Fat People Are Bad People


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
My apologies for grotesquely and tragically overstating the obvious. Don't bother with the predictable - show us yer proof! mantra - it's all around you. The ocean of wobbling flesh that hems you in, shuts you out, primes your funnybone, violates your aesthetic values and empties you wallet in paying for their self-inflicted medical atrocities, not to mention the evil harm they inflict on their overindulged offspring. Don't look in their fridges and pantries unless you're militarily braced for it - nothing can prepare you beforehand - be warned!

The evil fatsos have the ultimate, built-in autopilot for averting any criticism - one less than perfect review and they launch the reflex-guided weapon, the BIG FAT LIAR! You are immediately punished for even thinking sideways about their disgusting overindulgences. They forever trot out the endless wardrobe of euphemisms, excuses, spin lines, PC psychobabble and nauseating 'have a nice day' Jumping Jimmy Jargon - and it's NEVER their fault!There's always someone (else) to blame. Always some spurious 'medical problem' or 'society's out to get me' cop-out. They will avoid one thing like the plague - Plain English - "I'm just big boned" - no, you're just a fat, lazy, arrogant slob! - a disgusting gobbling machine! "Ive tried everything and it doesn't work' - try dining via enema! All McCrapperies should have a special 'bum baguette' section of reinforced concrete.

They lie to everyone about anything that puts a spotlight on their vile, addictive obsession, their rabid agenda for morbid glutinous gratification - "whaddayamean, 'consequences'?" The species 'Gargantuanis MacPorkis' are rude, arrogant, spiteful, obsessive, grumpy, vain, - all the traits of their opposite fellow non-flesh-devouring comrades, the snarling, feral lycra-clad cyclist vermin (Cyclopsis Terribilis Australis).

When I become dictator of all Australia (and New Zealand) I shall build special purpose, intensive concentration camps just for the evil fatsos. I will train my team of jackbooted Gut Gestapo to de-flab, de-arrogantise and de-grumpificate these morbid, moronic blots on the backside of society. I shall inflict the cruellest legacy imaginable - with the correct torture (wellbeing techniques) I shall turn these evil blubbermongers into happy, lithe, healthy and productive members of society - all dragged kicking and screaming against their own will and inclination into their worst nightmare - a healthy state. I shall commit the ultimate horror - cast them - and keep them - in their own personal Devil's Gulag - a permanent state of generous wellbeing! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Die-t!, Evil Fatsos! Let us prey.
You know I set a weight, 215, that I will not go over.When I get to that point I regulate my diet until I get down to around 200. Get to 200 I can eat like a glutton again.
hugo said:
You know I set a weight, 215, that I will not go over.When I get to that point I regulate my diet until I get down to around 200. Get to 200 I can eat like a glutton again.
****, Hugo, you must be either a food critic or a journalist - love your work. Cheers!
I actually lose my appetite when having to watch a fat ass eat. For example, my Friend has a grossly obese teenage boy. Lazy video game playing sloth that doesn't move unless he has to. There have been a few times when I was over at their house and was asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. Just listening to the boy struggle to breath while slurping chicken off the bone turned my stomach in every direction. I no longer accept the offer for a free dinner, no matter how hungry I am.

Upon my first viewing them, obese people instantly lose my respect. I see it all the time at the grocery store. Some 350 pound lazy **** toolin' around in the handi-capped shopping carts. As if less exercise is the answer to their problem. Meanwhile some where in Gotham, a man with a prosthetic leg is happy as **** to walk himself about.

Obesity is no more a disease then is addiction. Yet in our PC society, it has become categorized as such. Why? I assume its because there is a lot of money to be made from the treatment of the "disease".
Jhony5 wrote:
Obesity is no more a disease then is addiction. Yet in our PC society, it has become categorized as such. Why? I assume its because there is a lot of money to be made from the treatment of the "disease".
Right on target, buddy! Just ask yourself: "Which CEO of which multiwhatever would pass up the opportunity to make a huge buck out of people's misery? Then Google up the name of the drug cartel which once dumped slimming pills in Ethiopia - how's that for cynicism? Cheers!
"Bad people" is a subjective term. To me it means a person who's actions are directly detrimental to others. Fat ass lazy people are in reality, only bad for themselves. Its your business if you want to eat a pound of bacon, 4 eggs, and a chocolate cake for breakfast. Just don't expect me to feel sorry for ya.

