France Will Help Bomb **** Out of Renegade Iran


Patriot Games


Bush, Sarkozy Oppose Nuclear-armed Iran

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

President Bush and French President Nicolas Sarkozy stood
shoulder-to-shoulder against a nuclear-armed Iran on Wednesday,
demonstrating the cozier relationship between the two countries under
France's new conservative leader.

Bush said agreement on Iran was a hallmark of their talks here at the
Virginia home of George Washington. He said they expressed "the desire to
work jointly to convince the Iranian regime to give up their nuclear weapons
ambitions for the sake of peace."

"It is unacceptable for Iran at any point to have a nuclear weapon," said
Sarkozy. He said, "I believe even in the need to toughen" United Nations
sanctions now leveled against Tehran for continuing to enrich uranium.

Although some suspect Bush of leading a march toward war to stop Iran from
developing a nuclear bomb, the U.S. president said the diplomatic course is
his preferred choice.

"The idea of Iran having a nuclear weapon is dangerous, and therefore now is
the time for us to work together to diplomatically solve this problem," Bush

Sarkozy emphasized that Iran should be allowed to have civilian nuclear
power, which Tehran argues is the sole aim of its nuclear program. "Iran is
entitled to the energy of the future which is nuclear energy," he said.

The second day of the Bush-Sarkozy meetings was unique.

Bush has welcomed foreign leaders to several locales to which he has
personal ties - his ranch in Texas, the White House and the presidential
retreat at Camp David, Md. But hosting meetings at a neutral site -
especially one with such significance to the American story - became
additional evidence that the on-again, off-again U.S.-French relationship is
reaching new heights with Sarkozy's ascension to office in Paris.

Even before Wednesday, Bush had bestowed a rare invitation on the energetic,
pro-American French leader, bringing him during the summer to his parents'
home on the Maine coast while Sarkozy and his family vacationed at a lake

Bush greeted Sarkozy on Mount Vernon's front lawn overlooking a sweeping
view of the Potomac River and fall foliage. The French leader commented
quietly to the president, who remarked, "It is beautiful." The two went
inside the home for a tour of its rooms, renovated to appear as they did
when the first U.S. president died there in 1799, and for their meeting in
the large dining room that Washington added to the house to entertain the
hundreds of guests who came to visit each year.

"It's safe to say that you've impressed a lot of people here on your
journey," Bush said to his guest. "I have a partner in peace, somebody who
has clear vision, basic values who is willing to take tough positions to
achieve peace."

Appearing together with the main house behind them, both played down
conflicts between the two countries, including on Iraq.

Sarkozy made only a passing reference to a big difference for him, on
climate change. The French leader wants to make his country a vanguard of
the movement against global warming, while Bush advocates mostly voluntary
and technology-based solutions to the problem.

And Bush said he was comfortable with France's effort to break a political
deadlock over elections in Lebanon by engaging in direct talks with Syria.
While the Bush administration has shunned Syria, a French diplomat recently
traveled to Damascus to discuss the elections.

Lebanon's anti-Syrian parliament majority has accused Syria of blocking the
presidential elections through its allies in Lebanon, a charge that Damascus

Sarkozy came to Washington seeking to smooth over the sharp differences that
arose between Paris and Washington over the U.S.-led war in Iraq. In an
indication that he has shifted the dynamic after just six months in office,
he was greeted earlier Wednesday by rousing standing ovations on Capitol
Hill. In 1996, many U.S. lawmakers boycotted a similar appearance by his
predecessor, Jacques Chirac, to protest France's nuclear testing in the
South Pacific.

Speaking through a translator to lawmakers gathered in the chamber of the
House of Representatives for a Joint Meeting of Congress, Sarkozy
highlighted France's long friendship with the United States and gratitude
for American help in World War II.

Sarkozy also told lawmakers that such improved relations should lead to much
closer cooperation on a host of international problems including Iran's
nuclear program, Middle East peace and the stability of Lebanon.

He left to claps and cheers, pausing again to embrace lawmakers and even to
autograph books passed to him by members of Congress.

Sarkozy also received an award Wednesday from the American Jewish Committee
as a tireless promoter of democratic values. In a speech there, he denounced
anti-Semitism and racism as "beasts" and said France would fight for
Israel's security.

At the same time, he said "we have waited too long" for an agreement that
establishes a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

Sarkozy's whirlwind visit to Washington began with a black-tie dinner at the
White House Tuesday night. On this visit to the United States, unlike the
summer vacation, he came alone. He and his ex-wife, Cecilia, announced their
divorce on Oct. 18, a first for a French head of state.
Patriot Games wrote:

> Bush, Sarkozy Oppose Nuclear-armed Iran

Just when you would have the thought the French had enough of Vichy
style government, they put a neoconvict wannabe in office. I guess
those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

When France gets hit with NBC weapons, I wonder what will happen to
property values?
"nobody" <> wrote in message
> Patriot Games wrote:
>> Bush, Sarkozy Oppose Nuclear-armed Iran

> Just when you would have the thought the French had enough of Vichy
> style government, they put a neoconvict wannabe in office. I guess
> those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

The French are painfully aware of the problem they have with runaway
socialism and Muslims.

> When France gets hit with NBC weapons, I wonder what will happen to
> property values?

Dead victims are not concerned about property values.

Dead terrorists do not commit acts of terrorism.

Do the math.