Flabby Apathetic Americans Roll Over As Government Takes Away More Gun Rights


Arthur Smiley

With the recent passing of more restrictive gun legislation, the Patriot Act,
Warrantless Wiretapping and corporate motivated Imminent Domain; it's clear
that Americans will never rise up against tyrannical government and do nothing
these days but whine, grunt, drool over their guns and let their government
**** them in the ass with no lube. The baby boom generation of Americans are
nothing but slaves. Pathetic, flabby apathetic slaves who have lost the will
to fight for their freedom in favor of taxpayer funded bread and circuses.

Notice that Bush has made no threat to veto the Bill.

US Congress approves tighter gun control law
19 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) ? The US Congress has approved the first major gun control
legislation in more than a decade, broadening background checks for gun buyers
in the wake of a deadly campus shooting earlier this year by a mentally ill

The legislation approved Wednesday by the Senate provides government funds to
improve the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), the main
way gun purchases are monitored in America.

It also allocates funds for gun owners and potential gun owners who are
prevented from owning weapons due to mental illness so that they may challenge
the ruling in court.

Existing laws prevent mentally ill people and convicted felons from legally
owning firearms, but many states lack the funds to keep their information up to
date and report it to the NICS.

The measure, the first gun legislation approved since 1994, passed by voice
vote in both the Senate and House of Representatives.

"A credible... federal database to provide accurate background checks benefits
everyone," said Senator Patrick Leahy, one of the co-sponsors of a bill that
arose following the deadliest campus shooting in US history.

Improving the background check system and culling erroneous records "will help
curb the number of firearms that get into the hands of troubled individuals,"
Leahy said.

In April, a mentally deranged gunman shot and killed 31 people and then himself
at Virginia Tech university in the United States, sparking widespread calls for
tighter gun control laws.

The shooter, South Korea-born Seung Hui-Cho, 23, an English major, bought two
handguns even after police and professors recognized that he was mentally

The campus shooting "made it clear" that the background check system for
potential gun buyers "needs to have better information, better technology, and
clearer standards," said Representative John Dingell, a Democrat who co-
authored the bill that passed the House in June.

The measure, which added a number of changes after the House version passed,
was supported by the powerful gun lobby, the National Rifle Association (NRA),
and now awaits President George W. Bush's signature to become law.

"The end product is a win for American gun owners," the NRA said in a
statement, describing the measure as "pro-gun legislation."

A number of safeguards were built into the legislation so that people who have
"overcome a disqualifying mental illness or disability may reclaim their
rights" of gun ownership through federal "relief from disabilities programs.."

The NRA pointed out that the bill "prevents use of federal 'adjudications' that
consist only of medical diagnoses without findings that the people involved are
dangerous or mentally incompetent.

"This would ensure that purely medical records are never used in NICS. Gun
ownership rights would only be lost as a result of a finding that the person is
a danger to themselves or others, or lacks the capacity to manage his own
affairs," the gun lobby said in a statement.

Kristen Rand, legislative director of the Violence Policy Center, which
advocates tighter gun control, said this shows that the legislation was
"hijacked by the gun lobby and would now do far more harm than good.

"Rather than focusing on improving the current laws prohibiting people with
certain mental health disabilities from buying guns, the bill... will waste
millions of taxpayer dollars restoring the gun privileges of persons previously
determined to present a danger to themselves or others," Rand said.

"Once a solution, the bill is now part of the problem," she said.

However another gun control group, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence,
urged Bush to sign the measure.

"Every day that passes until this legislation becomes law, dangerous people
will go into gun stores and not be blocked from buying deadly weapons, thus
putting lives at risk," the group said in a statement.