Fake Photos Helped Lead U.S. to Invade Iraq


Gandalf Grey

Fake Photos Helped Lead U.S. to Invade Iraq

By Walter Brasch
Created Sep 2 2007 - 10:12am

Add faked photos to the list of lies told by the Bush-Cheney Administration
before its invasion of Iraq.

In a town hall meeting in Bloomsburg, Pa., this week, Rep. Paul Kanjorski, a
12-term congressman, said that shortly before Congress was scheduled to vote
on authorizing military force against Iraq, top officials of the CIA showed
select members of Congress three photographs it alleged were Iraqi Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), better known as drones. Kanjorski said he was told
that the drones were capable of carrying nuclear, biological, or chemical
agents, and could strike 1,000 miles inland of east coast or west coast

Kanjorski said he and four or five other congressmen in the room were told
UAVs could be on freighters headed to the U.S. Both secretary of state
Condoleezza Rice and President Bush wandered into and out of the briefing
room, Kanjorski said.

Kanjorski said it was the second time he was called to the White House for a
briefing. He had opposed giving the President the powers to go to war, and
said that he hadn't changed his mind after a first meeting. Until he saw the
pictures, Kanjorski said, "I hadn't thought that Iraq was a threat." That
second meeting changed everything. After he left that meeting, said
Kanjorski, he was willing to give the President the authorization he wanted
since the drones "represented an imminent danger."

Kanjorski said he went to see Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), a retired Marine
colonel. Murtha, said Kanjorski, "turned white" when told about the drones;
Murtha, a former intelligence officer, believed that such information was

Several years later, Kanjorski said he learned that the pictures were "a
god-damned lie," apparently taken by CIA photographers in the desert in the
southwest of the U.S. The drone story itself had already been disproved,
although not many major media carried that story.

In October 2002, President Bush said in Cincinnati that Iraq had the ability
to deliver weapons of mass destruction to eastern U.S. cities. He
specifically referred to the drones as the delivery mechanisms that were
ready to deliver weapons of mass destruction within 1,000 miles of the east
or west coasts. In that same speech, he claimed, "Iraq possesses ballistic
missiles with a likely range of hundreds of miles--far enough to strike
Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, and other nations--in a region where more than
135,000 American civilians and service members live and work." Bush further
claimed, "Surveillance photos reveal that the regime is rebuilding
facilities that it had used to produce chemical and biological weapons."
Those claims were later proven false.

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) said that at the time the President made his
speech, intelligence analysts had already discounted that threat. Nelson had
told Florida Today in December 2003 that no analysts had "found anything
that resembles an UAV that has that capability." Any drones that Iraq did
have, John Pike, director of Global Security, a major military and
intelligence "think tank," told Florida Today, had limited range, and would
not be able to target Tel Aviv, let alone the U.S.

Nelson, on the floor of the Senate in January 2004, said that the
information presented by the Administration was crucial in getting him and
others to authorize a pre-emptive strike.

[Assisting on this story were Bill Frost, and John and Sandy Walker. In a
four-day period after that meeting in northeast Pennsylvania, Rep. Kanjorski
did not return phone calls to follow up on his statements. The Department of
Defense and the CIA did not comment. Certain representatives who could
confirm the meeting were unavailable. Dr. Brasch, an award-winning
journalist and journalism professor, is author of America's Unpatriotic
Acts: The Federal Government's Violation of Constitutional and Civil Rights
and 'Unaccepted': The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina. Forthcoming is
Sinking the Ship of State: The Presidency of George W. Bush]

About author Walter Brasch's current books are America's Unpatriotic Acts:
The Federal Government's Violation of Constitutional and Civil Rights and
'Unacceptable': The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina. Both are
available through amazon.com and other on-line sources. You may contact Dr.
Brasch at brasch@bloomu.edu [1], or through his website,
www.walterbrasch.com [1]. Readers may also wish to order Making Burros Fly:
Cleveland Amory, Animal Rights Pioneer, by Julie Hoffman Marshall.

NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not
always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material
available to advance understanding of
political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. I
believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as
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"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit,
and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
-Thomas Jefferson
fake photos, fake stories, fake everything...

haven't you got the picture by now, the whole ****ing invasion was one
big lie just to accommodate the insane invader's get saddam wet dream....
Gandalf Grey wrote:
> Fake Photos Helped Lead U.S. to Invade Iraq

But the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate said Bush was lying.
How do these congressmen justify voting for war based on that fact?

U.S. Air Force: Iraqi drones not usable as weapons
CNews (Canada)
Sun, August 24, 2003

Instead, these analysts believed the drones posed no threat to Iraq's
neighbours or the United States, officials in Washington and scientists
involved in the weapons hunt in Iraq told The Associated Press.

The official air force intelligence dissent is noted in the October 2002
National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq's weapons programs, parts of
which were declassified last month as the administration tried to defend
its case for war.

