Five things


Loud and Proud
Mar 13, 2004
This was a thread from an ancient time...I tracked it down but decided to just make a new one instead of resurrecting it, but that is just for the record. :p

Anyway, this is a cool way to share five things that bring a smile to your face everyday, the five things that you can count on to make the day good or bearable, no matter what is going on. Here is mine. :thumbsup:

1. My girlfriend, we support each other through alot...I trust her more then anyone I know.
2. God, he is always listening 24/7
3. My music, it keeps me going and helps me deal with my problems.
4. My friend Jake, who can always cheer me up.
5. My house, because I know I can hide in my room and talk/listen to #1,#2, and #3 if things are going bad.
My 5:

1.) Old memories.. Just thinking about the dumbshit I used do.. I think about this everyday.

2.) Jacki.. She always knows what to say just to make you laugh.

3.) Jonny... My bestfriend in the whole world.. He is the only one who is ever truly there for me.. I am a bitch at times.. But he sticks around for me..

4.) My little sister.. She is 2 and she is the most adorable thing in the world.. Without her I don't think I could go through the death of my Poppy or Hurricane Katrina.

5.) Seeing my house come back together.. My live has been torn apart.. and everyday my house looks better.
1. My close friends, they're just so great, they can always make me smile
2. My brother, so funny, always doing stupid stuff
3. Funny memories ^_^
4. My music, it can drown out anything going on around me.
5. Going online, weather its on LPF, other forums, MySpazz, or MSN, talking with people that I've (usually) never met before in my life is good to get away from it all.
My 5: in no particular order <3

1.) my boyfriend, he is my best friend and my brother lmao he is the greatest

2.) my best friends, they are the **** they can always make me laugh even if it means i am laughing and crying at the same time ( has actually happened a few times)

3.) My instruments, i <33 hearing them make music

4.) my parents, they are nicest people ever

5.)God he made all the things i love/learnt possible.
o0o I'm alwayssss happy by the stupid amusing things that happen everyday :)

1. Friends - Are definatly the coolest! They make me laugh, make me smile, always there no matter what :) Even when they insult me, I find it hilarious ¬.¬ They're the sweetest people and I love em all! *That counts with online buddies too =)*

2. Music - I love music and I'm at that stage now where I'll listen to anything. Buying a ticket for a gig that's not going to happen for 2 months is enough to make me excited for the rest of the year! I love love love live music and going gigs! I hope to get another job and go to more of the less mainstream ones ( Though I will of course see them all <333):D Even just buying a cd is enough for me. That's it, I'm like wo0t!

3. My siblings - Are all younger and annoying. But we all do the most amusing things and it's cool to have them all you know =)

4. Money - Just having money really! I'm not a huge spender but it's quite assuring to know I have some. In case you know... a shopping trip is needed and I see something I absolutely have to buy :O It also means I can fuel my passion for cds, cookies, gig tickets and clothes! Ew I'm so materialistic :(

5. Every other thing :) Just random surprises or things you don't expect. Or just comments that makes you feel good about yourself! Or seeing someone trip heh. As you can see, it doesn't take much to make me happy:D
#1- my boyfriend- he usally makes me feel better. just seeing him. and if im really upset he listens to my problems.

#2- music- no matter how i feel music always makes me feel much better.

#3- my dog- yup when im down i feel better being around her. she loves me unconditionally

#4-my friends- they can make me laugh and to forget about the bad thing sin life. some of the memories i have with them are so fun to look back on

#5- my mom (rip)- i put my head down and talk to her and hope she hears the words im saying. i like to think she watches over me and just wants me to be happy. i just feel better kinda knowing she might listening, wherever she is
1. My Friends.. they keep me laughing all day long
2. Music.. whatever feeling im having it either makes me better, or keeps me moving.
3. Seeing ppl smile because of me. It makes me feel good that other ppl are happy becuase of me.
4. The Phone.. im never alone..tee hee
5. My hobbies.. such as snowboarding.. or talking or whatever. Keeps me busy.. keeps me fit.. and keeps me happy.
1. my kids, even though they fight there is nothing better than being with them.

2. my fiancee, he is the most wonderfull person i have ever met and i love him so much.

3. my neice and nephew, they are so sweet and cute.

4. my best mates nat, ste and christine. they make the work place much nicer.

5. saturdays and sundays, i get to be with my fiancee and kids all at the same time :)
1.) AFI. Well, music in general.. but mostly AFI because they are such a big impact in my life. I can listen to any song of theirs (over 6 CD's) and they all make me almost forget about everthing bad.

