Faulty rules blamed for gun's firing in ****pit


Patriot Games


Faulty rules blamed for gun's firing
March 28, 2008

Inadequate handgun rules designed by Department of Homeland Security
officials are to blame for last weekend's accidental discharge of a pistol
by a commercial pilot during landing preparations, a pilots association said

"The pilot has to take his gun off and lock it up before he leaves the
****pit, so he was trying to secure the gun in preparation for landing,
while he was trying to fly the airplane, too," said David Mackett, president
of the Airline Pilots Security Alliance. "In the process of doing that, the
padlock that is required to be inserted into the holster pulled the trigger
and caused the gun to discharge."

The unnamed US Airways pilot, who was landing at Charlotte/Douglas (N.C.)
International Airport, has been placed on leave by the airline since the

This was the first report of a pilot's gun being discharged on a plane.

APSA, an organization of pilots who lobby Congress on aviation security
issues, said the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has refused to
adopt standard carriage rules recommended last year by the Federal Air
Marshal Service.

"We complained to DHS two years ago that this was an unsafe rule," Mr.
Mackett said.

Rather than carry the weapon on their person at all times, pilots must lock
it up before opening the ****pit door, meaning pilots handle the gun as many
as 10 times per flight, the association estimates.

Pilots who have completed training to become federal flight deck officers
(FFDOs) and carry weapons must use a holster used primarily as a home
child-safety lock. A padlock is inserted through the holster and trigger
guard, but, if inserted backward, it can trigger the gun, pilots say

"It's a completely unsafe system unless it's used in a static environment -
in a bedroom with good light. But to try to balance a gun on your lap and
padlock it while flying an airplane 300 miles an hour, sometimes in the
dark, is not secure," Mr. Mackett said.

Gregory S. Alter, Federal Air Marshal Service spokesman, said federal law
prohibits carriage outside of the flight deck.

"The methods used by FFDOs to secure, transport and store their duty weapon
are fully consistent with long-standing law-enforcement practices widely in
use with many law-enforcement organizations," Mr. Alter said. "Once the
weapon-discharge investigation is complete, any lessons learned will be

The Associated Press obtained photos of the damage to the exterior of the
plane that showed a small exit hole below the ****pit window.

None of the 124 passengers aboard Flight 1536 from Denver on Saturday were
injured. Airline officials said the Airbus A319 was removed from service
after the incident and returned to flight status Wednesday.