Former Republican Governor Leaves To Serve His 6 1/2 Year Sentence


Harry Hope

Following a historic six-month trial, a jury convicted Ryan in April
2006 of steering millions of dollars in state business to lobbyist
Lawrence Warner and other friends in return for vacations, gifts and
other benefits to Ryan and his family.

Ryan was also convicted of gutting efforts to fight corruption and
misusing state resources for political gain.


Ryan's conviction was the culmination of an eight-year federal probe
that exposed rampant bribery in state driver's license facilities
while he was secretary of state.

With 75 convictions, the investigation was one of the most successful
in modern Chicago history.

From The Chicago Tribune, 11/7/07:,1,225464.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

Former Gov. George Ryan left his Kankakee home at about 5:50 a.m.,
bound for prison.

He made no statement as he climbed into the front passenger seat of a

But last night, with his last hope for staying out of prison dashed,
he defiantly proclaimed that he would go to prison "with a clear
conscience" and vowed to overturn his sweeping corruption conviction.

On his journey this morning, Ryan was accompanied by seven people,
including his wife and other family members.

They brought a blue cooler with them.

The 73-year-old Republican has battled to remain free since his
conviction 18 months ago as his lawyers filed a series of
so-far-unsuccessful appeals.

But on Tuesday, U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens refused
to extend Ryan's bail any longer, forcing him to report to prison
Wednesday to begin serving his 6 1/2 year sentence.


Another corrupt Repug bites the dust.
