Fags In The News - FEC Asked to Investigate Fag Elton's Concert for Dyke Hitlary!


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FEC Asked to Investigate Elton's Concert for Hillary

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A government watchdog group wants the Federal Election Commission to
investigate Elton John's fund-raising concert on behalf of Sen. Hillary
Clinton's presidential campaign.

"Recent news reports suggest that Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton for
President have accepted an in-kind contribution from a foreign national, Sir
Elton John, in contravention of federal election laws," Judicial Watch
President Tom Fitton wrote in an April 14 letter to the Office of the
General Counsel for the FEC.

"On behalf of Judicial Watch and its supporters, I hereby request that the
FEC investigate this matter." The group filed a formal complaint on Monday.

Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates and prosecutes
government corruption, noted that Sir Elton John is not a citizen of the
United States and is therefore prohibited by federal law from making any
contribution to Sen. Clinton's presidential campaign.

"I've always been a Hillary supporter," Elton John told the audience at
Radio City Music Hall in New York. "There is no one more qualified to lead
America," he said. He described the Clintons as "true, loyal friends," said
he loved them "dearly," and added that "Hillary should be the next President
of the United States."

At one point, the British singer criticized the "misogynistic attitudes" of
some Americans: "And I say to hell with them... I love you Hillary. I'll be
there for you."

In a pre-concert press release issued by the Clinton campaign, Elton John
was quoted as saying, "I'm excited to support Hillary by performing at what
will be a truly memorable night." The singer also sent out a mass email --
through the Clinton campaign -- announcing the concert and soliciting
support, Judicial Watch said.

The concert, which took place on April 9, 2008, raised more than $2.5
million (from the sale of 5,000 tickets) for Hillary Clinton and Hillary
Clinton for President.

Under federal law governing "contributions and donations by foreign
nationals," it is illegal for any foreign national to "make a contribution
or donation of money or other thing of value...in connection with a Federal,
State or local election."

"It looks as if Elton John, a foreign national, gave a valuable, in-kind
contribution to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, which is prohibited
by law. The FEC and other authorities need to take appropriate action and
investigate Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and Elton John," said Judicial
Watch President Tom Fitton.