Posted by NazztyNegg:
Not following God’s law - Brigham Young (Founding Mormon prophet) once said: “Man was placed on earth to work with his hands”

Please don't quote anything from the Mormons ever again or I will personally track you down and take a dump on your chest.

1. Not following natural laws - Over grazing, is a catastrophically destructive behavior in herd animas, and just like any other herd animal they should be punished when engaged in non-productive behavior.
Actually, the "overgrazing" you speak of is the by-product of an overabundance of food. If there was a food shortage in America, then your point would be valid. Fat people are punished for their behavior. Everytime they must manage a task that is hindered by their own being.
3. Not following genetic law – Every person has a indisputable process intertwined with their DNA helix, and that is to “Pass it on” in a Nietzschean world, fat people are literally “Bad People”
When I see a family of four, a mother, father, and their two children. I always wonder "Do those kids HAVE to be fat"? I may be wrong, but I don't think there is an obesity gene that has been discovered in DNA.

Aside from a few select medical issues, one can not get fat without overeating. I don't remember seeing any fat ass Jews in those Auschwitz films.
Flatearther said:
When I become dictator of all Australia (and New Zealand) I shall build special purpose, intensive concentration camps just for the evil fatsos. I will train my team of jackbooted Gut Gestapo to de-flab, de-arrogantise and de-grumpificate these morbid, moronic blots on the backside of society. I shall inflict the cruellest legacy imaginable - with the correct torture (wellbeing techniques) I shall turn these evil blubbermongers into happy, lithe, healthy and productive members of society - all dragged kicking and screaming against their own will and inclination into their worst nightmare - a healthy state. I shall commit the ultimate horror - cast them - and keep them - in their own personal Devil's Gulag - a permanent state of generous wellbeing! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Die-t!, Evil Fatsos! Let us prey.

And how do you plan to cure the alcoholics, drug abusers, compulsive gamblers and sex addicts, your dictatorship? All of those "diseases" along with food addiction are detrimental to a person's ability to be a "happy, lithe, healthy and productive members of society". I don't think one overindulgant lifestyle should be labeled more evil than another, do you? I think your hands are going to be quite full purging many forms of evil from your precious lands and restoring everyone equally to a healthy state of being.
Eliminate socialism and "nature red in tooth and claw" will take care of the addicts of all types.
hugo said:
Eliminate socialism and "nature red in tooth and claw" will take care of the addicts of all types.
Natural selection would cure them of their ills if they did not have a society to leech from. Remove the parasite from the host, and it dies.
Ahhlee said:
And how do you plan to cure the alcoholics, drug abusers, compulsive gamblers and sex addicts, your dictatorship? All of those "diseases" along with food addiction are detrimental to a person's ability to be a "happy, lithe, healthy and productive members of society". I don't think one overindulgant lifestyle should be labeled more evil than another, do you? I think your hands are going to be quite full purging many forms of evil from your precious lands and restoring everyone equally to a healthy state of being.
In principle, it works like this. I had a friend - a big, like really big fat bearded folksinger (now gone to the great fat farm in the sky, why was no one surprised & amazed?) who was enough in belly & arm to make any Sumo wrestler look like a matchstick. I said to him "Dave, if a bunch of food terrorists were to kidnap you and take you to a tropical island & gave you nothing to chew on but what the monkeys eat, and you had your natural levels of minerals restored, within a year they'd have you competing with some really fine athletes. Within two years, you could get serious about the Olympics. Once the vicious cycle is broken, all other goodies & touchy feelies ensue as a natural consequence and the tallow tub is transformed into a cruise ship"

