Fluoride, Aluminum, BPA and Prescription Drugs in Drinking Water

  • Thread starter alphabetaunlimited@gmail.com
  • Start date



Fluoride, the active ingredient in many pesticides, is a powerful
poison - more acutely poisonous than lead. Because of this, accidental
over-ingestion of fluoride can cause serious toxic symptoms

Human studies from China finding elevated levels of fluoride exposure
to be associated with reduced cognitive ability (e.g. reduced I.Q.) in

Toxic synergistic action between fluoride and aluminum; public record
in the us federal register as of December 4, 2000

Other studies have shown that in the presence of fluoride, aluminum
leaches out of cookware. Boiling fluoridated tap water in an aluminum
pan leached almost 200 parts per million (ppm) of aluminum into the
water in 10 minutes; Leaching of up to 600 PPM occurred with prolonged
boiling; Using non-fluoridated water showed almost no leaching from
aluminum pans

Accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland; "any agent that affects
pineal function could affect human health in a variety of ways,
including effects on sexual maturation, calcium metabolism,
parathyroid function, postmenopausal osteoporosis, cancer, and
psychiatric disease."

"Over the past ten years a large body of peer-reviewed science has
raised concerns that fluoride may present unreasonable health risks,
particularly among children, at levels routinely added to tap water in
American cities."
Environmental Working Group, July 2005

"In summary, we hold that fluoridation is an unreasonable risk."
US Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters' Union, 2001

Excessive ingestion of fluoride during the early childhood years can
damage the tooth-forming cells, leading to a defect in the enamel
known as dental fluorosis

Increased hip fracture in the elderly

No disease has ever been linked to a fluoride deficiency. Humans can
have perfectly good teeth without fluoride; Fluoridation is not
necessary; where fluoridation has been discontinued in communities
from Canada, the former East Germany, Cuba and Finland, dental decay
has not increased but has actually decreased

160 million people in the United States drink artificially fluoridated


Aluminum damages nervous systems in both infants and adults

Symptoms of aluminum toxicity include memory loss, learning
difficulty, loss of coordination, disorientation, mental confusion,
colic, heartburn, and headaches

In patients having Alzheimer's disease the brain is somewhat shrunken
and, on postmortem examination, a definite loss of nervous tissue is
noted. Examination of the brain tissues under a microscope reveals
small bundles of material called senile plaques, scattered throughout
the tissues. The more plaques that are present, the worse is the
mental condition of the patient. Chemical analysis reveals the
presence of the metal aluminum at the core of each plaque and within
many of the cells found in the plaques. Evidence is accumulating to
indicate that aluminum may be involved in the formation of the
plaques, and it is therefore a prime suspect as the initial cause of
the disease

Products with Aluminum

Fabric dyes use aluminum sulfate as a mordent (dye setting)

Showers create water vapor that is inhaled and water that is absorbed
through the skin. Most showers use water from municipal water
treatment plants where the water was treated with aluminum sulfate

Shampoos may contain magnesium aluminum silicate or aluminum lauryl

Antiperspirants rely on aluminum compounds such as aluminum
chlorohydrate to stop perspiration
These aluminum/zirconium products are the active ingredients in
virtually every type of antiperspirant formulation, including creams,
solid stick and clear gels
General Chemical Corporation (2005)

Astringents may contain acetate

Douches may contain aluminum compounds

Styptic pencils, often used to stop bleeding from small nicks and
scratches, are alum (aluminum potassium sulfate)

Cosmetics (cake type) contain magnesium aluminum silicate to prevent
caking and aid in smooth application

Drinking Water. Without testing, you simply do not know what
contaminants come along with your drinking water. But, if you're
drinking municipal water, it's highly likely that you are ingesting
some form of aluminum. If you're drinking well water, be sure to have
it tested routinely

Tooth paste. Certain toothpastes, especially whitening varieties,
often rely on aluminum oxide as a polishing agent. Toothpastes are not
required to list all ingredients as though they were a food product;
however, you can get an idea of the ingredients by reading the
warnings printed on the tubes. Frequently, instructions warn users to
seek treatment for poisoning if the tooth paste is ingested by a child

