Favorite sport?


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I'd go with hockey to watch, and rugby to play, even though it's not popular in Canada.


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I love rugby tbh.

In Australia, we have different sporting likes to a lot of the other countries. Australian Rules is the best game by far. I'd then have to say BasketBall, Rugby, and although not a common sport to play/like in Australia, Ice Hockey.

P.S - I am a major sporting fan xD



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Tennis is a slow, ******* game, in my opinion.

I prefer contact sports. (sounds wrong, *****)



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Tennis is a slow, ******* game, in my opinion.
I prefer contact sports. (sounds wrong, *****)
Tennis is actually really hard compared to American Football and ****.



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Yeah, but it's still for *******.

Although, I enjoy the occasional game when I go to a hotel for holidays or something.



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I don't have a definitive sport that I prefer, but I enjoy Football (soccer), Rugby and Cricket.


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Football (or soccer to americans) is my first love, my dads the manager and I play left back, though over the past few seasons I've played everywhere, even goalkeeper :)


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Football (or soccer to americans) is my first love, my dads the manager and I play left back, though over the past few seasons I've played everywhere, even goalkeeper :)
aha managers son benefits? im a vital key to my team ;) never get substituted can play any position

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