Fort Minor on TRL Wednesday!


New member
Fort Minor on TRL?

I turned on the TV and TRL was on [MTV] and I decided to watch because it was \"Spankin New Music Week\" and I was hoping there would be something about FM... but then my mom came down to do something and I asked her a question since the show was going to commercial... and Damien(sp?), the one VJ said something and I heard FORT MINOR.... :eek:



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New member
well tell me if it comes back on lol :p sorry my TV wasnt plugged up, its always on MTV, all I had to do was hit power and record ^_^


New member
Yeah it doesn't reply except ocasionally they've done a Friday repeat on Saturdays. I'd hope if they were going to be there that we'd know in advance.


New member
I'll record it :)
Awesome Mark... thats why your the Fort Minor Arch Angel, and Mike Shinoda is the Fort Minor ***...

I can't wait to watch it... I hardly ever watch MTV, but this will be worth it... I'll record it to a VHS so I can watch it again... and again.... and again.... and again.... and again....



New member
I'm not doing anything until I find that ******* mixtape lol

omg my sig rox.

I didn't know it but today my name was posted on like 4 sites o_O

LPAssociation credited me for the FM tracklist/cover

LPForums (posting news as usual)

FM Boards had me with my tracklist/cover thread

LPTimes had me for the tracklist/cover also :O

sorry I hate bragging (feels like a jerk), but I've been trying to do this for a year o_O



New member
I usually hate it when people brag, but I think you've earned it at this point :p

And yeah... I think you should find the ****** mixtape! :p



New member
noone cheered when they said Mike/FM ;_: bastards. lol I liked the commercial though. jackasses cheered for 50 cent *diss*
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