Foods Sodas and soft drinks may provide aluminum in two ways
First, the water added may be a source of aluminum sulfate
Second, aluminum cans are coated with a polymer to prevent the acid
content of the soda from leaching the aluminum into the liquid. If the
can is dented or cracked, the polymer may be broken, and aluminum will
be released into the liquid

Soy foods. Soy beans contain anti-nutritive substances, so they must
be highly processed to remove the offending substances. As part of
this process, beans are washed in an acid bath in aluminum tanks. The
acid itself causes aluminum to be released into the beans and powder
that is used to make tofu and other soy foods

Table Salt, not sea salt which is generally not processed salt, may
contain aluminum as a drying agent to prevent caking

Foods leavened with baking powder. Baking powder contains sodium
aluminum sulfate as a leavening agent
Dry pancake and waffle mixes
Dry cake mixes
Corn tortillas
Frozen breads
Frozen pizza (but not fresh pizza that uses yeast as a leavening agent
Frozen pancakes and waffles

Process cheese contains aluminum compounds, but natural cheese (those
made by injecting bacteria into the milk slurry) are ok
Teas (black and green)

Chewing gum

Chocolate pudding

Pickles and relishes

Soy-based infant formulas

Over-the-counter drugs


Buffered aspirin

Calcium supplements

Anti-ulcer medications

Aluminum Cook and Bake ware

Bisphenol A

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic chemical compound used in a wide
range of consumer products and is classed by the Government of Canada
as a hormone disruptor; functions like a synthetic estrogen; effects
including reproductive, developmental and behavioral problems

Bisphenol A is found in many everyday products including food cans,
plastic water containers and baby bottles. A study in the US found
that 95% of people tested had been exposed to BPA

Studies have linked low-dose BPA exposure with such effects as:
permanent changes to genital tract; increase prostate weight; decline
in testosterone; breast cells predisposed to cancer; prostate cells
more sensitive to hormones and cancer; and hyperactivity

Present in 57 out of 95 of the canned foods tested, from beans to
fruits to drinks. Levels were highest in pasta, soup and infant
formula. One of every three cans (33%) of infant formula contained BPA
at levels where a single serving would expose an infant to more than
200 times the government's traditional safe level of exposure for
industrial chemicals. The chemical is leaching from epoxy resins used
to line cans

Prescription Drugs in Drinking Water

Evidence of nine different drugs. They ranged from the painkiller
ibuprofen, cholesterol-lowering drugs and antidepressants, such as
The drugs are making it into the water supply because the human body
doesn't always absorb all the medication it ingests

Dale Spencer
<alphabetaunlimited@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Fluoride
> Aluminum
> Bisphenol A
> Prescription Drugs in Drinking Water

Reverse osmosis.

Get some.

Stop whining.
"Lickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <PopUlist349@hotmail.com> wrote in message
On Feb 19, 1:29 pm, alphabetaunlimi...@gmail.com wrote:
>Simple. Drink beer.

That worked well for you, NOT:

"Lickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <PopUlist349@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> 120 War Vets Commit Suicide Each Week

You said: "120 Iraq war vets commit suicide EACH WEEK."

Article says: "120 War Vets Commit Suicide Each Week."

You're a LIAR.
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:29:37 -0800 (PST), alphabetaunlimited@gmail.com

>Fluoride, the active ingredient in many pesticides, is a powerful
>poison - more acutely poisonous than lead. Because of this, accidental
>over-ingestion of fluoride can cause serious toxic symptoms
>Human studies from China finding elevated levels of fluoride exposure
>to be associated with reduced cognitive ability (e.g. reduced I.Q.) in
>Toxic synergistic action between fluoride and aluminum; public record
>in the us federal register as of December 4, 2000


Well that certainly explains Mr. Patriot Games. Thanks.

WB Yeats