FIRST EVER Raffle brought to you by Immortal ATV



We are having the first ever raffle. Everyone who enters must have at least 25 posts. The drawing will be at random between everyone who enters. Please post in this thread to enter. Remember you must have at least 25 posts to enter and we will be paying for shipping.

If you are a yearly subscriber you can enter twice.

if you are a lifetime member you may enter 4 times.

We will notice who is a yearly and lifetime member when entering your chances.

Any purchases through Todd at immortal ATV between now and contest end will give you 2 chances to win on top of your chances for being a member.

Todays raffle will start today 4/19/2012 and end on 4/30/2012. The raffle is for an immortal ATV T shirt. This is the first in a long line of raffles we will be having on

These shirts are not your typical T-shirts you'll never want to wear in public or to do anything more then use as a grease rag in your garage. These shirts look great and are made of a quality Hanes T-shirt.

This raffle is being brought to you by Immortal ATV. They were generous enough to put up a few shirts to have a raffle with. If you have never purchased from Todd & Immortal ATV they are a top notch facility. they carry parts for your quad from all the major manufactures and shipping is usually very quick.




Phantom Z

Owners get 20 entries? :gr_jest:

Thanks to Todd and the Immortal ATV crew for being here and being a part of the success of this website.

You guys wanted raffles and now you got'em so lets some results!! :thumb:



Active Members
Count me in. I don't know if I have the post count yet. I just signed up yesterday. Or the day before ... I can't remember its been a long week

Sent from my DROIDX using Forum Runner



Count me in. I don't know if I have the post count yet. I just signed up yesterday. Or the day before ... I can't remember its been a long week
Sent from my DROIDX using Forum Runner
You will have enough postal soon enough

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