FlonkNews: Darwin's 200th and _On the Origin of Species_' 150th Birthdays This Coming Year


Axel Hussein Yerbouti mhm23x3

On Jan 2, 8:07?am, fasgnadh <fasgn...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:



> Can we have a session on Wave/particle nature of light? ?B^)

What's so interesting about that? Photons, or any other wave/

particles, are simply probablistic vibrations in the quantum field

medium. If your puny brain can't manage to "resolve" this non-

paradox, tough luck for you.


> Would you like to pet Shroedingers cat?

As far as the cat is concerned, she's immortal.


Axel | D.A.R. | mhm23x3 | GS11

Meower since 1996-03-30 (wave 2.3) | mhm since 1998-06-18

Denizen of alt.food.dennys | Father of alt.food.mentos

Grand Ultimageneralissimo of the Shock and Awe wing of the Usenet

Flame Force / Defensive Alliance



On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 20:59:20 +1100, in the land of

alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"

<seongf@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:



>"Aratzio" <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote in message


>> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 19:27:52 +1100, in the land of

>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"

>> <seongf@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:




>>>"Aratzio" <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote in message


>>>> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 18:28:15 +1100, in the land of

>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"

>>>> <seongf@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>>I'll bet he's a young Earth theorist as well. I have learnt that these


>>>>>are ignorant and have been indoctrinated into their cult so much that it


>>>>>pointless debating with them.



>>>> Yeah, run away, make sure you remain ignorant of actual "current

>>>> cosmology". That would require you admit that Earth is the center of

>>>> the observable universe.


>>>> "Current cosmology does place the Earth at the center of the

>>>> Universe"


>>>Good then we both agree that Earth isn't at the centre of the universe.


>>>because it seems to be the centre when we look out at the stars and stuff

>>>doesn't make it so.



>> What weird world do you live in where you think your hissy fit of

>> utter ignorance was right and I agree? Earth is the center and no

>> amount of whining on your part alters the observable facts.


>Right so a infinite universe has a centre sure and Earth is really flat and

>8,000 years old rolls eyes


No, the Earth is an arbitrary point within an infinite space. The

universe is an observable sphere. Within the observable sphere the

Earth is the center, equidistant from all edges of the sphere.

Keep trying, you might make geo science overrule cosmology. Then again

you can keep burying you head in the sand and comparing "current

cosmology" to flat earth thinking. That ability to ignore the current

science always works so well.

Why not try using 21st century cosmology as the science to attack 21st

century cosmology rather than using 15th century astrology as you are

now. Copernicus and Gallileo were correct about local space. However

their science was nascent astronomy not cosmology.

The universe is a sphere. All edges of the universe are equidistant

from the observer. The observer is on Earth. The Earth is the center

of the universe. See how that works?



On Fri, 02 Jan 2009 11:13:26 GMT, in the land of

alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, fasgnadh <fasgnadh@yahoo.com.au>

got double secret probation for writing:

>Aratzio misrepresents the "cosmological models":

>> On Fri, 02 Jan 2009 06:46:48 GMT, in the land of

>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, fasgnadh <fasgnadh@yahoo.com.au>

>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>> Aratzio wrote:

>>>> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 16:25:36 +1100, in the land of

>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"

>>>> <seongf@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>> "Aratzio" <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote in message

>>>>> news:v28rl4tq1o649vqkr15le6uv1aub3bkda9@4ax.com...

>>>>>> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 15:47:01 +1100, in the land of

>>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"

>>>>>> <seongf@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>>>> "Seon Ferguson" <seongf@gmail.com> wrote in message

>>>>>>> news:495d9bc6$0$22083$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au...

>>>>>>>> <fasgnadh@yahoo.com> wrote in message

>>>>>>>> news:c90681cc-2027-430a-a7b5-e6bc893e229f@l33g2000pri.googlegroups.com...

>>>>>>>>> On Jan 1, 6:35 am, Axel Hussein Yerbouti mhm23x3 <mhm2...@gmail.com>

>>>>>>>>> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 31, 2:16 pm, mimus <tinmimu...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>> Axel Insein Yerbouti mhm23x3 <mhm2...@gmail.com> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> Current cosmology does place the Earth at the center of the

>>>>>>>>>>>> Universe,

>>>>>>>> Who was the retarded idiot who said that? What next the Earth is flat?



>>>>>>> Wait I take it back calling them an idiot and a ****** is a insult to

>>>>>>> idiots and retards everywhere.



>>>>>> So where is the center?


