Fake Nazis Backed by the ADL, SPLC, FBI....



This is just one more example of COINTELPRO type actions being
run to damage the interests of white Americans. Recently Hal
Turner, fake "white activist", was exposed as an FBI informant/
agent provocateur.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How big is Bill White's American Nazi Party?

By Curt Maynard

Until recently, the American National Socialist Workers Party [ANSWP]
was led by someone named Bill White. White grew up in a Jewish
neighborhood, attended schools predominantly attended by Jewish
children, joined the Communist Party USA, and once wrote for Pravda,
the former Soviet Unions most prominent newspaper.

In 2006, White appointed himself the "Commander" of the ANSWP and
immediately began a well financed disinformation program designed to
do several things:

1. To call attention to himself and to promote his divisive agenda.

2. To convince as many people as possible that National Socialism is a
virulently racist political doctrine that excludes anyone with a skin
tone darker than Bill Whites. This is demonstrably untrue.

3. To use the ANSWP platform to smear individuals that actually are
dedicated and working to create a better world. Recently, the ANSWP
has focused its efforts on Ron Paul.

4. To convince as many people as possible that the ANSWP has a large
supporter base and is growing larger every day. [Demonstrably false]

5. Ultimately, to cast White people and White interests in as negative
a light as possible. Bill White is an Illusionist, one of his greatest
illusions is promoting the idea that he has any members or supporters
at all. He's compelled to do this because he must explain how it is
that he and his organization are financed; he can't just come out and
say that he receives a monthly check from the ADL and SPLC can he?

He's made a career out of smearing activists of all stripe, he doesn't
hesitate to use the very Jewish tactic of Creation and innuendo, I.e.
making something up and then using it to insinuate that his target is
somehow associated with it, I.e. The Big Lie. He's accused a man named
Jamie Kelso of being a gay pedophile for no other reason than the man
has a higher than average pitched voice and once knew Kevin Alfred
Strom, a man that recently plead guilty to possessing child porn in
some form. He completely made up the story that Ron Paul is known as a
White Supremacist among White Supremacists and often associates with
them at a Thai restaurant in Washington DC. As ridiculous as this
story sounds, it did make it into the New York Times, who unwillingly
apologized for printing the erroneous accusation after the fact.
Imagine how much that helped America's last hope?

When Leonard Pitts, a no-good affirmative action appointee of a
journalist for the Miami Herald told Whites collectively, to "cry him
a river," over the growing concern that black on White crime had
reached epidemic proportions in this country, I wrote several articles
and supported a petition attempting to draw as much attention as
possible to Pitts and what he wrote; Bill White, the neo-Nazi
threatened him and thus enabled Pitts' to cry racism and victim
simultaneously, taking the heat off him for what he actually wrote,
which was that he couldn't care less about the reality of this
phenomenon, and allowing him to get away with what would have got any
White man fired immediately had the roles been reversed. Ever heard of
Channon Christian and Chris Newsom? Emily Rimel? Laura Dickenson and
Lauretta Codrington? Thought not.

Bill White's Ron Paul smear piece made him so unpopular among his
peers, who became convinced that he was an ADL/SPLC agent as a result
of it, that he went into full damage control mode, prompting the
Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] to come to his aid less than 24
hours later by issuing a quick denunciation of White, calling him
America's most "obnoxious neo-Nazi." White then proudly posted a link
to this denunciation in an effort to convince his skeptical peers that
he was a real Nazi and not working for the enemy. Let me assure the
reader, Bill White is NOT a real Nazi, he's probably Jewish and does
everything he can to make National Socialism look bad. When he targets
a group, as he occasionally does the twenty million illegal aliens
residing in this country and attacks them in his typical manner, he
makes them look as if they're the victims of a racist group of
virulent psychopaths, thus providing them with a measure of sympathy,
allowing the media to focus on this victim status, rather than the
undeniable fact that these people are in this country illegally and
must be removed. All the media needs to do today, after decades of
careful indoctrination, is to say neo-Nazis are persecuting someone or
some group, and they can miraculously change the entire direction an
issue has taken.

Think about it, we've got twenty million people living illegally in
this country, they're taking advantage of our health care system, our
educational system, government subsidies, forcing wages down,
competing with real Americans, bringing in antibiotic resistant
diseases, murdering our citizens, these illegals represent a very real
and very serious problem. Enter Bill White, who immediately receives a
level of media attention unheard of within the White Nationalist
community, who says we ought to round them all up and shoot them and
their children while proudly displaying a Swastika on his arm. Of
course the media immediately jumps all over this and in the end makes
the criminal aliens look like victims rather than the criminals they
truly are. What this then allows the Zionist media to do is to link
any criticism of illegal aliens to Bill White and the Nazis, the
implication being, "If you're against illegal aliens, YOU must be a
Nazi too." See the point of White's agenda now?

He does this all the time, some joker associated with Bill White
turned up at a legitimate anti-Black on White violence rally in
Knoxville TN last year ; the intention of which was to focus on the
untimely deaths of Channon Christian and Chris Newsome at the hands of
four black males and a black female, who engaged in such brutality in
the murder of these two that only the word animalistic accurately
describes their aberrant behavior, wearing a Swastika and giving the
White power salute. Well, can you imagine who it was the media focused
on? Do you think the media bothered to cover Channon and Chris`s
murders or the perpetrators? No way, they focused all of their
attention on the fake Nazi wearing the Swastika, de-legitimizing all
of the efforts of those that genuinely were concerned and sought to
organize a rally with a legitimate purpose in mind. Thanks Bill.

