For Bush, Bill O'Lielly and FUX News It's Desperate Times


Harry Hope


June 30th, 2007

For Bush, Bill O'Reilly and FOX News It's Desperate Times

A. Alexander

George W. Bush is visiting military audiences again, though not being
greeted nearly as warmly as he had once been, but nonetheless he is
spinning tall tales of al Qaeda having overrun Iraq.

Over at FOX News, Bill O'Reilly has taken to making up outrageously
absurd stories about raping, plundering, and pillaging pink
pistol-toting lesbians who are taking over entire cities and invading
nearly every school in America.

The whole thing was so completely ridiculous that O'Reilly could only
barely stop himself from collapsing into hysterical laughter.

No word from FOX and O'Reilly as to whether or not Dick Cheney's
daughter is involved with the man-beating lesbian gangster brigade,
but it does seem like the sort of thing a Cheney would be drawn to.

That is to say, a Cheney seems predisposed to lawlessness and causing
pain to others.

Of course, the reality is that there is as much truth in O'Reilly's
lesbian gang story as there is in Mister Bush's insistence that al
Qaeda has taken over Iraq.

Both are blatant lies meant to misinform the public, while advancing
hidden agendas and furthering political objectives.

One suspects that FOX News and O'Reilly will eventually marry the
lesbian gang story with Mister Bush and the Republican Party's
narrative of an al Qaeda group hiding behind every tree.

By election season 2008, O'Reilly and FOX News will be alerting the
nation to pink pistol-wielding lesbian al Qaeda terrorists, who
escaped from Iraq and have infiltrated every school in America.

Seriously, what does it mean that Mister Bush and FOX News feel a need
to tell such tall tales?

Well, obviously it is all about sheer desperation.

George W. Bush needs the people to believe al Qaeda has overwhelmed
Iraq, so they won't want to extricate the military from the
civil-war-ravaged country and FOX News and Bill O'Reilly need people
to believe in Genghis Khan-like marauding lesbians, so that their
party, the Republican Party, will have something akin to a prayer in
the 2008 election.

For Mister Bush and FOX News and Bill O'Reilly, desperation is all
they've got left.

They've long ago run out of real ideas.

Maybe one day someone will demand that Mister Bush prove his al
Qaeda-Iraq claims (his own intelligence agencies say foreign fighters
make up only a small fraction -- 2-to-5 percent -- of Iraq's
insurgents) and Bill O'Reilly and FOX News will be forced to produce
at least one pink pistol-packing lesbian.

Until then, they'll just keep telling their sweet little lies.

Desperate times after all, call for desperate measures.

