Fat **** Commie Idiot Chavez Warns of Assassination Plot


Patriot Games


Chavez Warns of Assassination Plot

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

CARACAS, Venezuela -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez warned on Wednesday
that a plot to assassinate him was being hatched in Guatemala, saying he
might not attend the inauguration of the country's new president next month
because of the alleged scheme.

"I've received very recent information that worries us about Guatemala and
puts at risk my attendance at the swearing-in of President (Alvaro) Colom,"
Chavez told a news conference in Venezuela's capital, Caracas.

Chavez, an outspoken critic of President Bush, has alleged similar plots in
the past and accused Washington of backing the plan.

"The government of the United States, is always conspiring _ not only to
overthrow me (but), sometimes, even to kill me," Chavez said. "Hopefully
there is a way to neutralize these plans."

U.S. officials have repeatedly dismissed Chavez's accusations of U.S.-backed
plots as ridiculous. A U.S. Embassy spokeswoman in Caracas did not
immediately return a message seeking comment.

Juan Carlos Leal, director of Guatemala's SAAS security force which guards
visiting dignitaries, denied having any knowledge of the purported plot,
saying "we haven't heard anything about this."

Guatemala's government had not received information regarding Chavez's plans
for the Jan. 14 inauguration, Leal said.

Chavez suggested that Luis Posada Carriles, a 79-year-old former CIA
operative and fierce opponent of Fidel Castro living in the United States,
was involved in the alleged conspiracy, but he did not elaborate.

The governments of Cuba and Venezuela want Posada extradited to face charges
that he plotted a deadly 1976 bombing of a Cuban jetliner while living in
Caracas. Posada has denied he was involved.
On Dec 27, 4:36 am, "Patriot Games" <Patr...@America.com> wrote:
> http://www.newsmax.com/international/venezuela_guatemala_plot/2007/12...
> Chavez Warns of Assassination Plot
> Wednesday, December 26, 2007
> CARACAS, Venezuela -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez warned on Wednesday
> that a plot to assassinate him was being hatched in Guatemala, saying he
> might not attend the inauguration of the country's new president next month
> because of the alleged scheme.
> "I've received very recent information that worries us about Guatemala and
> puts at risk my attendance at the swearing-in of President (Alvaro) Colom,"
> Chavez told a news conference in Venezuela's capital, Caracas.
> Chavez, an outspoken critic of President Bush, has alleged similar plots in
> the past and accused Washington of backing the plan.
> "The government of the United States, is always conspiring _ not only to
> overthrow me (but), sometimes, even to kill me," Chavez said. "Hopefully
> there is a way to neutralize these plans."
> U.S. officials have repeatedly dismissed Chavez's accusations of U.S.-backed
> plots as ridiculous. A U.S. Embassy spokeswoman in Caracas did not
> immediately return a message seeking comment.
> Juan Carlos Leal, director of Guatemala's SAAS security force which guards
> visiting dignitaries, denied having any knowledge of the purported plot,
> saying "we haven't heard anything about this."
> Guatemala's government had not received information regarding Chavez's plans
> for the Jan. 14 inauguration, Leal said.
> Chavez suggested that Luis Posada Carriles, a 79-year-old former CIA
> operative and fierce opponent of Fidel Castro living in the United States,
> was involved in the alleged conspiracy, but he did not elaborate.
> The governments of Cuba and Venezuela want Posada extradited to face charges
> that he plotted a deadly 1976 bombing of a Cuban jetliner while living in
> Caracas. Posada has denied he was involved.

The U.S. plotting to assassinate and overthrow a foreign leader?? The
U.S. stands for everything great in the world. Transparency, Honor and
True Peaceful Democratic Values. It is an outrage Chavez would think
the U.S. would sink so low! An outrage I tell you!