

Jun 25, 2006
Hey this is Victoria- umm yeah. My favorite bands are Orgy and Korn, I'm in a band called Auto-Drive (I play the synth guitar) and we play Orgy covers... I'm a big fan of LP's as well. People say I worship the Devil but I don't find that true. Well I gots to go because I'm at work rite now.

Welcome to the boardz Chickidy have a great time
and do whatever but make sure you read the rules alright
don't wanna get banned too early.....
and My name Is Shaun I'm the Retard of the place
I almost Retired from bein a Retard but naw changed my mindoops Rambling o.o;;
Welcome ^_______^

EDIT:hope thats better o.o;;
By_My-$elf said:
Welcome to the boardz man have a great time
and do whatever but make sure you read the rules alright
don't wanna get banned too early.....
and My name Is Shaun I'm the Retard of the place
I almost Retired from bein a Retard but naw changed my mindoops Rambling o.o;;
Welcome ^_______^

I think it's a girl 0,0
Hyper said:
I think it's a girl 0,0
Yea man 'it's' a girl!

I think she's a girl indeed. Or some ppl named their lil' boy Victoria. Which I, actually, highly doubt. :p

Welcome to the boards Victoria, enjoy yourself and follow those few rules that the mods enforce ;) (check the site talk forum for 'em)

My name is Len, if you didn't know yet.. *points at avvy and signa*
^^^Haha what do you mean? My screename? *Points to sporky_orgy* Umm I like sporks and one of my fav bands is Orgy. Not meaning I like to have orgies or anything. :rolleyes: