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Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, April 14, 2008; C01

NEW YORK -- It's just after 10:30 Monday morning on "America's
Newsroom," and Megyn Kelly has bounced from riots in Paris to storms
in the Midwest, from a truck-and-train collision to a strange
interview about the 1969 Manson family murders with the sister of
slain actress Sharon Tate.

But the Fox News anchor doesn't seem truly animated until senior
producer Tom Lowell says in her ear: "Megyn, remember the bee story?
Think you can ad-lib us a tease here?"

Kelly looks into the camera and exclaims: "Imagine what happened when
you're driving by that truck and out come bees! Tens of thousands of

She is causing quite the buzz herself. Four years ago, Kelly was a
Washington lawyer pleading with WJLA-TV for part-time work. Now she's
the co-anchor of two Fox shows, including a new 5 p.m. hour on the
presidential campaign.

"When I was practicing law and had to do these 13-, 14-, 16-hour days,
I was miserable," she says. Now, "you get off the set, you have that
post-show high."

Most of the stars at Fox are highly opinionated men. Kelly, 37, is a
former legal affairs correspondent who mostly keeps her views out of
her on-air work. That may be a more circuitous path to cable stardom,
but it is becoming more common.

MSNBC has given political shows in recent weeks to NBC correspondents
Andrea Mitchell and David Gregory, who also fills in on "Today." CNN
has given programs to former CBS correspondent John Roberts and former
NBC correspondent Campbell Brown, and is tapping reporter John King as
a substitute anchor. They all serve up analysis but stop short of

What makes Kelly unusual is the sheer speed of her ascent. "She has
learned television news very quickly," says Bill Hemmer, her co-
anchor. "She cares about the news, she studies it, and she has a
wicked sense of humor. There is a chemistry that's required, this Fred-
and-Ginger dance you have to perform every day on the fly."

Kelly, who grew up in an Albany, N.Y., suburb, was practicing law in
Chicago -- securities law, contract disputes and the like -- when she
took some journalism classes and served an internship at the NBC
station in town. After moving to Washington in 2003, she reduced her
legal load and persuaded WJLA, the ABC affiliate, to give her
reporting assignments a couple of days a week.

Within a year, Kelly sent Fox a tape, which immediately impressed Brit
Hume, the Washington managing editor, and his wife Kim, then the
bureau chief.

"Here is this woman who was strikingly attractive but has tremendous
air presence and a very strong voice," Hume says. "We were knocked
out. It was screamingly obvious that this was someone with tremendous

What's more, says Hume, "she seemed to get what we've talked about
with 'fair and balanced news' . . . She came in believing there was a
left bias in the news. That's not common." He quickly created an
opening for her.

As a Washington correspondent, Kelly specialized in legal issues and
was an early skeptic of the sexual-assault charges against the Duke
lacrosse players who were ultimately exonerated. She enjoyed reporting
but "thought it would be fun to have a job where you could show a
little bit more personality."

Her first attempt was nervously filling in as the host of Geraldo
Rivera's weekend show: "I thought, 'Oh my God, it's so cool.' " Kelly
sees parallels to the lawyer's trade: giving a presentation, keeping
it concise, maintaining energy and trying not to let them see you

Thirteen months ago, Fox executives summoned her to New York for a new
mid-morning show that replaced "Fox News Live." Ratings are up 15
percent since then.

Did good looks play a role in the promotion? Kelly was voted a
"hottie" in a contest on the Fishbowl DC Web site, and some bloggers
have blathered on about her appearance, with one calling her "Leggy
Meggy." YouTube features a series of videos such as "Hot Collection of
Megyn Kelly" and one simply titled "Leather Boots & Skirt." On the
morning show, Fox puts her on an open set that showcases her long

But Kelly says success hinges on inner beauty. Still, she says, "In
the industry, women have a hard time because there's an assumption
that maybe you've moved up for reasons other than your mind."

Fox's morning show has what's known as a high story count, forcing
anchors to race from one item to the next. Kelly recalls Lowell saying
they would try launching the program as "America's Newsroom on crack,"
and later try a version on Valium, but "we never got off the crack."

