Fred Phelps ends up eating his own dogfood!

  • Thread starter A Texan from Connecticut
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A Texan from Connecticut


Unique protest targets Phelps pickets
Million Fag March forecast to draw hundreds to the Westboro area
By Jan Biles
The Capital-Journal
Published Sunday, March 16, 2008

When Chris Love heard members of Westboro Baptist Church were planning
to protest at the funeral of actor Heath Ledger because he played a
gay cowboy in "Brokeback Mountain," he and a couple of his friends
jokingly pondered what it would be like if the tables were turned.

They decided to float the idea of picketing Pastor Fred Phelps and his
Topeka-based church.
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For more on the march, go to

Love posted the notion of staging a Million Fag March against Westboro
Baptist Church on his Web site and a few other online sites. The power
of the Internet immediately kicked in.

"We were getting a couple thousand hits," said Love, 28, of
Leavenworth. "I was really very much surprised how it spread (on the

Even though he knows the word "fag" is offensive to many people, Love
said he decided to include it in the name of the march to draw
attention to the event and point out how Phelps' church uses the word
to devalue people.

"Fred Phelps and the WBC seem to use the word as often as they can,
seemingly in reference to gay and straight people alike," Love said.
"So our use of it here is a way of saying: 'Those people you seem to
hate? Here they are at your doorstep.' "

Westboro Baptist is best known for picketing the funerals of soldiers
and people in the news, claiming their deaths are God's retribution
for the United States' acceptance of homosexuality.

Love said about 400 to 500 people are expected to show up for the
Million Fag March, slated to begin at 10:30 a.m. March 30. Most of
those who have indicated they will attend are from the area, but some
protesters are coming from as far away as California, Washington and

Shirley Phelps-Roper, a Phelps' daughter and an attorney for the
church, said organizers of the Million Fag March "intend to create a
disruption," but God has another intention.

"We don't care (if they picket)," Phelps-Roper said. "We are so
thankful they are coming here and bearing witness we have been

She said some members of Westboro Baptist are scheduled to be out of
town on March 30 picketing in Florida and California, and the church
is planning to have a special, longer service that day. She said the
hours of the service will be advertised in The Topeka Capital-Journal.

While there is no Kansas statute addressing picketing at churches or
church services, the Topeka city code book restricts focused picketing
at announced religious events.

The code, according to information supplied by David Bevens, public
information officer for the city, says it is unlawful to engage in
focused picketing from one-half hour before the beginning time and
until one-half hour after the ending time of the event.

Additionally, it is unlawful to engage in focused picketing on
sidewalks adjoining church property; on streets or roadways adjoining
or adjacent to church property; in the public area between a church
and adjoining or adjacent streets or roadways; or any public property
within 50 feet of the property line on which a church sits.

Those who violate the code can be fined up to $500, be jailed for not
more than 179 days, or both.

"They must obey the law," Phelps-Roper said.

Love said the protesters may gather at a park in the Westboro
neighborhood and then march to the church. Jack E. Jett, a Texas
native who hosts the show "QueerEdge" on Q Television with Sandra
Bernhard, will speak at the march. Jett's show airs in Canada,
Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

Love said he is working with the Topeka Police Department to make sure
all required permits are obtained and procedures are followed during
the march.

"This is a peaceful march," he said. "We don't want anything to get
out of hand."

T-shirts bearing "Million Fag March" are being sold at his Web site, He said the money from T-shirt sales will be
used for permit fees and other costs, with any remaining dollars
donated to charity.

Love said Westboro Baptist has the right to picket funerals and state
its religious beliefs as guaranteed by the First Amendment.

"But we want to send the message we don't agree with their viewpoint,"
he said. "Our opinions are just as valid, and we can state it just as

Jan Biles can be reached

at (785) 295-1292 or