FEMA Unconstitutional

Crispy Critter

New member
There is nothing in the US constitution to require an agency like FEMA...

Why should tax payers pay for such an agency?

Is FEMA too generous with tax money and will this hurricane twist the agency into the political tool it actually is? Socialism with mother government guaranteing happiness.

I think the federal assistance to all persons should be in the form of a loan... Here is some water, ice and food dumbass... we told you to leave a storm was coming... sign the reciept and add this income to your tax return when you file. A blanket costs $###, water ### and so on and return it to FEMA and get a discount from your tax filing... **** stupid people who don't listen to weather warnings or build homes in dry river beds or earthquake regions... let them eat cake and pay tax for the cake...



New member
Crispy i knew you were an ******* to the core...but an uncaring *******...that i was not ready for!

Do you care for any human being other than yourself?

If you were in Iraq, where aparently you want to be, and some unexpected tragedy happend to your family wouldnt you want them to be taken care of? Shouldnt our goverrnment do something to help americans on their own soil?!?!?

****....do you have any other emotion besides "kill the enemy"?

Granted i have just skimmed their website but i dont understand why funding them is a big fuss?!?!

What really needs to be cut is our military budget, and our presidents reign..

now those are budget cuts i can live with!


Crispy Critter

New member
Crispy i knew you were an ******* to the core...but an uncaring *******...that i was not ready for!
Do you care for any human being other than yourself?

If you were in Iraq, where aparently you want to be, and some unexpected tragedy happend to your family wouldnt you want them to be taken care of? Shouldnt our goverrnment do something to help americans on their own soil?!?!?

****....do you have any other emotion besides "kill the enemy"?

Granted i have just skimmed their website but i dont understand why funding them is a big fuss?!?!

What really needs to be cut is our military budget, and our presidents reign..

now those are budget cuts i can live with!
I think folks should be offered government help only in form of a loan and after saving their sorry ***** they should pay back every penny.

People demand freedom and fredom is the absense of government so you can't have it both ways... You can build a house in a dry river bed, earthquake fault, hurricane zone below sea level and that is your freedom but don't ask me to fund your stupidity...

If you take the government cheese because you applied poor judgement then apply better judgement and then pay the government back for the free meal....



New member
Actually the constitution says something about how it will NOT act as charity inany instance but that this is what charities are for. There was also somehtig on NPR today about the gov forcing insurance companies to undrwrite policies in high risk areas. (oi)

I do believe these groups are needed if anything to direct and manage all teh humanitarian efforts and rescue. I am not sure they need to be used in quite the capacity they are now, but we still need em until we get something better.

I wish I caught more of the broadcast but I had to pick up my kiddie


Cogito Ergo Sum

New member
Crispy Critter...WTF

How can you be like that? For Christ's sake, the entire Island of Puerto Rico would be riddled in poverty if it wasn't for the US government handouts given to you guys every single year, year after year. This is a fact!

Talk about a welfare state. Given your philosophy, when is Puerto Rico going to pay the Continental US back?

The devestation in the gulf states is TOTAL, not just some temporary damage. The city of New Orleans is all but destroyed for good. It will never recover from this event!

We're talking about over half a million people! Keep this in mind too that there are no jobs, homes, infrastructure, stores, public transportation, tax bases, real property worth anything anymore, and the list goes on and on.

To top it off, everything is under SALT WATER. It's ruined.

This is quite simply the most catastrophic event in my lifetime to hit the United States.

The government needs to help it's own right now.



New member
I think folks should be offered government help only in form of a loan and after saving their sorry ***** they should pay back every penny.
Would you say that if it happend to you, and even with your military service?

People demand freedom and fredom is the absense of government so you can't have it both ways...
not quite.......the way our government is supposed to work is to support us and we support them. (taxes...govt sponsored programns). It supposed to be a scratch your back sort of thing..........Under republicans its scratch the corporation and military back..**** everyone else)

You can build a house in a dry river bed, earthquake fault, hurricane zone below sea level and that is your freedom but don't ask me to fund your stupidity...
What a reckless, careless, and natzi attitude is that?!?!?! You can live in the south and deal with a hurricane disaster, you can life in the midwest and deal with a freak-*** tornado maelstrom, you can live on the west coast and shimmy an earthquake, you can live in the upper east coast and deal with its pollution effervensence, you can live in the desert and whine that its dry and you havent seen moisture in months........... There isnt any place on this entire planet you can live without the fact that mother nature gets ****** off at some point and does its worst. And to suggest that the people deserved it and should pay because they "chose" to live there is just another self-righteous piece of bullshit you constantly shell out. It scares me that you are breeding crispy it really does.

I always try to look on the bright side of everything, and find the good in everyone...but im having a very hard time in finding that in you. And you have kids and are passing it on scares me even more (and yes, this is WAY beyond the gay thing.....in case you are wondering)

If you take the government cheese because you applied poor judgement then apply better judgement and then pay the government back for the free meal....
This isnt about being down on your luck this week, or being lazy uneducated and stupid...This is about a natural freak disaster.........

