Fake Nazi's - Bill White (Weiss) - Kosher Attack on Ron Paul



Many of the most strident "white supremacists", "neo-nazis" etc are
in fact govt informants/agents provocateurs.

Alleged White Supremacist Bill White`s Kosher Attack on Ron Paul.

By Curt Maynard

First and foremost I think it's important to point out to the reader
that Bill White isn't considered to be a real "white supremacist," by
most white nationalists, in fact, most white nationalists think he's a
Jew and openly refer to him as William Weiss, agent provocateur. Some
of the evidence is MORE than compelling. Having grown up in a
predominantly Jewish neighborhood and having attended predominantly
Jewish schools, in his youth, Bill White [nee Weiss] self admittedly
embraced communism, even going so far as to have worked for the
Communist Party USA itself, as recently as 1999. In all seriousness,
doesn't that sound suspiciously like something a young idealistic Jew
might do rather than a white supremacist? A Jew playing the role of an
American Nazi leader isn't anything new, Frank Collins [nee Cohen]did
it a number of years ago, and with some success, in that he initially
fooled many people. Of course the truth will always prevail in the

Perhaps some readers might be surprised to learn that Bill White, the
self appointed "leader" of the "American National Socialist Workers
Party," AKA American Nazi Party, has described his political views as
difficult to understand because they don't "really adhere to any
easily definable ideology. Libertarian and socialist is probably the
best way to define it, though you'll see traces of other ideologies
creep in around the sides," he once was quoted as saying. One wonders
if perhaps National Socialism was one of those ideologies that crept
in on occasion? I`d say not, as White doesn`t behave in a manner that
suggests anything but self promotion and calculated sabotage are at
the forefront of his mind and/or political agenda. White has
successfully involved himself in a number of "Nazi" rallies over the
last several years, something that FBI agents are also known to have
engaged in recently.

On December 20, 2007, after reading a post Bill White submitted on VNN
insinuating that Ron Paul frequently met with so-called "racists," and
"anti-Semites," at a restaurant in Washington DC, that I knew to be
erroneous and written for no other reason than to harm Paul's
campaign, I sent Michael Rivero of Whatreallyhappened.com some
information about Bill White which may have encouraged him to follow
up on White's most recent lies concerning this alleged relationship,
which also allegedly included a couple of unnamed members of
Stormfront, an alleged White Nationalist forum that has convinced me
over these last several months is like Bill White's website,
Overthrow.com, a Mossad front operation. What do you think Mike Rivero
found? Rivero found in a screen capture, that one of White's boys is
tied in with Jewish activism via something known as Megaphone, a tool
disseminated to Jewish Internet activists enabling them to profoundly
effect the results of certain Internet polls deemed to be of interest
to Israel and Zionism. It appears that one of White's [nee Weiss']
minions accidentally left his Megaphone icon on the screen capture,
thus exposing him and White for what they really are, Jewish
provocateurs, undoubtedly working for the ADL, SPLC or both! This
reminds me of something a real Nazi named Goebbels' once said about
subversive and desperate Zionist Jews:

"The Jews aren't always so clever as they would like themselves to
believe. Whenever they are in danger they prove to be the stupidest

To make a very long and boring tirade against Ron Paul as short as
possible, Bill White insisted that Congressman Ron Paul frequently met
with members of Stormfront and himself at an Asian restaurant of all
places in Washington DC called the Tara Thai. It took a couple of
hours but another VNN poster, un-enamored with Bill White found out
how White came up with the name of the restaurant and how he concocted
his story so that it would pass a superficial examination and appear
to be at least somewhat credible. A senior member at VNN blew White's
lies right out of the water when he noted that White didn't even know
which restaurant it was that some so-called "racists" in DC did in
fact occasionally frequent, the senior member stated that the name of
said restaurant wasn't Tara Thai as White had written, but was in fact
a different restaurant altogether called the Sala Thai. That poster
then proceeded to show where it was that White acquired the name Tara
Thai - Ron Paul's very own 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee's
Disbursement Report, where the Tara Thai restaurant is clearly listed,
but the restaurant where the so-called racists meet, I.e. the Sala
Thai isn`t. So our Talmudist either got his information wrong or he
figured that the names Tara Thai and Sala Thai were close enough that
nobody would notice. Take your pick. Either way White's a liar.