Kelly can be a tad on the bubbly side, saying things on the air like
"hiya" and "see you, guys." As a nervous flier, she told an airline
safety expert last month: "You're freaking me out a little bit."

On this particular morning, Lowell tells Kelly that she may need to do
an unexpected interview with Sen. Charles Schumer on the economy.
During a break, Kelly e-mails a couple of financial analysts for
suggested questions. But, she says, "I generally try not to know too
much about complex financial news, because then you try to conduct an
expert interview. Our viewers aren't experts." The interview falls
through at the last minute.

In her "Kelly's Court" segment, the anchor moderates a debate over a
California court ruling that parents do not have a right to home-
school their children. She makes her disdain obvious in her questions,
saying, "It sounds more like a court that is picking and choosing the
facts it wants," before delivering her verdict: The decision "smells
arbitrary" and is a "slam against home schooling."

On another day she sides with a photographer who refused to work at a
lesbian wedding, saying discrimination laws don't require the woman
"to sacrifice her religious beliefs in the name of social harmony."

Kelly says that "my job is to do the interviews, not be the opinion-
giver," but she feels free to offer her views in these legal
arguments. Occasionally, though, there are hints of her political
outlook. During the weeks when Fox News was making a major issue of
the offensive sermons by Barack Obama's former pastor, the Rev.
Jeremiah Wright, Kelly told viewers it was "pretty stunning" that
Wright got a cheering welcome at a Chicago church while President Bush
was booed at the Washington Nationals home opener. "No respect for the
president of the United States when he showed up to throw out the
first pitch," she said.

Kelly, who began her television career as Megyn Kendall, explained to
viewers that she was reverting to her maiden name after her divorce.
When she was about to get remarried last month, colleagues showered
her with gifts on the air, from balloons to a hand-painted wine glass.
"I love you guys, too!" she exclaimed.

Before she went honeymooning at a Mexican villa with Internet
entrepreneur Doug Brunt, the New York Times reported that she had met
her man on a blind date at the Washington mezze bar Zaytinya (actually
a semi-blind date; the matchmaking friend had showed her Brunt's

"I don't love talking about my personal life, but you try to stay
connected with your audience," Kelly says. "We try not to be these
little automatons who sit there and read the news."


No Comment

Nearly three weeks after apologizing for having published a story
based on fake FBI documents, editors at the Los Angeles Times are
remaining silent.

After other media debacles -- Jayson Blair at the New York Times, Jack
Kelley at USA Today, Stephen Glass at the New Republic, Janet Cooke at
The Washington Post -- those responsible have eventually fielded
questions about what went wrong. But even after last week's formal
retraction of a story that accused associates of Sean "Diddy" Combs of
involvement in the 1994 shooting of rapper Tupac Shakur, Editor Russ
Stanton and his deputies have declined to grant a single interview
with outside news organizations.

To their credit, Stanton, Deputy Managing Editor Marc Duvoisin and
reporter Chuck Philips quickly apologized after the Smoking Gun Web
site revealed the hoax. But the Times' own coverage has not addressed
Stanton's degree of involvement or whether anyone has been
disciplined. Would the paper accept such conduct from a government

Pressed for comment, a Times spokeswoman released another statement in
which Stanton said the paper "has taken this matter very seriously"
and that the retraction and apology "speak for themselves."


Clay wrote:
> Before she went honeymooning at a Mexican villa with Internet
> entrepreneur Doug Brunt, the New York Times reported that she had met
> her man on a blind date at the Washington mezze bar Zaytinya (actually
> a semi-blind date; the matchmaking friend had showed her Brunt's
> picture).

That's just so wonderful to know!!!

Watch out Ann Coulter, there's a younger hotter chick in town.

What, you thought they respected you for your intelligence and credibility!?
Clay <> allegedly said in news:8fe0a683-3ee4-4967-

> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor


A FAUX "noise" bimbo, a hairdo with legs, a "bingo caller" with NOT a shred
of journalistic background... which is ok for FAUX since all of "murdoch's
monkey's" just read what's put in front of them...