2.) My sister. Even though she's 21 (seven years older than me), we get along really well. We hang out as much as we can and have a lot in common.

3.) Video games. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't pick up my Gamecube controller and play Metroid, Zelda, or any other game.

4.) My guitar. Even though I got it faulty from the factory and I have to send it back, It still plays pretty nice, and I love playing it. It's just an awesome thing to do when I'm bored.

5.) My cats. I might be getting rid of them. I love them to death, haha. I have two great cats that I play with every day, and they just make me smile. I think my parents are getting rid of them soon though.

I didn't mention God, because he's way above the list. I didn't mention my family, because I look down at my family all together (my mom's and dad's side). They are all just either drunks, or crazy. And I can't stand it when the family I live with are all in the same room, unless we're watching a movie or something productive.

There's a lot more through the day that makes me smile and make the day more bearable, but those five are main ones.


I forgot one.

6.) LPF. This site makes my day a lot more bearable, and most of the time makes me smile with all the great members on here. :)
1) Linkin Park - My room is like a shrine of posters and pics of them. Every time I see them it makes me the happiest person in the world

2) Martin - This guy I really really like. I sit next to him in Philosophy class. He's just so funny and cute <3

3) My friends - I dunno what I'd do without all the wonderful friends I have. They're always there for me when I'm feeling down

4) My cats - Abbey and Buster. I love them to death, they are teh greatest cats in the world

5) My rats - Meteora and Wish. I love my little babies. They are so funny, a barrel of laughs
Music - Usually I jam to some tunes and I end up chillin out

Friends - I don't really have people who listen to my problems but my friends usually try their hardest to cheer me up

Laying down - Sometimes I ust lay down and kinda reflect.

Writing - I get alot of my pain out with the pencil and paper

Crying - I'm not going to lie, if all things fail I cry out my pain. Thats how I overcome my pain.
I don't have 5 things, but I have a few. love to listen to music & play my guitar. it makes me happy most of the time friends--i don't think i could live without them. most of the time, they're the only ones who can bring a smile to my face kitty--yeah they say animals can make a person feel better & it's true. i like to pet my kitty. :]
4.sleep--if i'm feeling really bad i can always just lie down and go to sleep & wake up much later.
5. no number five!
1. Richard, he's so unbelieveable.. don't get why people love me.
but he does so ****ing much, and I love him.
We're gonna meet soon and I'm sure it will be fantastic.

2. Family, I ****ing love my family, It's big and I got many cousins.
very proud of it.
It's not always great with my mom but I know it's okay.

3. Friends, mostly people on the internet actually. people I chat with everyday.
I love the people irl too. I don't get why my friend likes me cause I dropped her 2 years ago myself. which I'm very sorry of. I don't talk enough about privet stuff to them though cause I'm too ****ing stuck up. Just don't wanna lose em by telling them something I'm ashamed of.

4. Music, a topic I don't talk about at all irl. No one knows I like rock music, no one knows I like linkin park. but still I LOVE IT! Music is important to me.

5. the internet.. the only hobby I have.. period.

pff lol I rattle sometimes..
1. music - with out it i'd die, or be dead.
2. my family.
3. my best friends bianca - i love her to bits.
4. going to gigs and moshing - one of the best things in the world, moshing, listen to rad local bands.
5. internet - i loves it <33
in no particular order. (obviously, or #1 would not be in the position it is now)

1. my fish- ok, so i've never had a fish. and this one? yeah, it completely rules at life.
2. my family- well, of course it's like expected that you see this on here, but seriously- even though the aggrivate the hell out of me sometimes, i love them dearly. we're pretty much like every other family.. thanks to me, i'm around to make everyone laugh. i'm tellin ya, i mean, they're humorous, but it would be a boring day around here without me. (chyeah, i'm not bragging so suck it.) and my wonderful and beautiful twin, Courtney. so.. she's like my bfflswct. we laugh at the dumbest things together. but of course that's why i love her more than you. dumb friends- ahh.. another expected entry. but it's true! 97 1/2% of them make me smile every day! and even though i have mostly guy friends, they're always there for me and most of the time they're willing to listen to what i have to say and of course make me laugh and stuff. we know how to have more fun than God did when created your face. yeah, it's that much fun. & sleep- if you know anything about me, you know i love to eat and sleep. if i could do both at once, you probably wouldn't ever see me. when i wake up in the morning, my first thoughts are "i can't wait to go to sleep tonight." and the thoughts that most consume me at school are "1230.. 1230.. 1230."
5. life itself- cheesy, i know. go home.. i love living. hardships and all. it's great. i love not knowing what's going to happen next, but being excited about it anyway! that's half the fun.