Do you have any sort of compassion inside you? You Crispy, a self proclaimed christian.......the same faith that you yourself stated is the only, and you said ONLY, reason there is morality in human beings

Where is your morality?!?!?!?!?!?!??!



New member
My ***. It's pitiful that some Americans can't see that we have every ******* thing and that it is killing them when organizations like FEMA help people that would not survive without their help. When it's in our own country, what's the ******* problem? Why do people have a problem with helping out their own kind???? :confused:


New member
It's not a problem helping, it's a question of whether the Gov is ALLOWED to by it's own laws and if it would be better left to the charitable organization and let fema simply oversea or help those organizations along with local and state agencies. It is not FEMA exactly, but their procedures and techniques that are set up wrong.


New member
It's not a problem helping, it's a question of whether the Gov is ALLOWED to by it's own laws and if it would be better left to the charitable organization and let fema simply oversea or help those organizations along with local and state agencies. It is not FEMA exactly, but their procedures and techniques that are set up wrong.
You're right, it's just that sometimes charitable organizations and things like that don't always have enough funds to help everyone. When it comes down to that, there should be an organization that HAS to come in and help people.



New member
AGAIN If you can donate or even afford this memebership





New member
The red cross by it's own ideals and moral HAS to do just that, which is part of what makes it a truly exceptional organization. My organization would definately be helping right now if the **** gov didn't take so long to sign a piece of paper

Crispy Critter

New member
I won't reply directly to individual comments but I will simply say this, it is not the government's responsibility to ensure all problems are solved in civil issues... If you think it is then you should demand the government adopt all the homeless people and protect their civil rights.

I think the primary responsibility of the federal government was to evacuate those folks they have adopted.. the folks in the projects that live on the government dime... they should have had busses lined up to haul of their government orphans as soon as danger approached. It is kind of like the UN's indian reservation in Israel, they created the problem so they should manage their problem.

Life happens and I could see a lot of tail lights heading north when the storm warning came out and those folks are safe. Yes they may have lost their home and possessions but insurance is an individual responsibility. In the future the government should demand evacuation under martial law and those found behind be subject to be shot on sight.

Don't build your home in a below sea level area, dry river bed or earthquake fault and expect the government to insure you.

I have nothing but compassion for those in the living **** but the government didn't cause their problem... when dealing with an act of *** then seek the answer from him.



New member
I won't reply directly to individual comments but I will simply say this, it is not the government's responsibility to ensure all problems are solved in civil issues... If you think it is then you should demand the government adopt all the homeless people and protect their civil rights.
I'm not stupid. I understand this all. I'm just saying that this all though these people knew one day this could happen, they couldn't have had any idea that it would be now, and be this bad. The United States likes to pretend like they're always there for it's people and blah blah blah, it just seems to me like they should do it. I'm not saying that they should be 100% responsible for these people, I'm saying they should help some.. :rolleyes:



New member
Fema COULD direct food and water drops at some of the sites they have been unable to get to by land (IE the convention center) where people are DYING from dehydration. They should DIRECT and offer support or become a an advocate in gov when need be


New member
Fema COULD direct food and water drops at some of the sites they have been unable to get to by land (IE the convention center) where people are DYING from dehydration. They should DIRECT and offer support or become a an advocate in gov when need be
That's basically..exactly..:)what I'm trying to say. I don't understand why some people see this as such a huge issue.



New member
Crispy Critter...WTF
How can you be like that? For Christ's sake, the entire Island of Puerto Rico would be riddled in poverty if it wasn't for the US government handouts given to you guys every single year, year after year. This is a fact!

Talk about a welfare state. Given your philosophy, when is Puerto Rico going to pay the Continental US back?

The devastation in the gulf states is TOTAL, not just some temporary damage. The city of New Orleans is all but destroyed for good. It will never recover from this event!

We're talking about over half a million people! Keep this in mind too that there are no jobs, homes, infrastructure, stores, public transportation, tax bases, real property worth anything anymore, and the list goes on and on.

To top it off, everything is under SALT WATER. It's ruined.

This is quite simply the most catastrophic event in my lifetime to hit the United States.

The government needs to help it's own right now.
Damm CES you beat me every time! ****!


Crispy Critter..

I can't believe you said that. There are fault lines and catastrophe's just waiting to happen everywhere. **** I live in the earth quake capital.

We're going to see more of this. It is the inevitable.

As Americans we need to sick together. I realize that some of these hand outs are uncalled for in some cases, but not this one or any that might be an act of ***.

As a United States we have to look after each other. FEMA is a nessasity.

But as all burocratical institutions there is always room for miss-use.

Its up to public Joe to keep a keen eye on all of them.


Crispy Critter

New member
It's clear by now that FEMA is all about politics now... The ignorant people had no plan and those who are now being approached to evacuate are refusing evacuation since they had water and food stored for survival...

If you can see a category V storm coming and don't have Spam and frozen 2 leiter bottles of water to last for five or six days and in the case of living in a place below sea level a plan for something that floats to put your dusty **** on you deserve to be aligator food...

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