robert moore

I was having the same problem with Windows Update and getting the error code 80200053.

Microsoft can fix the problem for you - go to site.

I am running Windows Vista, and you must be using it with service pack 1 (SP1) or service pack 2 (SP2) for the fix to work.

Can't understand why microsoft makes it so difficult to find solutions to problems.

JohnRieh wrote:

Windows Update error 80200053


I've seen this referenced a few times, but never solved. I get error

80200053 when trying to run update. I saw a post that suggested cleaning out

the download cache in windows\softwaredistribution, which I did to no effect.

I suspect that this is also causing problems with McAfee, which cannot get

the latest updates. Any ideas? Thanks.

Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Sunday, November 11, 2007 10:54 PM

JohnRieh wrote:

Windows Update error 80200053

I've seen this referenced a few times, but never solved. I get error

80200053 when trying to run update. I saw a post that suggested cleaning out

the download cache in windows\softwaredistribution, which I did to no effect.

I suspect that this is also causing problems with McAfee, which cannot get

the latest updates. Any ideas? Thanks.

On Monday, November 12, 2007 3:13 PM

MowGreen [MVP] wrote:

80200053 = validation failureI'd suspect that McAfee is the cause of all the

80200053 = validation failure

I'd suspect that McAfee is the cause of all the issues. You could try

Validating Vista once more but, even if the system passes Validation

that has nothing to do with McAfee failing to update.

Is this update installed ? :

Since none of the ' third-party antivirus software applications ' are

given a name, I guess it's up to us to guess which ones are not playing

nice with Vista <w>

MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]


-343- FDNY

Never Forgotten


John Riehl wrote:

On Wednesday, November 14, 2007 12:31 AM

JohnRieh wrote:

MowGreen,This sounds reasonable.


This sounds reasonable. I'm trying to download the patch but of course the

download site hasn't been responding for the last two days. Will let you

know when I finally can get the patch downloaded and installed.


"MowGreen [MVP]" wrote:

On Wednesday, November 14, 2007 2:40 PM

JohnRieh wrote:

I finally got the KB941649 patch to load, but it didn't fix the problem.

I finally got the KB941649 patch to load, but it didn't fix the problem. Now

I also get error 80070570 (which also appears to be undocumented). Any

insights, or can this only be fixed by starting from scratch and

reinstalling? Thanks.


"MowGreen [MVP]" wrote:

On Wednesday, November 14, 2007 2:50 PM

JohnRieh wrote:

Sorry, I posted before I got all my frustration out.

Sorry, I posted before I got all my frustration out. So, a few more facts:

McAfee update appears to be working again, but the errors are still coming

from Windows Update. Specifically, the following updates are erroring out:

Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (error 80200053)

Cumulative Update for Media Center for Windows Vista - KB941229 (error


Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 Service Pack 2 - KB941833 (error


Looking at your post, if McAfee is causing the problem then theoretically I

could disable it when bringing in updates. That doesn't feel like a good

solution to me...after all, the whole point of a virus checker is to protect

me from things I'm downloading from the internet. However, I'm willing to

give it a try if you think it's a good idea. Thanks for your help.


"John Riehl" wrote:

On Wednesday, November 14, 2007 7:09 PM

MowGreen [MVP] wrote:




If you're uncomfortable disabling McAfee while connected to the

net/network, then download the updates manually, save them, close all

open browsers and programs, then disconnect the system, disable, McAfee,

and then install the updates.

Defender updates are here:

Installation instructions for the Definitions here:

Then visit the MS Download Center for KB941229:

and KB941833:

The above are for the 32 bit [x86] versions of Vista.

If you need 64 bit versions, visit here and enter the KB #s in the

Search window:

You should read this, John:

You cannot turn on an optional feature, install a Windows update,

install a hotfix, or install a language pack on a Windows Vista-based


MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]


-343- FDNY

Never Forgotten


John Riehl wrote:

On Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:01 PM

JohnRieh wrote:

MowGreen,Thanks for your continued patience.


Thanks for your continued patience. I guess I'm surprised that a mainstream

anti-virus product like McAfee would intefere with Vista. However, I did

turn it all off and tried to install the updates...and they were

unsuccessful, returning the same errors as before. Is there some sort of a

log file or something that I can include that would help you and/or the

Microsoft engineers diagnose this problem? Thanks.


"MowGreen [MVP]" wrote:

On Sunday, November 18, 2007 4:17 PM

MowGreen [MVP] wrote:

John,Suggest you call in for no charge support.


Suggest you call in for no charge support. Since the error code for

Defender is the same as the one for the MSXML update, use one of the 2

Free Support requests:

In the US the phone number is 866-PCSAFETY

I'm really not clear if the free support is limited to WD on XP or if it

includes Vista.

If you can not install Security updates, then MS offers no charge support.

Reliability/compatibility/stability updates are only supported by MS if

this is a Retail copy of Vista.

Otherwise it's up to the OEM to support the OS during the Warranty period.

You didn't mention whether you attempted to install this update:

If not, then at least give it a shot prior to calling in.

MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]


-343- FDNY

Never Forgotten


On Tuesday, January 19, 2010 5:10 AM

Mark Prestwood wrote:

Just fixed this error on my Windows 7 PC

I have had this problem since upgrading from XP to Vista and thought that the upgrade to Windows 7 would cure it, but it didn't.

The problem is with the TCP window scaling used by Vista and Windows 7 being incompatible with some routers. There are two fixes:

1) Change the router: I disabled SPI (Statefull Packet Inspection) on my Netgear WGR614 router and the problem went away

2) Use IPConfig to configure the OS to not use TCP Window Scaling - instructions are on the Microsoft site.

This problem also prevented me from downloading Adobe, Chrome, Skype and every other file I tried.

Hope this is of help to others.

MP in NZ.

On Saturday, April 10, 2010 5:07 PM

RobertAtHome wrote:

I have had this problem and I am running a Windows Vista Home Premium on

I have had this problem and I am running a Windows Vista Home Premium on a

Fujitsu Siemens Scaleo computer. My PC uses a wireless USB connection

(D-LINK DWA 140 Rangebooster) to a D-LINK DIR-655 Router.

I get this problem when I try to install IE 8.

I tried your idea with:

runas with the only user that is an administrator (not called administrator


and then

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Didn't work since this requires a raise in privilege. Any suggestions?

I seem to get this error code when trying to install IE updates.

Windows update shows the code 80070570 when trying to to security upgrade

to Windows Vista (KB974145). Gets a link to Microsoft security bulletin:

It is stated there that:

"The security update addresses the vulnerabilities by changing the way

Windows TCP/IP performs bounds checking and other packet handling operations."

Do I have some kind of TCP/IP problem on this computer?

Please advice


Thank you


"MowGreen" wrote:

On Sunday, April 11, 2010 1:55 PM

Robert Aldwinckle wrote:

Because your Administrator does not have a password assigned to it?

Because your Administrator does not have a password assigned to it? Add a

password to it then you can use it. Otherwise retry the procedure in a

safe mode boot with cmd only.

<cmd_output OS="W7">

C:\>set /a c = 0x570


C:\>net helpmsg %c%

The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.


That sounds unhealthy. ; }


Robert Aldwinckle


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