Fli-flip, flop-flop, oh what a relief it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thread starter Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

Just one month ago, Fidelis, a low-level right-wing organization
always on the look-out for anything that might suggest anti-Catholic
bigotry, especially as it pertains to Bush judicial nominees, was
crowing that "social conservatives" had spoiled John McCain's
"campaign surge":

A victory in Michigan would have locked in John McCain as the GOP
front-runner, but conservatives suspicious of the Arizona Senator
overwhelmingly voted against him Tuesday, handing the perceived front-
runner a major defeat.

"Social conservatives remain unconvinced whether John McCain is truly
committed to the fundamental issues of life, faith and family. In the
face of new developments on stem cell research, McCain continues to
support using taxpayer dollars to fund embryo-killing research. On
marriage, he not only voted against the federal marriage amendment, he
has barely uttered a word on protecting the traditional family on the
campaign trail. Values voters are looking for strong leadership in
defense of life and family, and John McCain has yet to show how he
will lead on these issues," said Brian Burch, President of Fidelis.


"Other conservatives are frustrated with McCain over immigration, his
opposition to tax cuts, and his leading role in limiting the free
speech of pro-life groups, and other advocacy groups during election
campaigns. Put simply: John McCain hasn't closed the sale with
conservative voters," continued Burch.

But apparently, in just one month's time, McCain has managed to "close
the sale with conservative voters" on all of these issues, because
Fidelis has just endorsed him:

Fidelis Political Action, the political arm of the one of the fastest
growing Catholic advocacy organizations, today announced that they
have endorsed Senator John McCain in his bid for the Republican
nomination for President. Brian Burch, President of Fidelis Political
Action issued the following statement:

"Fidelis is pleased to join a growing chorus of conservatives
nationwide in supporting Senator John McCain in his bid for the
presidency. As a Catholic based advocacy group, Fidelis believes
McCain's pro-life record, his commitment to selecting judges who will
respect the Constitution, and even his controversial positions on
immigration and torture merit the support of Catholics, and we are
proud to stand with him as he prepares for a very difficult election


"The stakes of this election are too large to ignore. Abortion
supporters are awaiting the opportunity to eliminate eight years of
progress on pro-life legislation by electing a President who supports
abortion. There are six justices on the Supreme Court over the age of
68, and granting a President Hillary or President Obama the
opportunity to fill possible vacancies would be disastrous. Our
endorsement of Sen. McCain is not simply a compromise endorsement.
America needs the experienced leadership of John McCain.

What a miraculous turn of events! Do you suppose the presence of
Joseph Cella - a former Fidelis president, Fred Thompson-backer, and
anti-Rudy activist - on McCain's newly announced Virginia Family
Issues Leaders committee had anything to do with that?