MONTGOMERY: Belching and gaseous cows and hogs could start costing farmers
extra money if a U.S. government proposal to charge fees for air-polluting
animals becomes law.
Farmers so far are turning their noses up at the notion, which is one of
several put forward by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) after the
U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that greenhouse gases emitted by belching
and flatulence amounts to air pollution.
"This is one of the most ridiculous things the federal government has
tried to do," said Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks, an
outspoken opponent of the proposal.
It would require farms or ranches with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef
cattle or 200 hogs to pay an annual fee of about $175 for each dairy cow,
$87.50 per head of beef cattle and $20 for each hog . . . .
smeeter 11 or maybe 12
mp 10
mhm 29x13
"You are either insane or a fool."
"I am a sanitary inspector."
< _Maske: Thaery_
extra money if a U.S. government proposal to charge fees for air-polluting
animals becomes law.
Farmers so far are turning their noses up at the notion, which is one of
several put forward by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) after the
U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that greenhouse gases emitted by belching
and flatulence amounts to air pollution.
"This is one of the most ridiculous things the federal government has
tried to do," said Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks, an
outspoken opponent of the proposal.
It would require farms or ranches with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef
cattle or 200 hogs to pay an annual fee of about $175 for each dairy cow,
$87.50 per head of beef cattle and $20 for each hog . . . .
smeeter 11 or maybe 12
mp 10
mhm 29x13
"You are either insane or a fool."
"I am a sanitary inspector."
< _Maske: Thaery_