FDA now controls Tobacco


Luke Nichols

CAPITOL HILL (AP) - A Senate committee is embracing a bill that would allow
the FDA to regulate cigarettes for the first time.

The agency would be able to restrict tobacco advertising, regulate warning
labels and remove hazardous ingredients. The FDA could also reduce the
amount of nicotine in cigarettes.

The bill, which was approved 13-8, was crafted over the years by Senator
Edward Kennedy with health groups and tobacco giant Philip Morris. It has
broad bipartisan support in the Senate, with more than 50 co-sponsors.

Still, not every lawmaker agrees. Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina
says he won't rule out trying to hold up the bill on the Senate floor. Burr
says he thinks the legislation is "misguided" and he questions whether the
FDA should be required to regulate yet another product.


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