*favorite drink


New member
hey, hows it goin'?

Jackie here,

just wanted to know whats your fav. drink?


mine is foo sho has to be PEPSI

(im having some right now and its only 10:30 AM)



New member
Pepsi is okay, always discount prices like everywhere, I used to think pepsi max was the best diet cola drink but I perfer Coke Zero now. But overall my favroute drinks are

Non-Alcoholic - Innocent Smoothies or Evian Mineral Water

Alcoholic - Sambuca or Magnus Cider



New member
hhmm....W/e tastes good to me...

most y'all know mine xD

but don't really drink it no more...

it's more like apple juice,Water,maybe a few cans of pop here and their.


crazy robster

New member
I don't like alcohol I only drink beer or maybe wine but that's it... And this is the reason why I get drunk very easily I 'm not used to it and I can get drunk after three beers it's scary! Non alcoholic drinks...ummm...maybe Coke and of course water ;)


New member
Non-alcoholic - Coke

Alcoholic - Kokanee for beer, for a mixed drink it's a good ol' fashioned rum and coke.

Canada Dry (Ginger ale)

Arrowhead bottled water

Green Tea

White Tea

Cherry China Cola

Alcoholic: I can't stand the taste of any alcohol, aside from sake.



New member
Canada Dry (Ginger ale)Arrowhead bottled water

Green Tea

White Tea

Cherry China Cola

Alcoholic: I can't stand the taste of any alcohol, aside from sake.
Cosignnn. So much **** drinks out there today. 50 energy drinks that taste like the sweat of *****. A million flavored water which might as well be clear urine. And 50 different Bacardi flavors including Pineapplestruttleberymangonaise.

Hot sake ftw



New member
Hot: Milo

Cold: Pepsi Max

Alcoholic: (where to start?? haha) Jim Beam Bourbon white label and coke *drools*



New member
i dont drink alcohole, i like it but i choose not too.

my fav drink is probably diet coke and coke zero.

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