Fred "Lousy Actor" Thompson was Nixon's spy on the Watergate committee


Harry Hope

From The Boston Globe, 7/4/07:

Not all would put a heroic sheen on Thompson's Watergate role

By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff


The day before Senate Watergate Committee minority counsel Fred
Thompson made the inquiry that launched him into the national
spotlight -- asking an aide to President Nixon whether there was a
White House taping system -- he telephoned Nixon's lawyer.

Thompson tipped off the White House that the committee knew about the
taping system and would be making the information public.

In his all-but-forgotten Watergate memoir, "At That Point in Time,"
Thompson said he acted with "no authority" in divulging the
committee's knowledge of the tapes, which provided the evidence that
led to Nixon's resignation.

It was one of many Thompson leaks to the Nixon team, according to a
former investigator for Democrats on the committee, Scott Armstrong ,
who remains upset at Thompson's actions.

"Thompson was a mole for the White House," Armstrong said in an

"Fred was working hammer and tong to defeat the investigation of
finding out what happened to authorize Watergate and find out what the
role of the president was."

Asked about the matter this week, Thompson -- who is preparing to run
for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination -- responded via
e-mail without addressing the specific charge of being a Nixon mole:

"I'm glad all of this has finally caused someone to read my Watergate
book, even though it's taken them over thirty years."

The view of Thompson as a Nixon mole is strikingly at odds with the
former Tennessee senator's longtime image as an independent-minded
prosecutor who helped bring down the president he admired.

Indeed, the website of Thompson's presidential exploratory committee
boasts that he "gained national attention for leading the line of
inquiry that revealed the audio-taping system in the White House Oval

It is an image that has been solidified by Thompson's portrayal of a
tough-talking prosecutor in the television series "Law and Order."

But the story of his role in the Nixon case helps put in perspective
Thompson's recent stance as one of the most outspoken proponents of
pardoning I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice
President Dick Cheney.

Just as Thompson once staunchly defended Nixon, Thompson urged a
pardon for Libby, who was convicted in March of obstructing justice in
the investigation into who leaked a CIA operative's name.

Thompson declared in a June 6 radio commentary that Libby's conviction
was a "shocking injustice . . . created and enabled by federal

Bush on Monday commuted Libby's 30-month sentence, stopping short of a

The intensity of Thompson's remarks about Libby is reminiscent of how
he initially felt about Nixon.

Few Republicans were stronger believers in Nixon during the early days
of Watergate.

Thompson, in his 1975 memoir, wrote that he believed "there would be
nothing incriminating" about Nixon on the tapes, a theory he said
"proved totally wrong."

"In retrospect it is apparent that I was subconsciously looking for a
way to justify my faith in the leader of my country and my party, a
man who was undergoing a violent attack from the news media, which I
thought had never given him fair treatment in the past," Thompson

"I was looking for a reason to believe that Richard M. Nixon,
President of the United States, was not a crook."

Thompson was a little-known assistant US attorney in Tennessee when
the Watergate investigation in Congress got underway.

He had served as campaign manager for the successful 1972 reelection
of Senator Howard Baker, a powerful Tennessee Republican.

When the Senate Watergate Committee was established in 1973, Baker
became the ranking Republican member and brought Thompson to
Washington to serve as minority counsel.

Baker, who has been among those now urging Thompson to seek the
presidency, did not return a call seeking comment.

John Dean , Nixon's former White House counsel, who was a central
witness at the hearings, said he believed that Baker and Thompson were
anything but impartial players.

"I knew that Thompson would be Baker's man, trying to protect Nixon,"
Dean said in an interview.

The website of Thompson's presidential exploratory committee,, suggests that Thompson helped reveal the taping system
and expose Nixon's role in the Watergate coverup.

And while Thompson's question to presidential aide Alexander
Butterfield during a Watergate hearing unveiled the existence of the
taping system to the outside world, it wasn't Thompson who discovered
that Nixon was taping conversations.

Nor was Thompson the first to question Butterfield about the

On July 13, 1973, Armstrong, the Democratic staffer, asked Butterfield
a series of questions during a private session that led up to the

He then turned the questioning over to a Republican staffer, Don
Sanders, who asked Butterfield the question that led to the mention of
the taping system.

To the astonishment of everyone in the room, Butterfield admitted the
taping system existed.

When Thompson learned of Butterfield's admission, he leaked the
revelation to Nixon's counsel, J. Fred Buzhardt .

"Even though I had no authority to act for the committee, I decided to
call Fred Buzhardt at home" to tell him that the committee had learned
about the taping system, Thompson wrote.

"I wanted to be sure that the White House was fully aware of what was
to be disclosed so that it could take appropriate action."

Armstrong said he and other Democratic staffers had long been
convinced that Thompson was leaking information about the
investigation to the White House.

The committee, for example, had obtained a memo written by Buzhardt
that Democratic staffers believed was based on information leaked by

Armstrong said he thought the leaks would lead to Thompson's firing.

"Any prosecutor would be upset if another member of the prosecution
team was orchestrating a defense for Nixon," said Armstrong, who later
became a Washington Post reporter and currently is executive director
of Information Trust, a nonprofit organization specializing in open
government issues.


Betcha didn't know all that
