Former Italian President - Latest Osama Video Will Be Proven a Fraud



Former Italian President, Minister, First Minister, and currently
Italian Senator-for-Life, Francesco Cossiga, declared that, to his
knowledge, "Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, the most important
Italian magazine and newspaper editor will give proofs that the new
Osama bin Laden video [sic] [...], in which there are threats against
former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi, is nothing but a fake,
produced in Mediaset [Berlusconi's TV network] studios in Milan [...].
The trap has been forged in order to obtain solidarity towards

He then says that: "Palazzo Chigi [headquarters of the Italian
government] circles, nerve center of Italian intelligence, note that the
video's falsity is proven by the fact that Osama Bin Laden reportedly
confesses that Al Qaeda made the September 11 attacks against the twin
towers in New York, while all democratic circles in Europe and America,
above all those of the Italian left-wing, know that the disastrous
attack has been planned and executed by the CIA and Mossad, with the
help of the sionist world, in order to accuse arab countries and force
western powers to intervene both in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is why
there has been no word of solidarity to Berlusconi from the Quirinale
[home of the Italian president of the republic], from Palazzo Chigi nor
from members of the left wing coalition"

In Italy, Cossiga is well known for his links with the USA and NATO
intelligence services. This is the reason why Italian European
parliament member Giulietto Chiesa wonders if Cossiga is actually trying
to prevent the scoop he speaks about, or he is trying to "send messages"
to the US government.

Cossiga's declaration can be read on the website of italian most
important newspaper "Il Corriere della Sera" at the following link:

Chiesa's comments can be found on his website:

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