Five American soldiers die in Iraq on Friday



February 9, 2008
15 Shiites Detained South of Baghdad
Filed at 4:45 a.m. ET

BAGHDAD (AP) -- Iraqi police arrested 15 Shiite activists Saturday in early
morning raids south of Baghdad, and five American soldiers were killed in
two roadside bombings, officials said.

The U.S. troops were killed Friday -- four in Baghdad and one in the
northern Tamim province, the military said. At least 3,958 members of the
U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003,
according to an Associated Press count.

Saturday marked a third day of U.S. and Iraqi operations in an area that
includes several Shiite holy cities -- raising tension with some Shiite
tribesmen and fighters who have pledged to halt attacks. Radical Shiite
cleric Muqtada al-Sadr ordered a six-month cease-fire for his Mahdi Army
militia, but some members have broken away and violated the pledge, which
expires later this month.

U.S. and Iraqi forces say they are targeting rogue, criminal elements of his
and other militias. But several Shiite imams, during Friday prayers,
suggested Iraqi forces were taking advantage of the cease-fire to crack down
on rival groups.

Al-Sadr has threatened not to extend his cease-fire unless the government
purges rival Shiite militiamen he alleges have infiltrated the security
forces and are targeting his followers.

Saturday's arrests took place in Karbala, a Shiite holy city 50 miles south
of Baghdad, where Shiite Islam's two most revered saints are buried.

Rahman Mshawi, spokesman for Karbala police, said four of the 15 suspects
are members of the Iraq-based People's Mujahedeen Organization of Iran, or
Mujahedeen Khalq.

The group was founded in the late 1960s and fled to Iraq in the early 1980s
after it fell out with the clerical regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
During Saddam Hussein's rule, the movement used Iraq as a base for
operations against Iran's government.

Thousands of its members remain in Iraq, and both the U.S. and Iraq consider
the Khalq a terrorist organization.

In addition to the Khalq members, Mshawi said five others detained Saturday
belong to a Shiite cult group. He did not elaborate or give details about
the group. The remaining six suspects were ''wanted men,'' Mshawi said.

Meanwhile north of Baghdad, Iraqi police said a local al-Qaida in Iraq
leader was killed in his home, and 12 decomposed bodies were discovered in a
mass grave.

Abu Omar al-Dori resisted police for about an hour before he was killed
around 4 a.m. in his house in downtown Samarra, a police officer said. He
spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to
media. Samarra is a mostly Sunni town about 60 miles north of the Iraqi

According to Iraqi police, al-Dori had been assigned to lead al-Qaida in
Iraq operations in Samarra just one week ago. It was unclear whether his
predecessor was killed or captured.

Farther east near Baqouba, a joint patrol of Iraqi police and soldiers found
a mass grave with 12 bodies, including three of women, according to police
and morgue officials. The bodies were found in the al-Ehaimer area on the
outskirts of Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of the capital.

The U.S. military had no immediate comment on either incident.

Meanwhile, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani traveled Saturday to Najaf,
another Shiite holy city south of Baghdad, to meeting with Grand Ayatollah
Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's most prominent cleric. It was unclear whether the
meeting was scheduled in light of the recent Shiite arrests. Talabani was
expected to hold a news conference later Saturday.
According to "bush lite and the six pack", the surge was such a great
success that all our troops have to do now is laze around the swimming pools
at the old palaces that "sad-damn" left strewn around the country. There
aren't supposed to be any more dead, because we were so successful.

Did I miss something along the way? I must have. But that can't be because
"bush lite and the six pack" have always been so honest and forthright in
their governess of the good 'ol u s of a.


