On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 05:06:30 -0800 (PST), in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Axel Hussein Yerbouti mhm23x3
<mhm23x3@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
>On Jan 2, 1:04?am, Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 16:25:36 +1100, in the land of
>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"
>> <seo...@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >"Aratzio" <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote in message
>> >news:v28rl4tq1o649vqkr15le6uv1aub3bkda9@4ax.com...
>> >> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 15:47:01 +1100, in the land of
>> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, "Seon Ferguson"
>> >> <seo...@gmail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >>>"Seon Ferguson" <seo...@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> >>>news:495d9bc6$0$22083$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au...
>> >>>> <fasgn...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> >>>>news:c90681cc-2027-430a-a7b5-e6bc893e229f@l33g2000pri.googlegroups.com...
>> >>>>> On Jan 1, 6:35 am, Axel Hussein Yerbouti mhm23x3 <mhm2...@gmail.com>
>> >>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>> On Dec 31, 2:16 pm, mimus <tinmimu...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>> Axel Insein Yerbouti mhm23x3 <mhm2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>> Current cosmology does place the Earth at the center of the
>> >>>>>>>> Universe,
>> >>>> Who was the retarded idiot who said that? What next the Earth is flat?
>> >>>Wait I take it back calling them an idiot and a ****** is a insult to
>> >>>idiots
>> >>>and retards everywhere.
>> >> So where is the center?
>> >Not Earth that's the kind of bullshit people said back in the dark ages when
>> >we were ignorant and didn't have science. Yet even with the advancements of
>> >science they are still morons (again that's a insult to morons everywhere)
>> >who still hold onto those primitive superstitious beliefs, they are still
>> >idiots who think the Earth is snickers 8,000 years old! It baffles me as
>> >to why some people still cling to those beliefs that belong tot he dumb
>> >ages. I mean religion is ok if it gives you hope and stuff but you can be
>> >religious and not buy into that nonsense.
>> So, you can't define the center, yet you are calling someone that did
>> define the center an idiot.
>> You said they were wrong, now prove it.
>> What is the center of an infinite space?
>First off, space isn't infinite. All points in space are accelerating
>away from all other points in space, beginning with a singularity in
>which it is meaningless to talk about spacial or temporal dimensions.
>Thus there have always been limits. And that's putting aside entirely
>the question as to whether we live in an open, closed, or flat
>geometry, which makes the matter more complex.
It has always been explained, to me, that space is infinite, the
universe is finite and expanding. It is the old "you are at the edge,
what is on the other side". I know that ignores the fact(?) you cannot
get to the edge but it is simple enough for me to understand to that
>The center of the universe is where the big bang occurred. And since
>the CBR (the residual noise of the big bang) is completely uniform,
>ALL points in space are the point at which the big bang occurred.
>Making where you're standing the center of the universe. Or where I'm
>standing. Or Mars. Or the Sun. Or Rigel, the Andromeda galaxy, or
>some Quasar 8 billion light years away.
I knew that. It is the observable part that always ***** them up. I
was going about this in the round about manner. But their absolutist
religious beliefs got in the way. The center for all intents is
arbitrary and based upon the observer not a specific physical point.
They keep confusing astrological with the cosmological.
>If you want to dispute the big bang, you're going to have to invoke
>all sorts of exotic ideas such as tired photos (as an explanation for
>the red shift) and come up with an alternative method of baryogenesis,
>which as far as we know can only occur in human-made circumstance or
>in the very young universe of big bang cosmology.
I am not a scientist so I usually defer to the Hawkings of the world.
Not that I actually understand even a small part of their science.