Fidel Castro: The Super-Revolutionaries

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Fidel Castro: The Super-Revolutionaries

Via NY Transfer News Collective All the News that Doesn't Fit

Agencia Cubana de Noticias (ACN)

Reflections by the Commander in Chief

The Super-Revolutionaries

by Fidel Castro Ruz

Every day I carefully read the opinions about Cuba in the traditional
press agency releases, including those from the peoples which were part
of the USSR, those from the People's Republic of China and others. News
reaches me from the Latin America press, from Spain and the rest of

The picture is increasingly uncertain as we face the fear of a
prolonged recession like that of the 1930s. On July 22, 1944, the
United States government received the privileges granted in Bretton
Woods to the most powerful military power, that of minting the dollar
as the international exchange currency. After the war, in 1945, with
its economy intact, that country had at its disposal almost 70 percent
of the world gold reserves. On August 15, 1971, Nixon unilaterally
decided to suspend the gold backing for each dollar minted. With this
he financed the slaughter in Vietnam in a war that cost more than 20
times the real value of its remaining gold reserves. Since then, the
United States economy is sustained by natural resources and the savings
of the rest of the world.

The theory of continuous growth from investment and consumption,
applied by the most developed to the countries where the vast majority
is poor, surrounded by luxuries and the wastefulness of a tiny minority
of wealthy individuals, is not only humiliating but destructive, too.
That pillage, and its disastrous consequences, is the cause of peoples'
growing rebelliousness, even though very few are aware of the history
behind the events.

The most gifted and cultivated intellects are included on the list of
natural resources and they have their price tags on the world market of
goods and services.

What is happening with the super-revolutionaries of the so-called far
left? Some simply lack realism while others enjoy the pleasure of
dreaming sweet dreams. Others still are far from being dreamers and are
experts in the subject; they know what they are saying and why they are
saying it. It is a well conceived trap that should be avoided. They
recognize our breakthroughs as if it were a favor to us. Are they
really short of information? That is not how it is. I can assure you
that they are absolutely well informed. In certain cases, the alleged
friendship with Cuba allows them to attend numerous international
meetings and chat with as many people from abroad or from the country
as they want, without any objection from our imperial neighbor just 90
miles away from the Cuban shores.

What is their advice to the Revolution? It's pure poison; the most
typical of the neoliberal formulae.

The blockade does not exist; it would appear to be a Cuban invention.

They underestimate the Revolution's most colossal achievement, its work
in education, the massive cultivation of peoples' talents. They sustain
that some must live doing simple and rough work. They underestimate the
results and exaggerate the costs of scientific investments. Even worse:
they overlook the value of the healthcare services that Cuba provides
to the world; actually, with modest resources the Revolution is
stripping bare the system imposed by imperialism which is lacking the
human personnel to carry it out. They advise investments which are
ruinous, and the services they provide, such as rent, are practically
free. If foreign investments in housing had not been stopped in time,
they would have constructed tens of thousands without any more
resources than the prior sales of that same housing to foreign
residents in Cuba or abroad. Furthermore, they were joint enterprises
governed by a legislation intended for productive companies. There were
no limits for the authority of the buyers as owners. The country would
supply services to those residents or clients, without the need of
being knowledgeable in science or computers. Many of the dwellings
could be acquired by the enemy intelligence agencies or their allies.

We need some of the joint enterprises since they control very necessary
markets. But you can hardly flood the country with money and not sell
our sovereignty.

The super-revolutionaries who prescribe such medication deliberately
ignore other resources which are truly decisive for the economy, such
as the growing production of gas which, when purified, becomes an
invaluable source of electricity without affecting the environment and
brings with it hundreds of millions of dollars each year. About the
Energy Revolution promoted by Cuba, of vital and decisive importance
for the world, not one word is spoken. They go even further: they see
an energy advantage for the island in the production of sugarcane --a
crop that was grown in Cuba with semi-slave labor-- to counter the high
cost of diesel being guzzled by the automobiles of the United States,
Western Europe and other developed countries. The egotistical instinct
is being fostered in human beings while the price of food is doubling
and tripling.

Nobody has been more critical of our own revolutionary work than I
have, but they shall never see me hoping for favors or apologies from
the worst of the empires.

Havana, September 3, 2007, 8:36 p.m.

