Aratzio wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 16:27:00 +1100, in the land of
> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"
> <> got double secret probation for writing:
>> "Aratzio" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 15:44:52 +1100, in the land of
>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"
>>> <> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>> <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Jan 1, 6:35 am, Axel Hussein Yerbouti mhm23x3 <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Dec 31, 2:16 pm, mimus <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Axel Insein Yerbouti mhm23x3 <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Current cosmology does place the Earth at the center of the
>>>>>>>> Universe,
>>>> Who was the retarded idiot who said that? What next the Earth is flat?
>>> Please feel free to point out the center of an infinite space.
>> I never said the universe had a centre. It is constantly expanding. In fact
>> we are in the aftermath of the big bang. It, like evolution, has not ended.
>> The centre of the universe for now will change in a second so as you said it
>> is impossible.
> Would you define the center as a point of reference for measurements?
No, an origin for co-ordinates need not be a centre,
and elliptical orbits have two foci, not a centre,
(unless the foci coincide, producing a circle), for example:
| O
The eliptical orbit "O" can be described by any set
of points (x,y) in the Cartesian plane satisfying an equation of the form:
where a and b are any positive real numbers.
As this approximates the orbit of the Earth around Sol
Earth cannot be the centre of the local Solar system,
or of any surrounding meta structure.
> Since there is no center, the arbitrary center is the point from which
> you make your measurements.
If you are choosing an arbitrary origin, then any point will do,
but it's not the centre, and the rest of this is a tautology,
based on a fallacy;
> That would be for the purposes of most cosmological models, the Earth.
So you will be apologising to the Church on Galileo's behalf! B^D
Anthropomorphism does not make Earth the Centre of the Universe,
That space appears to be occupied by your ego! B^D
> So it is fully correct to define the Earth as the center of the
> universe.
No, merely as an arbitrary reference point.
It would be absurd to speak of moving toward the CENTRE of our solar
system while transiting from Mercury to Earth! B^p
You would merely be moving toward an arbitrary, and moving, reference point.
As soon as we move to another Galaxy we would adopt another local
reference point, and the origin changes, ..if we find another
intelligence there, the change could be permanent.
> Now that you hopefully understand the facts,
I would prefer he rationally understood the facts rather
than your hopefulness, which is misplaced.
> who would be the "retarded idiot"
The one who claimed the Earth was the Centre of the Universe,
when it orbits around Sol.
> that did not know how referentials within infinite
> space are manufactured.
Mrs *** crochets them in here spare time.. B^D