Not only did he laugh at me then, but also the day we cremated him. Such is wisdom. Most folks in nursing homes are not even at one third of their biological potential, because they're malnourished - by the quality, not the quantitiy of what they devour. Check out (Google "American Longevity") an American vet called Dr Joel Wallach and his rave about colloidal minerals - they actually stop you feeling like you're 103. Australian bats eat the finest nature can provide (figs) but they still need to fly 2000 kilometres to lick the mineral laden mud for balance. Thereby endeth the lesson, my bretheren - let us prey.
Flatearther said:
In principle, it works like this. I had a friend - a big, like really big fat bearded folksinger (now gone to the great fat farm in the sky, why was no one surprised & amazed?) who was enough in belly & arm to make any Sumo wrestler look like a matchstick. I said to him "Dave, if a bunch of food terrorists were to kidnap you and take you to a tropical island & gave you nothing to chew on but what the monkeys eat, and you had your natural levels of minerals restored, within a year they'd have you competing with some really fine athletes. Within two years, you could get serious about the Olympics. Once the vicious cycle is broken, all other goodies & touchy feelies ensue as a natural consequence and the tallow tub is transformed into a cruise ship"

I'm certainly not arguing that your cure would work. Put a food addict on a tropical island where they must hunt and gather their own food, and they will return to a natural body weight. Put a gambler on a tropical island where there are no casinos and he won't gamble, and put a smoker there and he'll no longer crave nicotine. Put a sex addict on a tropical island and he'll probably masturbate like mad and try to **** the monkeys, but I digress.

By isolating addicts from their source of addiction, and you will certainly cure the physical side of the disease, even though the withdrawls will most certainly be unpleasant. Great, problem solved. Now the evil doer can be a contributing member of a good, clean society again. But wait, during that isolation period where the physical symptoms were cured, was any work done to help the emotional attachments to the addiction? Suddenly they are able to freely obtain their old vices and odds are they may slide back into the same old habits....and again become nothing but fat, nicotine sucking, bankrupt, meth using specimens of evil.
Ahhlee wrote:

But wait, during that isolation period where the physical symptoms were cured, was any work done to help the emotional attachments to the addiction? Suddenly they are able to freely obtain their old vices and odds are they may slide back into the same old habits....and again become nothing but fat, nicotine sucking, bankrupt, meth using specimens of evil.

Lovely, sharp bit of thinking there, AH - I like the cut of yer jib (International Talk Like A Pirate Day starts tomorrow - www.yarr.org.uk). What it does of course, is present us with the dilemma - are humans but mere animals best left to chew the cud whilst awaiting the trip to the slaughterhouse, or is there some loftier purpose ABOVE those fine, Golden Arches? A fine opportunity for an interesting new thread, sez I sir!

Perhaps there is a reason that our ancestors all got communally pissed and enjoyed all manner of outrageous 'entertainments'. The drug our own bodies produce (endorphins) have a 200 times stronger effect than the best heroin (according to the hospital anaesthetist I once was chatting with). Food - and even the notion of food - is capable of releasing this wondrous substance that we so desperately crave. I happen to be a useless drunk. Booze sets me to sleep - I'm a whisky waster - it doesn't convert to the opiates that other folks are blessed (or cursed ) with. But give me an innocent codeine tablet (ostensibly for congestion) & I'm truly off with every pixie in flying distance (a faerie slut, if you will). So really, the question, when articulated, runs: "Can one commit a crime by one's self on a desert island?" Otherwise, we are all our brother's keeper or inquisitor. Thereby endeth the lesson. Let us prey.
Can one commit a crime by one's self on a desert island?"

If you poor a quart of oil in the ocean, then ya, your breaking the law.

Thereby endeth the lesson

What lesson pal? I must have missed the obvious then.

I think its common knowledge that if one chooses from the congealed food group on a daily basis, they stand to gain more body fat then if they had chosen something lighter. However I eat lots of bad things, almost daily. As well as fruits, vegetables, and other so called good things. At 6'1 I've never weighed more then 180.
Jhony5 said:
If you poor a quart of oil in the ocean, then ya, your breaking the law.

What lesson pal? I must have missed the obvious then.

I think its common knowledge that if one chooses from the congealed food group on a daily basis, they stand to gain more body fat then if they had chosen something lighter. However I eat lots of bad things, almost daily. As well as fruits, vegetables, and other so called good things. At 6'1 I've never weighed more then 180.

It's also body type. I live off of pop tarts and diet coke and I weigh 96 pounds.

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