NY Transfer News Collective A Service of Blythe Systems
Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
New York Transfer News Collective
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On Sep 4, 12:08 pm, wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Fidel Castro: The Super-Revolutionaries
> Via NY Transfer News Collective All the News that Doesn't Fit
> Agencia Cubana de Noticias (ACN)
> Reflections by the Commander in Chief
> The Super-Revolutionaries
> by Fidel Castro Ruz
> Every day I carefully read the opinions about Cuba in the traditional
> press agency releases, including those from the peoples which were part
> of the USSR, those from the People's Republic of China and others. News
> reaches me from the Latin America press, from Spain and the rest of
> Europe.
> The picture is increasingly uncertain as we face the fear of a
> prolonged recession like that of the 1930s. On July 22, 1944, the
> United States government received the privileges granted in Bretton
> Woods to the most powerful military power, that of minting the dollar
> as the international exchange currency. After the war, in 1945, with
> its economy intact, that country had at its disposal almost 70 percent
> of the world gold reserves. On August 15, 1971, Nixon unilaterally
> decided to suspend the gold backing for each dollar minted. With this
> he financed the slaughter in Vietnam in a war that cost more than 20
> times the real value of its remaining gold reserves. Since then, the
> United States economy is sustained by natural resources and the savings
> of the rest of the world.
> The theory of continuous growth from investment and consumption,
> applied by the most developed to the countries where the vast majority
> is poor, surrounded by luxuries and the wastefulness of a tiny minority
> of wealthy individuals, is not only humiliating but destructive, too.
> That pillage, and its disastrous consequences, is the cause of peoples'
> growing rebelliousness, even though very few are aware of the history
> behind the events.
> The most gifted and cultivated intellects are included on the list of
> natural resources and they have their price tags on the world market of
> goods and services.
> What is happening with the super-revolutionaries of the so-called far
> left? Some simply lack realism while others enjoy the pleasure of
> dreaming sweet dreams. Others still are far from being dreamers and are
> experts in the subject; they know what they are saying and why they are
> saying it. It is a well conceived trap that should be avoided. They
> recognize our breakthroughs as if it were a favor to us. Are they
> really short of information? That is not how it is. I can assure you
> that they are absolutely well informed. In certain cases, the alleged
> friendship with Cuba allows them to attend numerous international
> meetings and chat with as many people from abroad or from the country
> as they want, without any objection from our imperial neighbor just 90
> miles away from the Cuban shores.
> What is their advice to the Revolution? It's pure poison; the most
> typical of the neoliberal formulae.
> The blockade does not exist; it would appear to be a Cuban invention.
> They underestimate the Revolution's most colossal achievement, its work
> in education, the massive cultivation of peoples' talents. They sustain
> that some must live doing simple and rough work. They underestimate the
> results and exaggerate the costs of scientific investments. Even worse:
> they overlook the value of the healthcare services that Cuba provides
> to the world; actually, with modest resources the Revolution is
> stripping bare the system imposed by imperialism which is lacking the
> human personnel to carry it out. They advise investments which are
> ruinous, and the services they provide, such as rent, are practically
> free. If foreign investments in housing had not been stopped in time,
> they would have constructed tens of thousands without any more
> resources than the prior sales of that same housing to foreign
> residents in Cuba or abroad. Furthermore, they were joint enterprises
> governed by a legislation intended for productive companies. There were
> no limits for the authority of the buyers as owners. The country would
> supply services to those residents or clients, without the need of
> being knowledgeable in science or computers. Many of the dwellings
> could be acquired by the enemy intelligence agencies or their allies.
> We need some of the joint enterprises since they control very necessary
> markets. But you can hardly flood the country with money and not sell
> our sovereignty.
> The super-revolutionaries who prescribe such medication deliberately
> ignore other resources which are truly decisive for the economy, such
> as the growing production of gas which, when purified, becomes an
> invaluable source of electricity without affecting the environment and
> brings with it hundreds of millions of dollars each year. About the
> Energy Revolution promoted by Cuba, of vital and decisive importance
> for the world, not one word is spoken. They go even further: they see
> an energy advantage for the island in the production of sugarcane --a
> crop that was grown in Cuba with semi-slave labor-- to counter the high
> cost of diesel being guzzled by the automobiles of the United States,
> Western Europe and other developed countries. The egotistical instinct
> is being fostered in human beings while the price of food is doubling
> and tripling.
> Nobody has been more critical of our own revolutionary work than I
> have, but they shall never see me hoping for favors or apologies from
> the worst of the empires.
> Havana, September 3, 2007, 8:36 p.m.
> =================================================================
> NY Transfer News Collective A Service of Blythe Systems
> Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
> New York Transfer News Collective
> List Archives:
> Subscribe:
> =================================================================
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)
> iD8DBQFG3a0fiz2i76ou9wQRAi+NAJ9F0pWL328Gr07XofKwGbGEkBiKqACfXEOp
> OAjRlCgdy1xExaXpt3mQneA=
> =3ZoX

Hey, bub! If Cuba is so great why are you still here in the USA where
you can write this drivel and not be killed for it?