"We didn't see there was a very large chance they (UAVs) would be used
to attack the continental United States," Bob Boyd, director of the Air
Force Intelligence Analysis Agency, said in an AP interview. "We didn't
see them as a big threat to the homeland."

Instead, the air force believed Iraq's UAV programs were for reconnad,
the air force believed Iraq's UAV programs were for reconnaissance, as
are most American UAVs. Intelligence on the drones suggested they were
not large enough to carry much more than a camera and a video recorder,
Boyd said.


So there you have it. The US Army and the pre war NIE said Bush was lying.

Impeach Bush

Impeach Search Engine
"abelincoln" <bushsucks@whitehouse.com> wrote in message
> fake photos, fake stories, fake everything...
> haven't you got the picture by now, the whole ****ing invasion was one big
> lie just to accommodate the insane invader's get saddam wet dream....

Where is Saddam?


Good job George!
On Wed, 5 Sep 2007 16:30:08 -0400, "Patsy Lames" <NonPatriot@AntiAmerica.com> wrote:

>"abelincoln" <bushsucks@whitehouse.com> wrote in message
>> fake photos, fake stories, fake everything...
>> haven't you got the picture by now, the whole ****ing invasion was one big
>> lie just to accommodate the insane invader's get saddam wet dream....

>Where is Saddam?

Far below Bush and Cheney on the list of those
who kill Iraqis and Americans ...
On Sep 5, 4:30 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
> "abelincoln" <bushsu...@whitehouse.com> wrote in message
> news:APKdnadQg7wOfUDbnZ2dnUVZ_uHinZ2d@rcn.net...
> > fake photos, fake stories, fake everything...
> > haven't you got the picture by now, the whole ****ing invasion was one big
> > lie just to accommodate the insane invader's get saddam wet dream....

> Where is Saddam?
> Dead.
> Good job George!


He killed 3,741 Americans to.

Good Job, George!

Rightards, like you, think Americans are almost worthless.

You think trading 3,741 Americans for 1 Saddam is such a good deal
that you gloat about it.

You don't even mind that they died for a lie, just so long as you get
to pretend you're a tough guy instead of a cowardly little pissant.

Here's a clue for you.

Their deaths don't make you a warrior.
SilentOtto wrote:
> On Sep 5, 4:30 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> "abelincoln" <bushsu...@whitehouse.com> wrote in message
>> news:APKdnadQg7wOfUDbnZ2dnUVZ_uHinZ2d@rcn.net...
>>> fake photos, fake stories, fake everything...
>>> haven't you got the picture by now, the whole ****ing invasion was
>>> one big lie just to accommodate the insane invader's get saddam wet
>>> dream....

>> Where is Saddam?
>> Dead.
>> Good job George!

> Yea...
> He killed 3,741 Americans to.
> Good Job, George!
> Rightards, like you, think Americans are almost worthless.
> You think trading 3,741 Americans for 1 Saddam is such a good deal
> that you gloat about it.
> You don't even mind that they died for a lie, just so long as you get
> to pretend you're a tough guy instead of a cowardly little pissant.
> Here's a clue for you.
> Their deaths don't make you a warrior.

As usual, PG is an ass.
bush,jr wiped out Iran's most potent enemy.
Where are over 3000 Americans after Saddam was toppled?


Great job Bushie!

"Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote in message
> "abelincoln" <bushsucks@whitehouse.com> wrote in message
> news:APKdnadQg7wOfUDbnZ2dnUVZ_uHinZ2d@rcn.net...
> > fake photos, fake stories, fake everything...
> > haven't you got the picture by now, the whole ****ing invasion was one

> > lie just to accommodate the insane invader's get saddam wet dream....

> Where is Saddam?
> Dead.
> Good job George!
"SilentOtto" <silentotto@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> On Sep 5, 4:30 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> "abelincoln" <bushsu...@whitehouse.com> wrote in message
>> news:APKdnadQg7wOfUDbnZ2dnUVZ_uHinZ2d@rcn.net...
>> > fake photos, fake stories, fake everything...
>> > haven't you got the picture by now, the whole ****ing invasion was one
>> > big
>> > lie just to accommodate the insane invader's get saddam wet dream....

>> Where is Saddam?
>> Dead.
>> Good job George!

> Yea...
> He killed 3,741 Americans to.
> Good Job, George!
> Rightards, like you, think Americans are almost worthless.
> You think trading 3,741 Americans for 1 Saddam is such a good deal
> that you gloat about it.

I'm also counting in there the several hundred thousand Iraqi military we
killed, the ten ot twenty thousand terrorists we killed, and the several
hundred thousand Iraqi civilians that Saddam didn't get a chance to kill.

> Here's a clue for you.

You have to have one before you can offer one.

> Their deaths don't make you a warrior.

