Folsom Street Fair and America's 4th Sexual Revolution

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Folsom Street Fair and America's 4th Sexual Revolution

Via NY Transfer News Collective All the News that Doesn't Fit

Counterpunch - Oct 20, 2007

Deviants on Parade

Folsom Street Fair and America's 4th Sexual Revolution


For the last twenty-four years, gay and straight sexual deviants have
met in San Francisco during Leather Pride Week to celebrate the Folsom
Street Fair. This year, on Sunday, September 30th, between
three-hundred-and-fifty and four hundred thousand fetishists, their
admirers and voyeurs gathered in what is considered the world's largest
assembly of sexual deviants. While the street fair was the centerpiece
of the week's adventures, almost every night featured a special
deviant-themed event.

One night the Leathermen's Discussion Group hosted a "Fetish Fair" that
showcased a variety of b&d/s&m demonstrations featuring "some of the
most knowledgeable and respected experts in the community." Other
special events included an evening with erotic performance artists Cleo
Dubois and Fakir; a formal gay-oriented uniform dinner, Roll Call 2007,
sponsored by California Boots and Breeches Corp.; a male/male spanking
get-together; and a host of after-hour private fetish sex parties for
both straight and gay male and female adventurers.

Folsom Street Fair is the premier event of a growing, nationwide
network of adult deviant sexual fantasy and play. It is a cornerstone
event of America's 4th sexual revolution, this one pushing further the
revolutions of the 1840s, 1920s and 1970s. In distinction from earlier
movements for sexual reform, today's revolution remains unseen and
unacknowledged, hidden behind a background of Christian evangelical
battles over cultural values, Bush administration war against
pornography and media pursuit of sex offenders.

Nevertheless, a sexual insurgency is taking place among consenting
adults. It is mostly noncommercial in character and involves what has
been traditionally identified as illicit or nonconventional sexual
practices. Equally important, it is taking place within an expanding
cultural environment of media, fashion and advertising industries that
aggressively exploit references to a wide variety of deviant sexual
indulgence. With little fanfare, a new sexual revolution is taking
shape in Mr. Bush's America.

The people strolling along Folsom Street came from across the Bay,
across the country, across the globe and from every conceivable
background, including sexual inclination. So entertaining, whole
families came to gawk and participate in the festive revelry.

Folsom Street was packed with people for five blocks and lined with
booths offering everything from s&m whipping sessions and fetish toys,
to performances by rock bands and displays by erotic artists, to
AIDS/STD tests and to literature on gay-friendly evangelical churches,
and to hotdogs and beer.

According to "The San Francisco Chronicle," Tom Maiolo, a visitor from
Tampa, FL, attending his first fair and outfitted in a leather vest and
chaps with his butt exposed, exclaimed, "So far, so good. I love this,
and I'm just getting started." Another fairgoer, Jaeleen Bennis, mused,
"This is like Disneyland--you'll never see anything like this in the

One woman, who goes by the name Andrea Storm, was dressed in a tiny
silver dress shaped like a martini glass with bra cups decorated like
green olives. "It's totally fun," she said. "I don't get very far
because I keep getting photographed. I feel like I'm on the red carpet."

As the Chronicle reports, " couples led each other up and down the
street with dog collars and leashes, men in thong underwear played
Twister, women in stilettos and fishnet stockings spilled out of their
corsets, and shoppers browsed stalls selling products such as baseball
caps reading 'Master' and 'Slave' and a book entitled 'Dungeon
Emergencies and Supplies."

One area, Venus' Playground, was designated as a women-only space. It
consisted of a tent used as a dungeon for sex play and another tent for
demonstrations. Among the planned specialty events were "Beginning
Bondage: Quick Tips," "Sticks and Punching with Lady Hilary" and
"Japanese Rope Bondage with Madame Butterfly." To encourage personal
ease, the space was designated off-limits to photography.