Some readers might think to themselves, "good, I'm glad there are
people out there subverting the racist agenda." Unfortunately, those
readers aren't yet able to understand that White isn't just subverting
the so-called "racist" agenda, he's exploiting it in an effort to draw
as much negative attention as possible to the legitimate concerns of
Americans - he's engineering a political and social environment that
equates criticism of illegal aliens, minority crime, welfare
subsidies, harmful homosexual activism, and other legitimate
issues/concerns with Nazis, enabling the media to spin the issues in
such a way that they can make the true victims, you and I, real
Americans, look as if we're so-called "racist" perpetrators for daring
to refuse to tolerate the intolerable!

Bill White was a relic of the bad old days. Nowdays we are clued up to
the agent provocateur tactics of the zionist devils. Here's to the
In article <5d5e0b5f-fa3e-4bba-b615-5a8f2d285b71
@v67g2000hse.googlegroups.com>, zx034blast56@bazooka.e4ward.com says...
> This is just one more example of COINTELPRO type actions being
> run to damage the interests of white Americans. Recently Hal
> Turner, fake "white activist", was exposed as an FBI informant/
> agent provocateur.

So you're in favor of what? Real nazis? Geez... "Boycott shampoo!
Demand the real poo!"

> ~~~~~~~~~~
> Wednesday, January 16, 2008
> How big is Bill White's American Nazi Party?
> By Curt Maynard
> Until recently, the American National Socialist Workers Party [ANSWP]
> was led by someone named Bill White. White grew up in a Jewish
> neighborhood, attended schools predominantly attended by Jewish
> children, joined the Communist Party USA, and once wrote for Pravda,
> the former Soviet Unions most prominent newspaper.
> In 2006, White appointed himself the "Commander" of the ANSWP and
> immediately began a well financed disinformation program designed to
> do several things:
> 1. To call attention to himself and to promote his divisive agenda.
> 2. To convince as many people as possible that National Socialism is a
> virulently racist political doctrine that excludes anyone with a skin
> tone darker than Bill Whites. This is demonstrably untrue.
> 3. To use the ANSWP platform to smear individuals that actually are
> dedicated and working to create a better world. Recently, the ANSWP
> has focused its efforts on Ron Paul.
> 4. To convince as many people as possible that the ANSWP has a large
> supporter base and is growing larger every day. [Demonstrably false]
> 5. Ultimately, to cast White people and White interests in as negative
> a light as possible. Bill White is an Illusionist, one of his greatest
> illusions is promoting the idea that he has any members or supporters
> at all. He's compelled to do this because he must explain how it is
> that he and his organization are financed; he can't just come out and
> say that he receives a monthly check from the ADL and SPLC can he?
> He's made a career out of smearing activists of all stripe, he doesn't
> hesitate to use the very Jewish tactic of Creation and innuendo, I.e.
> making something up and then using it to insinuate that his target is
> somehow associated with it, I.e. The Big Lie. He's accused a man named
> Jamie Kelso of being a gay pedophile for no other reason than the man
> has a higher than average pitched voice and once knew Kevin Alfred
> Strom, a man that recently plead guilty to possessing child porn in
Here is a quote from The Nameless War, by Captain A. H. M. Ramsay:

"The urgent alarm sounded in 1918 by Mr. Oudendyke in his letter
to Mr. Balfour (see page 25), denouncing bolshevism as a Jewish plan,
which if not checked by the combined action of the European powers,
would engulf Europe and the world, was no exaggeration. By the end of
that year the red flag was being hoisted in most of the great cities
of Europe. In Hungary the Jew Bela Kuhn organized and maintained for
some time a merciless and bloody tyranny similar to the one in Russia.
In Germany the Jews, Liebknecht, Barth, Scheidemann, Rosa Luxemburg,
etc., made a desperate bid for power. These and other similar
convulsions shook Europe; but each country in its own way just
frustated the onslaughts.

In most countries concerned a few voices were raised in the
endeavour to expose the true nature of these evils. Only in one,
however, did a political leader and group arise, who grasped to the
full the significance of these happenings, and perceived behind the
mobs of native hooligans the organisation and driving power of world
Jewry. This leader was Adolf Hitler, and his group the National
Socialist Party of Germany.

Never before in history had any country not only repulsed organized
revolution, but discerned Jewry behind it, and faced up to that fact.
We need not wonder that the sewers of Jewish vituperation were flooded
over these men and their leader; nor should we make the mistake of
supposing that Jewry would stick at any lie to deter honest men
everywhere from making a thorough investigation of the facts for
themselves. Nevertheless, if any value liberty, and set out to seek
truth and defend it, this duty of personal investigation is one which
they cannot shirk.

To accept unquestioningly the lies and misrepresentaions of a
Jew-controlled or influenced press, is to spurn truth by sheer
idleness, if for no worse reason."

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/