"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> February 9, 2008
> 15 Shiites Detained South of Baghdad
> Filed at 4:45 a.m. ET
> BAGHDAD (AP) -- Iraqi police arrested 15 Shiite activists Saturday in
> early morning raids south of Baghdad, and five American soldiers were
> killed in two roadside bombings, officials said.
> The U.S. troops were killed Friday -- four in Baghdad and one in the
> northern Tamim province, the military said. At least 3,958 members of the
> U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003,
> according to an Associated Press count.
> Saturday marked a third day of U.S. and Iraqi operations in an area that
> includes several Shiite holy cities -- raising tension with some Shiite
> tribesmen and fighters who have pledged to halt attacks. Radical Shiite
> cleric Muqtada al-Sadr ordered a six-month cease-fire for his Mahdi Army
> militia, but some members have broken away and violated the pledge, which
> expires later this month.
> U.S. and Iraqi forces say they are targeting rogue, criminal elements of
> his and other militias. But several Shiite imams, during Friday prayers,
> suggested Iraqi forces were taking advantage of the cease-fire to crack
> down on rival groups.
> Al-Sadr has threatened not to extend his cease-fire unless the government
> purges rival Shiite militiamen he alleges have infiltrated the security
> forces and are targeting his followers.
> Saturday's arrests took place in Karbala, a Shiite holy city 50 miles
> south of Baghdad, where Shiite Islam's two most revered saints are buried.
> Rahman Mshawi, spokesman for Karbala police, said four of the 15 suspects
> are members of the Iraq-based People's Mujahedeen Organization of Iran, or
> Mujahedeen Khalq.
> The group was founded in the late 1960s and fled to Iraq in the early
> 1980s after it fell out with the clerical regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah
> Khomeini. During Saddam Hussein's rule, the movement used Iraq as a base
> for operations against Iran's government.
> Thousands of its members remain in Iraq, and both the U.S. and Iraq
> consider the Khalq a terrorist organization.
> In addition to the Khalq members, Mshawi said five others detained
> Saturday belong to a Shiite cult group. He did not elaborate or give
> details about the group. The remaining six suspects were ''wanted men,''
> Mshawi said.
> Meanwhile north of Baghdad, Iraqi police said a local al-Qaida in Iraq
> leader was killed in his home, and 12 decomposed bodies were discovered in
> a mass grave.
> Abu Omar al-Dori resisted police for about an hour before he was killed
> around 4 a.m. in his house in downtown Samarra, a police officer said. He
> spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to
> media. Samarra is a mostly Sunni town about 60 miles north of the Iraqi
> capital.
> According to Iraqi police, al-Dori had been assigned to lead al-Qaida in
> Iraq operations in Samarra just one week ago. It was unclear whether his
> predecessor was killed or captured.
> Farther east near Baqouba, a joint patrol of Iraqi police and soldiers
> found a mass grave with 12 bodies, including three of women, according to
> police and morgue officials. The bodies were found in the al-Ehaimer area
> on the outskirts of Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of the capital.
> The U.S. military had no immediate comment on either incident.
> Meanwhile, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani traveled Saturday to Najaf,
> another Shiite holy city south of Baghdad, to meeting with Grand Ayatollah
> Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's most prominent cleric. It was unclear whether the
> meeting was scheduled in light of the recent Shiite arrests. Talabani was
> expected to hold a news conference later Saturday.
SURGE is working ...

That is the surge of COFFINS en route from the Middle East to Dover
Air Force Base, upon which your Nincompoop-In-Chief and his buddies
have imposed a press coverage blackout since 2003.
Keep your head in the sand, ostriche.
As long as you can't see, these young
men are alive...tell that to their loved ones

PS: The MSM buries the story , too.
It's not in the headline, it's
in the second paragraph.

Horatio Fudruckerton wrote:
> Then I guess you threw a big party in your trailer park to
> celebrate.
> On Sat, 9 Feb 2008 05:34:26 -0500, "Sid9" <> wrote:
>> February 9, 2008
>> 15 Shiites Detained South of Baghdad
>> Filed at 4:45 a.m. ET
>> BAGHDAD (AP) -- Iraqi police arrested 15 Shiite activists Saturday
>> in early morning raids south of Baghdad, and five American soldiers
>> were killed in two roadside bombings, officials said.
>> The U.S. troops were killed Friday -- four in Baghdad and one in the
>> northern Tamim province, the military said. At least 3,958 members
>> of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war
>> in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.
>> Saturday marked a third day of U.S. and Iraqi operations in an area
>> that includes several Shiite holy cities -- raising tension with
>> some Shiite tribesmen and fighters who have pledged to halt attacks.
>> Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr ordered a six-month cease-fire
>> for his Mahdi Army militia, but some members have broken away and
>> violated the pledge, which expires later this month.
>> U.S. and Iraqi forces say they are targeting rogue, criminal
>> elements of his and other militias. But several Shiite imams, during
>> Friday prayers, suggested Iraqi forces were taking advantage of the
>> cease-fire to crack down on rival groups.
>> Al-Sadr has threatened not to extend his cease-fire unless the
>> government purges rival Shiite militiamen he alleges have
>> infiltrated the security forces and are targeting his followers.
>> Saturday's arrests took place in Karbala, a Shiite holy city 50
>> miles south of Baghdad, where Shiite Islam's two most revered saints
>> are buried.
>> Rahman Mshawi, spokesman for Karbala police, said four of the 15
>> suspects are members of the Iraq-based People's Mujahedeen
>> Organization of Iran, or Mujahedeen Khalq.
>> The group was founded in the late 1960s and fled to Iraq in the
>> early 1980s after it fell out with the clerical regime of Ayatollah
>> Ruhollah Khomeini. During Saddam Hussein's rule, the movement used
>> Iraq as a base for operations against Iran's government.
>> Thousands of its members remain in Iraq, and both the U.S. and Iraq
>> consider the Khalq a terrorist organization.
>> In addition to the Khalq members, Mshawi said five others detained
>> Saturday belong to a Shiite cult group. He did not elaborate or give
>> details about the group. The remaining six suspects were ''wanted
>> men,'' Mshawi said.
>> Meanwhile north of Baghdad, Iraqi police said a local al-Qaida in
>> Iraq leader was killed in his home, and 12 decomposed bodies were
>> discovered in a mass grave.
>> Abu Omar al-Dori resisted police for about an hour before he was
>> killed around 4 a.m. in his house in downtown Samarra, a police
>> officer said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not
>> authorized to speak to media. Samarra is a mostly Sunni town about
>> 60 miles north of the Iraqi capital.
>> According to Iraqi police, al-Dori had been assigned to lead
>> al-Qaida in Iraq operations in Samarra just one week ago. It was
>> unclear whether his predecessor was killed or captured.
>> Farther east near Baqouba, a joint patrol of Iraqi police and
>> soldiers found a mass grave with 12 bodies, including three of
>> women, according to police and morgue officials. The bodies were
>> found in the al-Ehaimer area on the outskirts of Baqouba, 35 miles
>> northeast of the capital.
>> The U.S. military had no immediate comment on either incident.
>> Meanwhile, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani traveled Saturday to Najaf,
>> another Shiite holy city south of Baghdad, to meeting with Grand
>> Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's most prominent cleric. It was
>> unclear whether the meeting was scheduled in light of the recent
>> Shiite arrests. Talabani was expected to hold a news conference
>> later Saturday.
Sid9 <> wrote:
> Keep your head in the sand, ostriche.
> As long as you can't see, these young
> men are alive...tell that to their loved ones