Folsom week involved a wide range of scheduled public events. They
included: an art show, "Daddies and Dukes"; "a spoken word smut salon,"
"Perverts Put Out"; a women-only event, "This **** Will **** U Up"; a
veterans fund raiser, "Mr. & Miss Gay Bridges Uniform Party;" and a
full-dress gala at the Magnitude dance club (with tickets running $90 a
pop). Folsom Street has something for almost everyone. [San Francisco
Chronicle, "Leather and Corsets and Whips, Oh My," October 1, 2007;
BAR, 27 September 2007]

The fair generated considerable national attention when the
conservative group, Concerned Women of America (CWA), came out against
it. CWA branded the fair "reminiscent of biblical Sodom and Gomorrah."
It was especially disturbed by the fair's take-off on Leonardo da
Vinci's "Last Supper" as its promotional poster. The twelve apostles
and the devotional wine and bread were replaced by men and women decked
out in S&M leatherwear and a table full of sex

CWA spokesperson, Matt Barber, noted in a press release, "Scripture
says that God is not mocked, yet it doesn't stop people from trying."
It added, "[a]s evidenced by the latest stunt, open ridicule of
Christianity is unfortunately very common within much of the homosexual
community." Barber expressed considerable displeasure over taxpayers
being "forced" to pay for the fair in which, in his words, "'gay' men
and women [are allowed] to parade the streets fully nude, many having
sex--even group orgies--in broad daylight, while taxpayers funded
police officers look on and do absolutely nothing."

CWA launched a national campaign against Miller Brewing for its
promotional support of the fair. The campaign picked up momentum when
Fox and other cable news networks jumped on the story. While Miller is
a long time supporter of LGBT events, the brewer capitulated and
removed its logo from the poster. Andy Cooper, of the fair's events
committee, joked, "I guess it wouldn't be Folsom Street Fair without
offending some extreme members of the global community." And added,
"[t]he irony is that da Vinci was widely considered to be homosexual."

Folsom Street is part of an adult, noncommercial deviant sexual culture
that is growing throughout the country. In its "Leather Community
Calendar," the gay-oriented Leather Journal lists approximately two
hundred fetish events that take place across the country. Like Folsom,
are major annual happening including the Gay Pride Day parades that
bring out diverse fetishist contingents in cities across the country
and the Key West Fantasy Fest that draws over 80,000 deviants.

Other annual events include the more hardcore, weekend-long gatherings
like the International Leatherman (ILM, Chicago) and the Mid-Atlantic
Leather Association (MLA, Washington, DC) conferences that bring three
to five thousand in full regalia--men, women, gays, straights, tops,
bottoms, blacks, whites, Latins, although predominantly white gay men.

The Journal also lists some three hundred and fifty clubs and other
organizations serving male and female, gay and straight fetishists into
leather, rubber, bears and bikers as well as s&m, b&d, water sports,
fisting and other indulgences. One of these groups, the Satyrs
Motorcycle Club of Los Angeles, recently celebrated its fiftieth

Some additional indicators of this new sexual culture are:

Explicit sex clubs which operate throughout the country. They
include Power Exchange (San Francisco), the Peepshow (New York), The
Green Door and The Fantasy Social Club (Las Vegas) and all catering to
a heterosexual crowd (although they encourage female homoeroticism).
Establishments like Blow Buddies (San Francisco), Slammers (Los
Angeles), El Mirage (New York) and Jacks (Philadelphia) are gay
male-only clubs.

In these adult-only "safe sex" venues, nearly anything goes.

Fetish clubs catering to b&d, s&m and other tastes operate in
Atlanta, Baltimore, Birmingham, Los Angeles, Miami, Milwaukee, Phoenix,
St. Louis, San Diego and other cities. Some are hosted by a
professional dominatrix.

NASCA International, a swingers association, identifies one
hundred and sixty-eight swingers clubs across the U.S., with California
(26) and Texas (20) leading the count. In addition to intimate liaisons
at members' homes and party venues like Club Kama Sutra (Philadelphia)
and the BackDrop (Mountain View, CA, now in its thirtieth year,
America's oldest swing club), swingers meet at local and national
conventions like Hedo-fest (Washington, TX), Couples Choice (Eagle
Nest, NM), the Orlando International (Orlando, FL) and Life Style West
(Las Vegas), a four-night extravaganza.

