First game subscription hits iOS App Store [updated]


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Until now, if you wanted to purchase an app on an iPad you had to pay a one-time purchase fee. Now, Apple is opening up its policies a bit to allow developers to create applications that charge monthly subscription fees for access to content. Big Fish Games is the first studio to gain approval from Apple to introduce an app subscription model, <em>Bloomberg</em> said. Big Fish Games will allow iPad owners to pay $4.99 per month for unlimited access to all of its games, and Apple takes a 30% cut of all revenues. “This is the first time that the technology has matched the business model,” Big Fish founder Paul Thelan said. Big Fish said it will also allow users to play its games for 30 minutes per day for free with advertising, and that it will increase its subscription price to $6.99 per month next year.
UPDATE: Big Fish’s app has now been removed from the App Store.
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report