Fallen Moment: A poem


New member
As days go by

Emotions change

But certain thoughts

They never change

The minutes pass

The hours

The days

But certain moments

They just stay the same.

From good to bad

And bad to good

The paintings change

But not the frame

All is lost

Inside this hole

Hole of pain, of darkness, and cold

Its like a puzzle

Of identical squares

Too many ways

The shapes can be paired

And when your finished

It always seems

That the final result

Hasnt even changed.

Your back where you started

Trying to dust off the pain

But you cant figure out

how to washout the stain

the waters dirty

the cloth is dry

life stands still

and you start to cry

peaceful as a dove

but you can not fly

your locked in this moment

as life passes you by.


Dark Rain

New member
i like it...there are a few places that didnt flow well...but you mad up for it wiht alot of REALY good lines...
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