Fat Fred endangering his own health

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

Fat Fred should be careful -- a man his age can hurt himself seriously
with his flip-flops.

Last week, perpetual presidential water-tester Fred Thompson was asked
by CNN if he would "actively push a constitutional amendment banning
gay marriage?" His answer was pretty clear:

Yes, yes, I think that with regard to gay marriage you have a full-
faith-and-credit issue. I don't think one state ought to be able to
pass a law requiring gay marriage, or allowing gay marriage, and have
another state be required to follow along, under full faith and
credit. There's some exceptions and exemptions for that.
Shortly thereafter, he issued a "clarification":

In an interview with CNN today, former Senator Fred Thompson's
position on constitutional amendments concerning gay marriage was
Thompson believes that states should be able to adopt their own laws
on marriage consistent with the views of their citizens.


Fred Thompson does not support a constitutional amendment to ban gay

So does Thompson support or oppose this proposed constitutional
amendment? Nobody really seems to know - except, of course, Gary

American Values president Gary Bauer believes Thompson's campaign
fumbled the ball, and he calls the flap the "growing pains" of a
campaign that is trying to get started.
"A number of us have met privately with Senator Thompson, and he's
made it absolutely clear that he opposes same-sex marriage," says
Bauer. During that conversation, Bauer shares, the former senator
voluntarily explained that while he is a federalist -- that is, he
favors states making most of the important decisions affecting them --
he also realizes there are some things that cannot be left to the

"And [he said] one of those is marriage," says the American Values
president. "[He said that] marriage, if it's going to be between a man
and a woman, has to be between a man and a woman in every state."
Bauer also points out that when Thompson served in the U.S. Senate, he
voted for the Defense of Marriage Act.


Bauer expects "further clarification" from Team Thompson in the next
few days that will make if "absolutely clear that [Thompson] does
support a federal marriage amendment." And although he acknowledges
that such legislation will be almost impossible to pass, Bauer
believes the pro-family movement will want to support a candidate who
favors such an amendment.
In this video, Fred Thompson declares his undying love for defeated
republican (and racially insensitive gaffe-meister) George "Macaca"

The clip of George Allen referring to a dark-skinned man as a type of
monkey is from 2006. The clip of Fred Thompson saying "I wish I could
have done more [to get George "Quite possibly racist but definitely
stupid" Allen elected] is, shockingly, from just a few months ago at
the Virginia State Republican Convention.

Shame on You Fred.
