Fourth Grader To Obama: Why Do People Hate You?


New member
[ame=]YouTube - Obama Gets Tough Question From Fourth Grader[/ame]

I like the way Obama drops down his rhetoric a notch to street level and start using the "that's what I'm talkin' about" message.

He never really answers the question, but puts as many "important" words that people need to hear into the answer as possible - politics, healthcare, jobs, etc.

Then Obama comments that he's a "tough kid".

Also note the racial significance of the thing. A sweet little black boy with a squeaky voice asking the first black president why people hate him, lower lip thrust out and eyes shining.

Just look at the white people in the audience lock up with nervous GUILT. It's funny and it's sickening at the same time.



New member
Are there people who truly hate President Obama out there? - Yes.

However I still believe that the majority of Americans who are unimpressed with the job he is doing and vehemently against his political proposals DO NOT hate Barack Obama as a person.

There were people who truly hated former President Bush, too. Even people who clamored for his death!

Where was his sympathy? Where were the cries of injustice and outrage from the media? Where was that teary-eyed Nancy Pelosi hiding then?

Had a little white boy posed the same question to former President Bush on why people hated him, do you think it would have packed the same punch?


Good post, RO.



New member
Maybe he could've went with the fact that there is hatred in this world but ther is also good a decent people.


New member
I interpreted the answer to be: A lot of people are losing their homes to foreclosure and a lot of people are losing thier jobs. People are frustrated and scared. When you're the president and things are good, you get to take credit. And when things are bad, you catch the blame. Right now things are bad... and I'm taking the blame.


New member
I interpreted the answer to be: A lot of people are losing their homes to foreclosure and a lot of people are losing thier jobs. People are frustrated and scared. When you're the president and things are good, you get to take credit. And when things are bad, you catch the blame. Right now things are bad... and I'm taking the blame.
That's what I got from it. I thought he did rather well. Now, it wouldn't be much of a stretch for me to believe that the kid and his question were planted, but I thought Obama answered it well- especially to a 4th grader.

The kid wasn't asking about all the political talking points, so there wasn't a need to delve into them.



Active Members
I wouldn't doubt the kid was planted, either.

Most people do not hate Obama, but we do hate what he is doing, I know I see more of what makes America great going away and it does not make me feel good.

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