Feds Raid Sen. Stevens' Home


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Federal Agents Raid Sen. Ted Stevens' Home

Federal agents searched the home of U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens on Monday,
focusing on records related to his relationship with an oil field services
contractor jailed in a public corruption investigation, a law enforcement
official said.

Stevens, 83, has been under a federal investigation for a 2000 renovation
project more than doubling the size of his home in Girdwood that was
overseen by Bill Allen, a contractor who has pleaded guilty to bribing
Alaska state legislators.

Allen is founder of VECO Corp., an Alaska-based oil field services and
engineering company that has reaped tens of millions of dollars in federal

Agents from the FBI and Internal Revenue Service started their search at the
senator's home Monday afternoon, said Dave Heller, FBI assistant special
agent. He said he could not comment on the nature of the investigation.

About 15 agents took photos and video of various angles of the house and
eventually entered it.

A law enforcement official familiar with the case confirmed the raid on
Stevens' home was focused on records related to the ongoing VECO
investigation. The official was not authorized to discuss the matter
publicly and spoke only on condition of anonymity.

An e-mail statement issued by Stevens through his Washington, D.C.,
spokesman said federal agents had alerted his attorneys that they wanted to
search his home.

Stevens, who has been in office since 1968 and is the longest-serving
Republican in Senate history, said the interests of justice would be best
served if he commented after the investigation.

"I continue to believe this investigation should proceed to its conclusion
without any appearance that I have attempted to influence its outcome,"
Stevens said. "The legal process should be allowed to proceed so that all
the facts can be established and the truth determined."

The Justice Department's probe into Allen's relationships has led to charges
against state lawmakers and contractors. Last year, FBI raids on the offices
of several Alaska lawmakers included Stevens' son, former Alaska Senate
President Ben Stevens.

Neither the U.S. senator nor his son has been charged.