Fall Television Season


New member
We all know (at least here in America) all the new shows started/start basically this week. So what shows are you looking forward to?

I saw Heroes yesterday and was semi disappointed. There were moments where I was like oh snap and then there were moments where I was like **** this is really going no where. But it's the first episode so ill give it time.

Besides that im really only looking forward to the Office(American)

Lost doesnt start up until next march so lol thoes two current shows are the only things i have as of now



New member
*thinks* Uhm well Metalocalypse on Adult Swim I saw the first episode to season 2...and hmm Family Guy, and Simpsons which I saw also


New member
-CSI (regular and N.Y.)

House M.D.


Two and a half men

How i met your mother

Criminal Minds

yeah i know, i watch alot of tv, but its the only time i get for myself really. I think there are a few more in there, but i'm not sure.



New member
I've really cut down on watching television lately

but as per usual I'll follow Prison break, Lost, L&O SVU, ER and maybe some other stuff here and there, if it comes on telly here...like maybe Scrubs and Knights of prosperity



New member
I want to see Knights of Prosperity, i saw the episode where they tried to rob McJagger...idunno how to spell DONT HATE MEE


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Prison Break deffinately....I hope it stays on a good level.

Season 4 of Entourage just finished....I hope it comes back soon....does anyone know how long their breaks are?



New member
We're still in the first series of Heroes over here, but yeah I'll be watching that.

Other than that just my regular dose of Corrie and Emmerdale haha.

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