But tell us ClayDOH!! why are you obsessed with this ****?

I mean you are always yapping on about ratings and other ****, like this,
that NOBODY (except you) gives a FF about.

Like WHY would you post this **** in a POLITICAL ng?



<small but dangerous>
"Clay" <> wrote in message
> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor

Megyn Kelly expressed outrage over Jeremiah Wright's attack on Sean Hannity
saying , "Sean of all people!"

Kelly can't even get Hannity's species right:
Clay <> allegedly said in

> On Apr 14, 8:26
And how much "journalistic expericence did George Stephanopoulus have?

"Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
> Clay <> allegedly said in news:8fe0a683-3ee4-4967-
>> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor

> rotfl...
> A FAUX "noise" bimbo, a hairdo with legs, a "bingo caller" with NOT a
> shred
> of journalistic background... which is ok for FAUX since all of "murdoch's
> monkey's" just read what's put in front of them...
> But tell us ClayDOH!! why are you obsessed with this ****?
> I mean you are always yapping on about ratings and other ****, like this,
> that NOBODY (except you) gives a FF about.
> Like WHY would you post this **** in a POLITICAL ng?
> Huh???
> --
> AW
> <small but dangerous>
"Jerry Okamura" <> allegedly said in

> And how much "journalistic expericence did George Stephanopoulus have?
> "Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9A80CFFAB934Afubar@
>> Clay <> allegedly said in
>> news:8fe0a683-3ee4-4967-
>>> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor

>> rotfl...
>> A FAUX "noise" bimbo, a hairdo with legs, a "bingo caller" with NOT a
>> shred
>> of journalistic background... which is ok for FAUX since all of
>> "murdoch's monkey's" just read what's put in front of them...
>> But tell us ClayDOH!! why are you obsessed with this ****?
>> I mean you are always yapping on about ratings and other ****, like
>> this, that NOBODY (except you) gives a FF about.
>> Like WHY would you post this **** in a POLITICAL ng?
>> Huh???
>> --
>> AW
>> <small but dangerous>


I neither know nor care you top-posting moron...

WTF has THAT to do with anything????


<small but dangerous>
"Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
> "Jerry Okamura" <> allegedly said in
> news:480909a1$0$4084$
>> And how much "journalistic expericence did George Stephanopoulus have?
>> "Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
>> news:Xns9A80CFFAB934Afubar@
>>> Clay <> allegedly said in
>>> news:8fe0a683-3ee4-4967-
>>>> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor
>>> rotfl...
>>> A FAUX "noise" bimbo, a hairdo with legs, a "bingo caller" with NOT a
>>> shred
>>> of journalistic background... which is ok for FAUX since all of
>>> "murdoch's monkey's" just read what's put in front of them...
>>> But tell us ClayDOH!! why are you obsessed with this ****?
>>> I mean you are always yapping on about ratings and other ****, like
>>> this, that NOBODY (except you) gives a FF about.
>>> Like WHY would you post this **** in a POLITICAL ng?
>>> Huh???
>>> --
>>> AW
>>> <small but dangerous>


> I neither know nor care you top-posting moron...
> WTF has THAT to do with anything????
> --
> AW
> <small but dangerous>

Jerry only posts queries.
Almost always things he
could look up himself.....
if he were really interested.
"Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> And how much "journalistic expericence did George Stephanopoulus have?
> "Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9A80CFFAB934Afubar@
>> Clay <> allegedly said in news:8fe0a683-3ee4-4967-
>>> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor

>> rotfl...
>> A FAUX "noise" bimbo, a hairdo with legs, a "bingo caller" with NOT a
>> shred
>> of journalistic background... which is ok for FAUX since all of
>> "murdoch's
>> monkey's" just read what's put in front of them...
>> But tell us ClayDOH!! why are you obsessed with this ****?
>> I mean you are always yapping on about ratings and other ****, like this,
>> that NOBODY (except you) gives a FF about.
>> Like WHY would you post this **** in a POLITICAL ng?
>> Huh???
>> --
>> AW
>> <small but dangerous>


Rhodes scholar Stephanopoulos is a lot better than "bottom of the barrel"

Stephanopoulos received his bachelor's degree from Columbia in 1982, where
he was a legendary broadcaster for WKCR Sports. Graduating summa cum laude
with a degree in political science, Stephanopoulos was the salutatorian of
his class. He returned to his alma mater in 2003, serving as Columbia
College's Class Day speaker.