Liberals were dancing in the streets when the WTC towers were burning!

Thank God that Bush put down his copy of My Pet Goat and declared war on the
perpetrator Saddam Hussein!

Many patriotic Americans have noticed that Saddam and Obama have the same
name and are doubtful about having someone with the same name as a sworn
enemy of our nation as President! If only he would change his middle name to
On Feb 9, 1:00�pm, Butch <> wrote:
> Sid9 <> wrote:
> > Keep your head in the sand, ostriche.
> > As long as you can't see, these young
> > men are alive...tell that to their loved ones

> Liberals were dancing in the streets when the WTC towers were burning!
> Thank God that Bush put down his copy of My Pet Goat and declared war on the
> perpetrator �Saddam Hussein!

The Ultimate Sacrifice

The day I finished my training
My sergeant said to me,
"You're going to a foreign place
And will set the people free."

The government has told us
We must fight and win this war
Cause the weapons of mass destructions
Will come and kill us all.

And as I sit here writing
To my love ones left behind
A bullet rips into my chest
From behind the enemy lines.

So when the war is over
And we've set the people free,
Please write these words upon my tomb
For everyone to see:


By Jim Hannigan
July 30th 2003

'Bring us home': GIs flood US with war-weary emails
An unprecedented internet campaign waged on the frontline and in the
US is exposing the real risks for troops in Iraq.

Thanks to the Bush Family

> Many patriotic Americans have noticed that Saddam and Obama have the same
> name and are doubtful about having someone with the same name as a sworn
> enemy of our nation as President! �If only he would change his middle name to
> Jeb.
"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> The U.S. troops were killed Friday

Paid for by Democrats!
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
> news:Klfrj.21698$
>> The U.S. troops were killed Friday

> Paid for by Democrats!

we sure didn't get our money's worth,

5 a day isn't enough for the $521 million it's costing us
to eliminate gullible,useless, hillbilly ****ups from the population
Patriot Games wrote:
> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
> news:Klfrj.21698$
>> The U.S. troops were killed Friday

> Paid for by Democrats!

How Republicans propose
to pay for their Iraqi fiasco?
"Robbing Gator" <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:47af4aea$0$6503$
>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>> news:Klfrj.21698$
>>> The U.S. troops were killed Friday

>> Paid for by Democrats!

> we sure didn't get our money's worth,
> 5 a day isn't enough for the $521 million it's costing us
> to eliminate gullible,useless, hillbilly ****ups from the population

Why aren't you doing your part?

Stop sucking dicks and take out a hillbilly yourself.

Oh, I forgot, you're just a coward.
"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> Patriot Games wrote:
>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>> news:Klfrj.21698$
>>> The U.S. troops were killed Friday

>> Paid for by Democrats!

> How Republicans propose
> to pay for their Iraqi fiasco?

You mean the one PAID FOR BY DEMOCRATS?

That one?

They plan to pay for it by cutting benefits to people like YOU.
Patriot Games wrote:
> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
> news:XrJrj.72110$
>> Patriot Games wrote:
>>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Klfrj.21698$
>>>> The U.S. troops were killed Friday
>>> Paid for by Democrats!

