member
you should check out the movie. theyre site is kick *** too. the dudesons actually interact on their site with their fans so its pretty cool.
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