Stephanopoulos' father had always wanted his son to become a lawyer, if not
a priest, so he promised his father that he would attend law school
eventually. Initially he took a job with a Congressman from Cleveland, and
served as an aide in Washington, D.C. Nevertheless, his father persistently
questioned him as to when he would attend law school, so Stephanopoulos
agreed to attend law school if he were not offered a Rhodes Scholarship.
Though he had been rejected for the scholarship during his senior year at
Columbia, Stephanopoulos was successful in his second attempt.

While at Oxford, Stephanopoulos earned a master's degree in theology at
Balliol College on his Rhodes Scholarship. He reported spending much of his
time trying to root his political leanings in deeper philosophies that he
studied while at Oxford.

In May 2007, Stephanopoulos received an Honorary Doctor of Laws from St.
John's University. Though only an honorary degree, its conferral symbolized
completion of the law education he promised his parents.
"Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
> "Jerry Okamura" <> allegedly said in
> news:480909a1$0$4084$
>> And how much "journalistic expericence did George Stephanopoulus have?
>> "Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
>> news:Xns9A80CFFAB934Afubar@
>>> Clay <> allegedly said in
>>> news:8fe0a683-3ee4-4967-
>>>> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor
>>> rotfl...
>>> A FAUX "noise" bimbo, a hairdo with legs, a "bingo caller" with NOT a
>>> shred
>>> of journalistic background... which is ok for FAUX since all of
>>> "murdoch's monkey's" just read what's put in front of them...
>>> But tell us ClayDOH!! why are you obsessed with this ****?
>>> I mean you are always yapping on about ratings and other ****, like
>>> this, that NOBODY (except you) gives a FF about.
>>> Like WHY would you post this **** in a POLITICAL ng?
>>> Huh???
>>> --
>>> AW
>>> <small but dangerous>


> I neither know nor care you top-posting moron...

If you don't know or care, then why are you making comments like the ones
you just made? And what does it say about your values, when you resort to
hurling personal insults when someone asks a simple question?
> WTF has THAT to do with anything????

It has to do with the basic question, what qualification if any, should
someone have to be in the news business.....
> --
> AW
> <small but dangerous>
"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> "Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9A84B71005A64fubar@
>> "Jerry Okamura" <> allegedly said in
>> news:480909a1$0$4084$
>>> And how much "journalistic expericence did George Stephanopoulus have?
>>> "Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Xns9A80CFFAB934Afubar@
>>>> Clay <> allegedly said in
>>>> news:8fe0a683-3ee4-4967-
>>>>> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor
>>>> rotfl...
>>>> A FAUX "noise" bimbo, a hairdo with legs, a "bingo caller" with NOT a
>>>> shred
>>>> of journalistic background... which is ok for FAUX since all of
>>>> "murdoch's monkey's" just read what's put in front of them...
>>>> But tell us ClayDOH!! why are you obsessed with this ****?
>>>> I mean you are always yapping on about ratings and other ****, like
>>>> this, that NOBODY (except you) gives a FF about.
>>>> Like WHY would you post this **** in a POLITICAL ng?
>>>> Huh???
>>>> --
>>>> AW
>>>> <small but dangerous>

>> I neither know nor care you top-posting moron...
>> WTF has THAT to do with anything????
>> --
>> AW
>> <small but dangerous>

> Jerry only posts queries.
> Almost always things he
> could look up himself.....
> if he were really interested.

