FM Wins a VMA


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2005
Fort Minor indeed won a VMA tonight at the VMA's in NYC. They won the best ringtone award, for Where'd You Go. Mike said thanks to the fans :)

Congrats FM!
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So sick of that melody. Especially from a 2-bit monophonic piece of crap phone.

Why even make a thread congratulating him? He won the award for best song coming out of someone's ass.
I was gonna start this thread right away after Mike won the award, but I was too lazy and I knew someone else would eventually post this anyways.

I've never actually heard "Where'd You Go" as a ringtone, nor do I know anyone who has it as a ringtone. I don't know why anyone would want it as a ringtone anyway, cause I personally think it would suck as a ringtone (just cause it's a slow and sad song, not my type of ringtone). But congratulations to Mike Shinoda for winning it, I knew he would win cause I know a lot of people liked the song, plus the video retired on TRL.
He won because of the big fan base...I think it was the best ringtone of the ones that were to Mike....and he seemed to be happy about winning it...
Psh. the VMAs are a joke now. Even though it was nice to see Fort Minor win, it doesn't mean much really. there is no credibility in any VMA award...even video of the year.
Clogz said:
Psh. the VMAs are a joke now. Even though it was nice to see Fort Minor win, it doesn't mean much really. there is no credibility in any VMA award...even video of the year.
Haha, yeah the VMAs lost their credibility a long time ago. Still fun to watch though. :thumbsup:

Dark Collision said:
Even "Victor," that's me, his best friend, woo! :D
Technically he did thank you, not directly of course, but he did thank all the fans and supporters of FM/LP. So yeah. :p

Anyone see that one guy (Apparently named Sixx) towards the end of the show who crashed the awards? He went up on stage with one of the winning bands and said something like 'Yo, my names Sixx and MTV wouldent give me my own show, but go to and show your support for me!' Something like that. Then he disappeared off stage (security probly got him) and the band did their speech. Afterwords, Jack Black (who of course was hosting) said "Well I guess Sixx is the new Soy Bomb" (who crashed the awards in the past.) Well anyways, with a little research, this guy apparently crashes alot of awards shows (VMAs and Grammys in peticular) and actually has a DVD you can buy of some of his crashes in the past. XD I also found out that not only does he own the mtv6000 site, he also owns the domains "" and "" This guys crazy. :p