I agree. I made me a warrior a long time ago.
On Sep 6, 4:51 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
> "SilentOtto" <silento...@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1189030469.240703.220480@d55g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...
> > On Sep 5, 4:30 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
> >> "abelincoln" <bushsu...@whitehouse.com> wrote in message
> >>news:APKdnadQg7wOfUDbnZ2dnUVZ_uHinZ2d@rcn.net...
> >> > fake photos, fake stories, fake everything...
> >> > haven't you got the picture by now, the whole ****ing invasion was one
> >> > big
> >> > lie just to accommodate the insane invader's get saddam wet dream....
> >> Where is Saddam?
> >> Dead.
> >> Good job George!

> > Yea...
> > He killed 3,741 Americans to.
> > Good Job, George!
> > Rightards, like you, think Americans are almost worthless.
> > You think trading 3,741 Americans for 1 Saddam is such a good deal
> > that you gloat about it.

> I'm also counting in there the several hundred thousand Iraqi military we
> killed,

George said we weren't there to fight the Iraqi military, remember?

And, they didn't, in fact, put up much of a fight.

If we killed several hundred thousand of them (a number I know you
pulled out of your rightard ass), then it was a major **** up.

What a surprise...

The Bush administration ****ing up...

Further, don't you spend much of your time denying the studies that
say we've killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis?

Yet, here you are, reveling in the deaths of people who didn't fight

You're bloodthirstiness makes Saddam look like a Girl Scout.

And, you call Muslims evil....

> the ten ot twenty thousand terrorists we killed,

You mean al Qaeda...

That's the rightard party line...

Anyone we kill in Iraq is al Qaeda.

Even when the al Qaeda are fourteen year old girls and their

Remember that or they'll kick you out of the rightard party.

>and the several
> hundred thousand Iraqi civilians that Saddam didn't get a chance to kill.


We killed them ourselves instead.

Showed Saddam what REAL butchery is like...

That must give you a nice warm glow...

> > Here's a clue for you.

> You have to have one before you can offer one.
> > Their deaths don't make you a warrior.

> I agree. I made me a warrior a long time ago.


A warrior is someone who goes out and fights, not hides under their
bed in a puddle of pee.

You guys aren't called "chicken-hawks" for nothing, after all...
"SilentFart" <silentfart@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> On Sep 6, 4:51 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> "SilentOtto" <silento...@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:1189030469.240703.220480@d55g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...
>> > On Sep 5, 4:30 pm, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
>> >> "abelincoln" <bushsu...@whitehouse.com> wrote in message
>> >>news:APKdnadQg7wOfUDbnZ2dnUVZ_uHinZ2d@rcn.net...
>> >> > fake photos, fake stories, fake everything...
>> >> > haven't you got the picture by now, the whole ****ing invasion was
>> >> > one
>> >> > big
>> >> > lie just to accommodate the insane invader's get saddam wet
>> >> > dream....
>> >> Where is Saddam?
>> >> Dead.
>> >> Good job George!
>> > Yea...
>> > He killed 3,741 Americans to.
>> > Good Job, George!
>> > Rightards, like you, think Americans are almost worthless.
>> > You think trading 3,741 Americans for 1 Saddam is such a good deal
>> > that you gloat about it.

>> I'm also counting in there the several hundred thousand Iraqi military we
>> killed,

> George said we weren't there to fight the Iraqi military, remember?

During the initial invasion we most certainly were. And did.

> And, they didn't, in fact, put up much of a fight.

There's no such thing in war.

In war you run away, fight and die, or surrender.

> If we killed several hundred thousand of them (a number I know you
> pulled out of your rightard ass), then it was a major **** up.

No, its called WAR.

> Further, don't you spend much of your time denying the studies that
> say we've killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis?

The UN debunked that already.

> Yet, here you are, reveling in the deaths of people who didn't fight
> us.....

There's no such thing in war.

In war you run away, fight and die, or surrender.

> You're bloodthirstiness makes Saddam look like a Girl Scout.

No, Saddam looks exactly like what he is: Dead, decomposing, with **** in
his pants.

> And, you call Muslims evil....

Yes, they are.

>> the ten ot twenty thousand terrorists we killed,

> You mean al Qaeda...
> That's the rightard party line...

Its an estimate. Nobody really knows.

> Anyone we kill in Iraq is al Qaeda.

No, foreign terrorists are Al Qaeda. Insurgents are mostly Iraqi. If you
spent less time with your nose in an Arab's asscrack you might learn

> Even when the al Qaeda are fourteen year old girls and their
> mothers...

One of the many reason why Al Qaeda and Muslims are evil and need to be
exterminated. They recruit and hide behind women and children.

>>and the several
>> hundred thousand Iraqi civilians that Saddam didn't get a chance to kill.

> Yea...
> We killed them ourselves instead.


>> > Here's a clue for you.

>> You have to have one before you can offer one.
>> > Their deaths don't make you a warrior.

>> I agree. I made me a warrior a long time ago.

> No...
> A warrior is someone who goes out and fights

Been there. Done that.

> You guys aren't called "chicken-hawks" for nothing, after all...


You mean like Buckwheat? He never served but he advocates invading

You mean like Hitlary? She never served but she voted FOR the Iraq War.

You mean like Edwards? He never served but he voted FOR the Iraq War.