>>>>> Not Earth that's the kind of bullshit people said back in the dark ages when

>>>>> we were ignorant and didn't have science. Yet even with the advancements of

>>>>> science they are still morons (again that's a insult to morons everywhere)

>>>>> who still hold onto those primitive superstitious beliefs, they are still

>>>>> idiots who think the Earth is snickers 8,000 years old! It baffles me as

>>>>> to why some people still cling to those beliefs that belong tot he dumb

>>>>> ages. I mean religion is ok if it gives you hope and stuff but you can be

>>>>> religious and not buy into that nonsense.


>>>> So, you can't define the center,

>>> He never attempted to, Axle Insane, and you apparently,

>>> are the only ones pretending that it can be defined and that

>>> it could be Earth!!!! B^D


>> Maximum obsevable space is 15 billion light years in every direction

>> from Earth. Therefore within the "observable universe" we are

>> precisely at the center.


>Brilliant explanation of how you are the centre of the Gobi desert,

>no matter where you stand! Unless there is a sandstorm to the West!





> > There is a clue there but I am guessing you

>> are not smart enough to figure it out.


>Geocentrism is a product of ego and anthropocentrism, not science.


>>>> yet you are calling someone that did

>>>> define the center an idiot.

> >>



>>> Only because he IS an idiot, possibly as big an idiot as you! B^D


>>> Explain how the Centre the Universe can orbit around the Sun!? B^]


>> Explain how is cannot.


>Let me rephrase the question.. 'Explain IN ENGLISH how the

>CENTRE of the universe ORBITS AROUND the sun?..."




>Look I know you are rattled! Clearly you have fallen at the

>first hurdle.


>> Explain why the observed space ends in every

>> direction at the same distance from Earth.


>Answer my question and then PROVE that it does

>end in every direction, first.


> > If I get all sciency on you

>> your gonna get all cornfuzelled and then you'll be posting more

>> ignorant gibberish.


>Like that example from you? B^]



>>>> You said they were wrong, now prove it.

> >>



>> Sad, that isn't "current cosmologyl", cupcake.


>Sad that I had to tell you that and you had to pretend to

>correct me by repeating it, fruitcake!


>You claimed, and I quote:


>"that does not alter the fact the cosmological

>models use the Earth as the center."


>You lied to us, Aratzio, the cosmological models are clearly varied,

>and do not all support your Vatican Geocentrism, in fact it was

>disproved by the empirical evidence!


>I merely presented one cosmological model which invalidated your claim! 8^o


>I made no claims about that model, in fact I critiqued it, below:


>You must learn to deal with the FACTS, and not your erroneous

>assumptions about them! B^)


>> You do know the

>> difference between history and current?


>Do you know the difference between dealing with an argument put to you,

>once you have understood it, ...and wrestling a straw man of your own

>invention? B^)


>It is always telling when a cretin pounces after the first line

>of a complex proof, makes false ASSUMPTIONS about what argument is

>going to be, and wrestles their own straw-man.


>Let me paint it for the reader so they can see how misguided you

>are about the observable universe of this discussion, because I can

>change your centre, simply by removing your blinkers! B^D


>Heliocentrism was clearly not put as an alternative to your

>Geocentrism, merely to disprove your false claim that "the cosmological

>models use the Earth as the center."

>This is clear from the comment below.. so lets

>see your reaction to my rejection of Heliocentrism...




>>> The Geocentric model was disproved, from empirical observations

>>> some centuries ago.. you seem to be a particularly slow-witted dolt

>>> and have not yet caught up with the news!


>That's your ancient cosmology dealt with, centuries ago.


>The Sun does not revolve around the Earth, The Earth orbits the sun.


>Ergo The earth cannot be the centre of any physical space larger than

>the Solar system.


>No claim is made, by me, that the Sun is the centre of the Universe,

>there is none.


>Note, the limited Empirical evidence from deep space

>observations is not necessary.

>However it supports the abandonment of your Vatican Cosmology

>because our solar system also revolves around a distant galactic centre!

> B^D


>Here we are:


>>> [Note: the Heliocentric model does not put Sol at the centre of the

>>> universe, or even at the geometric centre of the Solar System, as the

>>> planet's orbits are elliptical. ]


>viz, there was no claim that Heliocentrism was a cosmology which

>I was advancing, merely that your claim "the cosmological

>models use the Earth as the center" was a lie, not a fact.



>> A truly a pathetic maundering and so incredibly wrong.


>Your attempt to misrepresent Heliocentrism as a cosmology

>I was asserting, surely was.


>You only have to explain how the 'centre of the Universe'

>has an elliptical orbit around two foci which it does not occupy.




>I'm sure you have empirical evidence that the other planets, the

>observable stars, galaxies and distant radio emitters all

>maintain the same elliptical orbit around Earth. B^)


>If not the earth can never be the centre. B^)




>> Since we were speaking of the "current cosmology"


>The reason people are clutching the walls and standing

>in the door-frames is because we all just felt the Ground Shift!




