Extremely Slow Boot Issue With Vista 64bit SP2



I'm simply baffled with what to do anymore.

It all started about a month ago when I was installing Visual C# Express 2008. It included a SQL server portion of the install which required me to restart my computer. While doing this it attempted to install SP2. It took a long, long, long time to finally reboot. When it did it tried to finish installing SQL server, which also took well over an hour.

Panicked, I tried to uninstall all of Visual C#, thinking it caused an issue. I forget now exactly what happened next, but I had to restart to finish uninstalling the SQL server install. It took forever. I tried to uninstall and reinstall SP2.

After that, now my computer takes over 20 minutes to finish loading up. I turned off the graphical boot so I could see what was going on. It finishes the BIOS POST. Then it flashes a screen where Windows is loading a bunch of drivers or something. That screen flashes away.

Then for 15-25 minutes, I'm completely stuck at a screen with "Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Version 6.0 (Build 6002: Service Pack 2) 2 System Processors [8191 MB Memory] MultiProcessor Kernel". During this time the fans in my system are going at almost full bore. Then, after that time is up, the fans stop, the speaker system pops for a split second, then I am flashed to a screen something about my two hard drives, then I boot into Vista.

I originally talked with a MS rep about this who did all sorts of stuff with my computer remotely but couldn't alleviate the problem. Then, as mysteriously as it began, it stopped. Boot up was slower than it was with a fresh install, but not terribly so. Things seemed to go back to normal. After today installing a new, possibly bad driver, I've upset it again. Everything just as it was.

I'm completely at the whims of this ridiculous load up time. I tried to boot up my Vista disk and repair, but it's the same thing. It initially goes to the screen that says "Windows is loading files" then it sits at the Progress Bar animation screen for 20 mins. Then it boots to a blank blue screen for 10 minutes. After that, it boots to the menu. The repair attempt took ~20 mins also, after which it said it failed and could not repair my Windows. Detailed information said something about Bad Driver. I tried System Restore to go back a few days before a new , but nothing works.

I've scoured Google for information on this but I can't find anything helpful. Please help?

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