You are assuming that I did not know the answer or that I did not do some
research on the subject matter, both of which are wrong. Finally, I ask
questions because I want to know what research the poster had conducted
before they posted the message.
"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> news:480909a1$0$4084$
>> And how much "journalistic expericence did George Stephanopoulus have?
>> "Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
>> news:Xns9A80CFFAB934Afubar@
>>> Clay <> allegedly said in news:8fe0a683-3ee4-4967-
>>>> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor
>>> rotfl...
>>> A FAUX "noise" bimbo, a hairdo with legs, a "bingo caller" with NOT a
>>> shred
>>> of journalistic background... which is ok for FAUX since all of
>>> "murdoch's
>>> monkey's" just read what's put in front of them...
>>> But tell us ClayDOH!! why are you obsessed with this ****?
>>> I mean you are always yapping on about ratings and other ****, like
>>> this,
>>> that NOBODY (except you) gives a FF about.
>>> Like WHY would you post this **** in a POLITICAL ng?
>>> Huh???
>>> --
>>> AW
>>> <small but dangerous>


> Rhodes scholar Stephanopoulos is a lot better than "bottom of the barrel"
> McCain:

What has that got to do with whether he should be a newsman or not? Who
said anything about that choice being from the "bottom of the barrel" other
than you?
> Stephanopoulos received his bachelor's degree from Columbia in 1982, where
> he was a legendary broadcaster for WKCR Sports. Graduating summa cum laude
> with a degree in political science, Stephanopoulos was the salutatorian of
> his class. He returned to his alma mater in 2003, serving as Columbia
> College's Class Day speaker.

So, being a sportcaster makes someone qualified to be reporting the news?
> Stephanopoulos' father had always wanted his son to become a lawyer, if
> not a priest, so he promised his father that he would attend law school
> eventually. Initially he took a job with a Congressman from Cleveland, and
> served as an aide in Washington, D.C. Nevertheless, his father
> persistently questioned him as to when he would attend law school, so
> Stephanopoulos agreed to attend law school if he were not offered a Rhodes
> Scholarship. Though he had been rejected for the scholarship during his
> senior year at Columbia, Stephanopoulos was successful in his second
> attempt.
> While at Oxford, Stephanopoulos earned a master's degree in theology at
> Balliol College on his Rhodes Scholarship. He reported spending much of
> his time trying to root his political leanings in deeper philosophies that
> he studied while at Oxford.
> In May 2007, Stephanopoulos received an Honorary Doctor of Laws from St.
> John's University. Though only an honorary degree, its conferral
> symbolized completion of the law education he promised his parents.

Getting an honoray degree, does not make you a lawyer. It takes a whole lot
more than a piece of paper to be able to practice the law.....
"Jerry Okamura" <> allegedly said in

> "Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns9A84B71005A64fubar@
>> "Jerry Okamura" <> allegedly said in
>> news:480909a1$0$4084$
>>> And how much "journalistic expericence did George Stephanopoulus
>>> have?
>>> "Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Xns9A80CFFAB934Afubar@
>>>> Clay <> allegedly said in
>>>> news:8fe0a683-3ee4-4967-
>>>>> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor
>>>> rotfl...
>>>> A FAUX "noise" bimbo, a hairdo with legs, a "bingo caller" with NOT
>>>> a shred
>>>> of journalistic background... which is ok for FAUX since all of
>>>> "murdoch's monkey's" just read what's put in front of them...
>>>> But tell us ClayDOH!! why are you obsessed with this ****?
>>>> I mean you are always yapping on about ratings and other ****, like
>>>> this, that NOBODY (except you) gives a FF about.
>>>> Like WHY would you post this **** in a POLITICAL ng?
>>>> Huh???
>>>> --
>>>> AW
>>>> <small but dangerous>

>> I neither know nor care you top-posting moron...

> If you don't know or care, then why are you making comments like the
> ones you just made? And what does it say about your values, when you
> resort to hurling personal insults when someone asks a simple
> question?

Look kid the thread was about that vapid "bingo caller" Kelly, at FUAX
"noise" now WTF has George Stephanopoulus who is NOT a "news anchor" but
a Political Commentator have to do with the subject ???

"simple question"? it was a ****ing STUPID QUESTION ... you should learn
the difference...

>> WTF has THAT to do with anything????