Gentlemen's clubs are no longer limited to Las Vegas. Strip
clubs, some with X-rated nude dancers, lap dancing and private
backrooms for other, more intimate services, can be found throughout
the country. TUSCL, a website of strip clubs, lists twenty-eight
hundred; Texas (217) and Florida (215) have the greatest number.

Gay bathhouses remain notorious venues for sexual liaisons. They
operate in New York (East Side Sex Club, Wall Street, West Side Club
and 82nd Street Club in Flushing, Queens), Portland, OR (Club
Portland), San Francisco (Eros), San Jose, CA (Watergarden) and Seattle
(Club Seattle) as well as Boonville, MO (Megaplex). In addition, there
are successful chains like Flex Baths (Columbus, Los Angeles, New
Orleans and Phoenix)and Steamworks (Berkeley, Chicago and San Juan).

This is a small sampling of venues available for adults to live out
their fantasies.

This sampling does not include private liaisons between married or
other couples which incorporate all manner of deviant sex play, nor
commercial exchanges legally available in Nevada or easily arranged
throughout the rest of the country through weekly newspaper ads and
online websites like Craigslist. Nor does this discussion include the
increasing explicit role of deviant sexual imagery in the mass media
(i.e., movies, television, videogames and magazines), fashion and
advertising. These areas encourage a more tolerant sexual culture,
lubricating the appeal of deviant sexual experience.

America is in the midst of a 4th sexual revolution. In contrast to the
previous revolutions of the 1840s, 1920s and 1970s, forbidden or
deviant consensual sex has become an accepted practice among many

With conservative moralists, Republican stalwarts and Christian
fundamentalists in retreat, it is the right time to examine America's
best kept secret, today's sexual revolution. The on-going sex scandals
involving Republican and Christian worthies have taken the proverbial
wind out the sails of the new puritans. Wedge issues that defined the
2006 election like abortion rights, gay marriage and stem-cell research
have lost their edge. America just might be ready to face, embrace its
darker sexual side.

Deviant practices have always been a feature of America's sexual
landscape. In the past, such activities existed at the periphery of
acceptable society; today, however, they have become an integral
feature of popular experience. Deviance has become an accepted
indulgence among a growing number of consenting adults.

While no authoritative estimate of the number of adult Americans
engaged in consensual(and mostly noncommercial) deviant sexual
practices is available, such indulgence is not uncommon. Two critical
developments over the last thirty-plus years have set the stage for
this new sexual environment.

First, the American Psychiatric Association, in the 1973 revision of
the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric
Disorders" (DSM-III), reclassified homosexuality from pathology to (in
its most egodystonic form) paraphelia. This transformed sexual
perversion from a mental disorder to what some analysts' label
"deviance without pathology."

Second, the Supreme Court's 2003 landmark "Lawrence and Garner v.
Texas" decision sanctified the right to personal sexual privacy among
consenting adults, whether they be gay or straight, female or male.
This legitimized (noncommercial) deviance among consenting adults.
Where it was once a mental disorder or a crime, sexual deviance has
become a lifestyle.

Sexual deviance is rooted in a relationship, be it to oneself, to
another, to an object, practice or fantasy. It is a ritualized
relationship, a dialectical tension between that which attracts and
repels, of self with otherness. It involves nonconventional sexual
practices among consenting adults and differs fundamentally from
nonconsensual activities, whether labeled pathological or illegal.

For deviants, sexual otherness is not denied but rather ritualized with
illicit erotic significance; this is what psychiatrists call
"nonpathological" or "egosyntonic" deviance. For those with sexualized
pathologies (what are called "paraphelia" or "egodystonic"),
nonconsensual acts like rape, sex slavery, pedophilia, lust-murder or
other acts of violation deny the autonomy or humanity of one or more of
the participants. This is the (often fuzzy) line where sexuality turns
against itself and one or more of the participants is harmed. They are
less about sex and more about existential power.

Over the last four centuries of American history, the boundaries of
acceptable sexual practice have been challenged, changed and redefined.
The Folsom Street Fair makes explicit the increasing popular appeal of
deviant sexuality. It is an appeal not limited to San Francisco.

David Rosen can be reached at

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