>"the fact the cosmological

>models use the Earth as the center." has somehow become

>a SINGULAR rather than a plural, AFTER I showed the

>original was a lie.


>You owe us all an apology.


>> and not astronomy

>> you will find that to be the correct link.


>Any link to a cosmology is the correct link when

>you claim "the cosmological models use the Earth

>as the center."


>> You can thank me later.



>Thanks for demonstrating you have no consistent argument.


>Once an internal contradiction is established in a theory,

>no further empitical proof of it's falsity is required.





>>> However, as the planets shown do orbit Sol, how can any of them be

>>> the centre of our Solar system? and therefore of any larger

>>> meta-structure, such as our galaxy, where we spin on one of the

>>> spiral arms, or the universe, or even the backs of the turtles

>>> which you and Alex Insane seem to think it all rests upon!




>> Because gibbering fool,


>Insult after ground-shifting, after being caught out!


>You really are folding faster than deckchairs on the Titanic! B^D


> > you are confused by the fact you have not even

>> the vaguest of clues what the phrase "current cosmology" meant


>It means your claim "the cosmological models use the Earth as the

>center." has ground-shifted AFTER i have shown that it is false.


>> and are

>> wandering around ***** nilly spewing unrelated astrological

>> observations as if they are somehow germane to the


>"cosmological models " we are discussing.. it sure is!


>There are many of them, but you are clearly ignorant of that,

>and thus have tried to ALTER the ambit of discussion which YOU

>had previously used.


>The discussion is about the your claim that there is a centre

>to the universe, and that Earth is it.. now that you are floundering

>you seek to redefine the subject, then, contradicting yourself,

>redefine it further, AND attempt to exclude all observational

>evidence and rational argument.. leaving you only to post

>web links which you clearly don't even understand and cannot



>Go on, Lightweight, "get all sciency" let's see of you can.


>Show everyone how "your gonna get all cornfuzelled" B^D


>instead of "posting more ignorant gibberish."


>> current cosmology.


>Every position has its own observable universe.


>The comoving distance from Sol to the edge of the visible universe (also

>called particle horizon) is about 14 billion parsecs (46.5 billion

>light-years) in any direction.'


>The comoving distance from Earth to the edge of the visible universe

>(also called particle horizon) is about 14 billion parsecs (46.5 billion

>light-years) in any direction.'


>As the earth orbits around the Sun, the precise centre is closer to the sun.


>>>> What is the center of an infinite space?

> >>

>>> Certainly not orbiting around a point, or two. B^)


>> Yes it is. The observable universe is a sphere centered upon the

>> observer. Which makes the Earth the cosmological center of the

> > universe.


>Oh, do try and keep up with the Cosmological argument, you self-

>contradicting dolt!


>" Every position has its own observable universe."


>According to your LATEST shifting position any observer is the

>centre of the universe.


>> Screaming about astronomy does not alter how cosmology works.


>Screaming? you can't even accurately observe the universe of laughter!

> B^D


>Internal contradiction means your argument doesn't work.


>Pretending you have understood current cosmology just makes you look




>>> Halfway between your ears, perhaps? B^D


>> Want to try it sing the correct field of science


>You can tap dance it or do the dance of the flaming arseholes,


>But until you master the Universe of observable ENGLISH, you

>are just an observer from the planet Gibber, the alternative

>Centre of the Universe. apparently!


>According to your latest misrepresentation of 'the cosmologies'




> > thsi time,


>The time? 10:08 EST, fruitcake..


> can't you pretend Cosmologists afford a decent chronometer?




>Another of your imaginary dimensions, to go with your

>singular/plural cosmologies!? B^D


> > cupcake?


>no thanks, too close to bedtime, all that sugar might

>give me a glucose high and make me babble, like you. B^)



>> Aside: Why is it these fucckwits from alt.atheism are so incredibly

>> ignorant of general science?


>I think it's because you are all stuck back with Vatican Geocentrism

>as one of your "Cosmologies", Sad really, after centuries the Vatican

>has apologised to Galileo, I guess your news parchment just hasn't

>arrived yet!



You idiots believe that "current cosmology" is based upon your beliefs

of Church doctrine.

That is too funny.

The earth is the center of an observable sphere.

Go for it, show that scientist all over the world, like Stephen

Hawking, are working for the Vatican.



On Fri, 02 Jan 2009 13:03:29 GMT, in the land of

alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, fasgnadh <fasgnadh@yahoo.com.au>

got double secret probation for writing:

>Aratzio wrote:

>> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 18:28:15 +1100, in the land of

>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"

>> <seongf@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:


>>> I'll bet he's a young Earth theorist as well. I have learnt that these types

>>> are ignorant and have been indoctrinated into their cult so much that it is

>>> pointless debating with them.