>> How Republicans propose
>> to pay for their Iraqi fiasco?

> You mean the one PAID FOR BY DEMOCRATS?
> That one?
> They plan to pay for it by cutting benefits to people like YOU.

No one buys into the bullshit you sell.

From today's news, failure from jr, C.Rice,D. Rumsfeld, C Powell, T.Franks
all Republicans:

February 11, 2008
Army Buried Study Faulting Iraq Planning
Patriot Games wrote:
> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
> news:Klfrj.21698$
> > The U.S. troops were killed Friday

> Paid for by Democrats!

Put there by republicons - and it isn't paid for.
On Feb 11, 10:10 am, "Sid9" <> wrote:
> Patriot Games wrote:
> > They plan to pay for it by cutting benefits to people like YOU.

> -
> No one buys into the bullshit you sell.

How very true, Sid9. After all, Patriot Games is also on record in
Google Groups for supporting first Fred Thompson, then Mitt Romney for
the Republican Presidental nominee. Ha ha.

> From today's news, failure from jr, C.Rice,D. Rumsfeld, C Powell, T.Franks
> all Republicans:

If there was truly freedom and justice in the United States, they
should be tried for war crimes.

> February 11, 2008
> Army Buried Study Faulting Iraq Planning
> WASHINGTON -- The Army is accustomed to protecting
> classified information. But...
> After 18 months of research, RAND submitted a report in the summer of 2005
> called "Rebuilding Iraq." RAND researchers provided an unclassified version
> of the report along with a secret one, hoping that its publication would
> contribute to the public debate on how to prepare for future conflicts.
> But the study's wide-ranging critique of the White House, the Defense
> Department and other government agencies was a concern for Army generals,
> and the Army has sought to keep the report under lock and key.

The truth can set you free. However, with a locked mind such's as
Patriot Games, even the truth and facts are not enough to open him to

And so, we will continue to get PG bullshiting on Usenet.

However, on the very bright side, I notice that less and less people
are bothering to repond to the many trolling posts that Patriot Games
writes every morning. That is a welcomed sign.

-Tom Sr.
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "Robbing Gator" <> wrote in message
> news:XLIrj.4828$
>> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
>> news:47af4aea$0$6503$
>>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Klfrj.21698$
>>>> The U.S. troops were killed Friday
>>> Paid for by Democrats!

>> we sure didn't get our money's worth,
>> 5 a day isn't enough for the $521 million it's costing us
>> to eliminate gullible,useless, hillbilly ****ups from the population

> Why aren't you doing your part?
> Stop sucking dicks and take out a hillbilly yourself.
> Oh, I forgot, you're just a coward.

it's illegal to euthanize hillbillies for their own good,
unless you're a ragheaded, goat milking, dung burning,
teenaged freedom fighting girl with an IED and an AK
"Robbing Gator" <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:47b05d49$0$6150$
>> "Robbing Gator" <> wrote in message
>> news:XLIrj.4828$
>>> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
>>> news:47af4aea$0$6503$
>>>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:Klfrj.21698$
>>>>> The U.S. troops were killed Friday
>>>> Paid for by Democrats!
>>> we sure didn't get our money's worth,
>>> 5 a day isn't enough for the $521 million it's costing us
>>> to eliminate gullible,useless, hillbilly ****ups from the population

>> Why aren't you doing your part?
>> Stop sucking dicks and take out a hillbilly yourself.
>> Oh, I forgot, you're just a coward.

> it's illegal to euthanize hillbillies for their own good,
> unless you're a ragheaded, goat milking, dung burning,
> teenaged freedom fighting girl with an IED and an AK

You're just a coward.
"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> Patriot Games wrote:
>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>> news:XrJrj.72110$
>>> Patriot Games wrote:
>>>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:Klfrj.21698$
>>>>> The U.S. troops were killed Friday
>>>> Paid for by Democrats!
>>> How Republicans propose
>>> to pay for their Iraqi fiasco?

>> You mean the one PAID FOR BY DEMOCRATS?
>> That one?
>> They plan to pay for it by cutting benefits to people like YOU.

> No one buys into the bullshit you sell.

People are catching on to you Pansy Games.

"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
> news:NAZrj.95660$
> > Patriot Games wrote:
> >> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
> >> news:XrJrj.72110$
> >>> Patriot Games wrote:
> >>>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
> >>>> news:Klfrj.21698$
> >>>>> The U.S. troops were killed Friday
> >>>> Paid for by Democrats!
> >>> How Republicans propose
> >>> to pay for their Iraqi fiasco?
> >> You mean the one PAID FOR BY DEMOCRATS?
> >> That one?
> >> They plan to pay for it by cutting benefits to people like YOU.

> > No one buys into the bullshit you sell.

> Hahahahahhahaha!!!!