> It has to do with the basic question, what qualification if any,
> should someone have to be in the news business.....


You would expect a "news anchor" to have some formal training or to have
served some time in the "journalistic" trenches or at the very least have
some education in journalism oh... except at FAUX "noise" of course.

The other morning Kelly was having some difficulty with Afghanistan which
she seemed to believe was in the middle east somewhere... not that any
FAUX viewers would know the difference.

You really ARE a ****ing moron...


<small but dangerous>
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 14:17:35 -1000, "Jerry Okamura"
<> wrote:

>"Sid9" <> wrote in message
>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
>> news:480909a1$0$4084$
>>> And how much "journalistic expericence did George Stephanopoulus have?
>>> "Amanda Williams" <> wrote in message
>>> news:Xns9A80CFFAB934Afubar@
>>>> Clay <> allegedly said in news:8fe0a683-3ee4-4967-
>>>>> Megyn Kelly, Fox News's Fast-Rising Anchor
>>>> rotfl...
>>>> A FAUX "noise" bimbo, a hairdo with legs, a "bingo caller" with NOT a
>>>> shred
>>>> of journalistic background... which is ok for FAUX since all of
>>>> "murdoch's
>>>> monkey's" just read what's put in front of them...
>>>> But tell us ClayDOH!! why are you obsessed with this ****?
>>>> I mean you are always yapping on about ratings and other ****, like
>>>> this,
>>>> that NOBODY (except you) gives a FF about.
>>>> Like WHY would you post this **** in a POLITICAL ng?
>>>> Huh???
>>>> --
>>>> AW
>>>> <small but dangerous>

>> Rhodes scholar Stephanopoulos is a lot better than "bottom of the barrel"
>> McCain:

>What has that got to do with whether he should be a newsman or not? Who
>said anything about that choice being from the "bottom of the barrel" other
>than you?

I just LOVE watching right wingers defend a Clinton political
operative who routinely beat the crap out of them in the early

Their masters sure make them dance some interesting jigs, don't they?
>> Stephanopoulos received his bachelor's degree from Columbia in 1982, where
>> he was a legendary broadcaster for WKCR Sports. Graduating summa cum laude
>> with a degree in political science, Stephanopoulos was the salutatorian of
>> his class. He returned to his alma mater in 2003, serving as Columbia
>> College's Class Day speaker.

>So, being a sportcaster makes someone qualified to be reporting the news?
>> Stephanopoulos' father had always wanted his son to become a lawyer, if
>> not a priest, so he promised his father that he would attend law school
>> eventually. Initially he took a job with a Congressman from Cleveland, and
>> served as an aide in Washington, D.C. Nevertheless, his father
>> persistently questioned him as to when he would attend law school, so
>> Stephanopoulos agreed to attend law school if he were not offered a Rhodes
>> Scholarship. Though he had been rejected for the scholarship during his
>> senior year at Columbia, Stephanopoulos was successful in his second
>> attempt.
>> While at Oxford, Stephanopoulos earned a master's degree in theology at
>> Balliol College on his Rhodes Scholarship. He reported spending much of
>> his time trying to root his political leanings in deeper philosophies that
>> he studied while at Oxford.
>> In May 2007, Stephanopoulos received an Honorary Doctor of Laws from St.
>> John's University. Though only an honorary degree, its conferral
>> symbolized completion of the law education he promised his parents.

>Getting an honoray degree, does not make you a lawyer. It takes a whole lot
>more than a piece of paper to be able to practice the law.....


What do you call a Republican with a conscience?

An ex-Republican. (From Yang, AthD (h.c)

"Prosperity and peace are in the balance," -- Putsch, not admitting that he's against both

Putsch: leading America to asymetric warfare since 2001

Not dead, in jail, or a slave? Thank a liberal!
Pay your taxes so the rich don't have to.
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a.a. #2211 -- Bryan Zepp Jamieson
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 01:41:17 GMT, 4033 Dead
<> wrote:

>I just LOVE watching right wingers defend a Clinton political
>operative who routinely beat the crap out of them in the early

....and I just loved watching him beat the crap out of Obama....