>> Yeah, run away, make sure you remain ignorant of actual "current

>> cosmology". That would require you admit that Earth is the center of

>> the observable universe.



>No, Current Cosmology places the Observer at centre of the observable



>What does 'the Earth' observe? pffft!


<snip more irrelavancies>

Is the Earth the center of the observable universe?

The answer is yes.

All your bullshit and blathering about the religious doctrine, the

Vatican, astrology and astronomy does not alter the simple fact:

The Earth is the center of the universe.

15 billion light year radius, all measurable distantances to edge the

same, observer is in the center of a sphere.

Keep trying to make this about your fear of religion and I'll just

keep pointing out the that current cosmology measures the Earth as the

center of the universe. You know that pesky science stuff rather than

your fear of the Vatican being right for the wrong reason.



On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 05:06:30 -0800 (PST), in the land of

alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Axel Hussein Yerbouti mhm23x3

<mhm23x3@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:

>On Jan 2, 1:04?am, Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:

>> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 16:25:36 +1100, in the land of

>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"

>> <seo...@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:








>> >"Aratzio" <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote in message

>> >news:v28rl4tq1o649vqkr15le6uv1aub3bkda9@4ax.com...

>> >> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 15:47:01 +1100, in the land of

>> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"

>> >> <seo...@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:


>> >>>"Seon Ferguson" <seo...@gmail.com> wrote in message

>> >>>news:495d9bc6$0$22083$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au...


>> >>>> <fasgn...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

>> >>>>news:c90681cc-2027-430a-a7b5-e6bc893e229f@l33g2000pri.googlegroups.com...

>> >>>>> On Jan 1, 6:35 am, Axel Hussein Yerbouti mhm23x3 <mhm2...@gmail.com>

>> >>>>> wrote:

>> >>>>>> On Dec 31, 2:16 pm, mimus <tinmimu...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>> >>>>>>> Axel Insein Yerbouti mhm23x3 <mhm2...@gmail.com> wrote:


>> >>>>>>>> Current cosmology does place the Earth at the center of the

>> >>>>>>>> Universe,


>> >>>> Who was the retarded idiot who said that? What next the Earth is flat?


>> >>>Wait I take it back calling them an idiot and a ****** is a insult to

>> >>>idiots

>> >>>and retards everywhere.


>> >> So where is the center?


>> >Not Earth that's the kind of bullshit people said back in the dark ages when

>> >we were ignorant and didn't have science. Yet even with the advancements of

>> >science they are still morons (again that's a insult to morons everywhere)

>> >who still hold onto those primitive superstitious beliefs, they are still

>> >idiots who think the Earth is snickers 8,000 years old! It baffles me as

>> >to why some people still cling to those beliefs that belong tot he dumb

>> >ages. I mean religion is ok if it gives you hope and stuff but you can be

>> >religious and not buy into that nonsense.


>> So, you can't define the center, yet you are calling someone that did

>> define the center an idiot.


>> You said they were wrong, now prove it.


>> What is the center of an infinite space?


>First off, space isn't infinite. All points in space are accelerating

>away from all other points in space, beginning with a singularity in

>which it is meaningless to talk about spacial or temporal dimensions.

>Thus there have always been limits. And that's putting aside entirely

>the question as to whether we live in an open, closed, or flat

>geometry, which makes the matter more complex.

It has always been explained, to me, that space is infinite, the

universe is finite and expanding. It is the old "you are at the edge,

what is on the other side". I know that ignores the fact(?) you cannot

get to the edge but it is simple enough for me to understand to that



>The center of the universe is where the big bang occurred. And since

>the CBR (the residual noise of the big bang) is completely uniform,

>ALL points in space are the point at which the big bang occurred.

>Making where you're standing the center of the universe. Or where I'm

>standing. Or Mars. Or the Sun. Or Rigel, the Andromeda galaxy, or

>some Quasar 8 billion light years away.

I knew that. It is the observable part that always ***** them up. I

was going about this in the round about manner. But their absolutist

religious beliefs got in the way. The center for all intents is

arbitrary and based upon the observer not a specific physical point.

They keep confusing astrological with the cosmological.


>If you want to dispute the big bang, you're going to have to invoke

>all sorts of exotic ideas such as tired photos (as an explanation for

>the red shift) and come up with an alternative method of baryogenesis,

>which as far as we know can only occur in human-made circumstance or

>in the very young universe of big bang cosmology.

I am not a scientist so I usually defer to the Hawkings of the world.

Not that I actually understand even a small part of their science.

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