FM Promo Pics


New member
omg! i love the rubix cube ones! those are awesome... the mustache needs to go though.. hehe (that was really teenie bopperish >.<)


New member
what's the deal with the rubik cube? mike looks so silly in some those pics. don't really care tho it's pics, not songs...


New member
Well if I was Mike Shinoda and I wanted to promote the album, I would use THIS

It's not that good, but I might have something better later.



New member
Was just on LPTIMES and saw they had these so i thought id post em

That is one of my fave pics!I <3 it!!!And the one with the rubix,it looks Mikes likes to play with it:p

UM0->I never thought u knew a bit of spanish XD

Hahninator-->I guess it is u in that pic?Right?If so u look funny and serious at the same time.

And CC00 thanx for uploading those amazing pics :thumbsup:

Edit:Hahninator-->nice and funny way to promote FM XD

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New member

well, hello there Paul McCartney



New member
The only thing that Hahninator and Paul McCartney have in common is the way they have their hair lol but I don´t see any resemblance on them XD:p
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