One doubtful VNNer pointed out the unlikelihood of it all, when he
commented on the idea that Ron Paul had ever met with Bill White, "Yes
that's right folks, Ron Paul regularly meets with an overweight former
member of the USA Communist party turned neo-nazi to discuss
international policy. Rumor has it that Bill White has already been
tapped for a high level cabinet position." Humorous yes, but humor and
parody had absolutely nothing to do with why Bill White posted this at
VNN, sabotage, disruption and harming Ron Paul's chances at winning
the primary was its point and purpose. White also knew Ron Paul
couldn't defend himself against such a ludicrous charge without
possibly alienating racially conscious whites on the Internet who do
in fact compose a relatively significant number of Ron Paul
supporters, not because they believe Ron Paul is sympathetic to their
views, he isn't and just about every white nationalist is well aware
of this fact, but because they believe he is the ONLY Presidential
candidate that won't institute Martial Law and arrest white
nationalists on sight. I count myself among these concerned
- call me paranoid if you like, it won't hurt my feelings The
government itself doesn't really care all that much about whether or
not racially aware whites condemn racial minorities like blacks and
Hispanics, Bill White has perfected the art of exacerbating racial
conflict between blacks and whites, and he's never been molested in
his divisive efforts or harassed by the Feds so far as I know. The
only other "neo-Nazi" I'm aware of that ever enjoyed such fortune and
luck was the above named Jewish Fuhrer Frank Collins. The Zio-American
entity does however care deeply about the fact that white nationalists
are without any doubt, the most vocal critics of organized Talmudic
Jewry on the Internet, that we're heavily armed, and that we're not
going to shut up. So, if you've ever found yourself wondering why it
is that white nationalists support Ron Paul, in a nutshell, it's
because Congressman Paul is the least likely candidate to impose
Martial Law and to go after racially conscious whites in an effort to
arrest and incarcerate them. Now you know the truth; there isn`t
anything sinister about it.

The most interesting thing about all of this, at least from my point
of view, is how it behooves us all, the racially conscious and the
lovers of diversity to work together in an effort to out the
Talmudists hiding among us, regardless of whether or not it's in a so-
called racist forum or in the ranks of the anti-War and 9-11 truth
movements. I certainly want White exposed for a number of reasons,
including the fact that he's set out to disrupt the Ron Paul
bandwagon, whereas you, the lover of diversity want Bill White exposed
for attempting to link Ron Paul with "white supremacists" in an effort
to discredit him and ruin his chances at getting the GOP nomination.
In the end though, and what I truly love about finding myself in bed
with such strange bedfellows, is that we're all seeing just how
desperate the Zionists are to derail Dr. Paul's candidacy. And if
you're paying attention you'll also see and perhaps better understand
how it is that white nationalism has received such a bad rap over the
last several decades, people just like Bill Weiss, with covert media
and law enforcement connections, doing everything they can to
discredit our views and to alienate our fellow Americans against us.
We're finally seeing how certain elements within Talmudic Judaism are
not only a real tangible problem for white nationalists, but are also
out to manipulate and control the American electoral process.

Bill White's ultimate desire was that his entire bogus story would be
picked up by the mainstream media and that they'd use it to embarrass
Dr. Paul. But fortunately, thanks to several so-called racists at VNN
and the very anti-racist Michael Rivero, this is not going to happen.
Great teamwork guys, keep it up! Hopefully, by working together, we
can make sure that Bill White's lies will be so effectively revealed
in the next few hours that there won't be a blind 12-year old boy in
St. Petersburg Russia that will naively believe Bill White is an
American Nazi leader by tomorrow night.
