Fred Supports Legal Concealed Carry for Students


Patriot Games


As President, Thompson Would Support Gun-Toting Students

Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson, who is big supporter of the
National Rifle Association and an opponent of gun-control measures, came out
on Sunday in favor of allowing law-abiding students to carry concealed
weapons on college campuses, so long as they comply with campus and state
rules. The issue came up on Meet the Press, when journalist Tim Russert
asked the former Tennessee senator about allowing students to carry weapons
in light of the shootings in April at Virginia Tech.

He first told Russert: "I don't think that all students need to be carrying
weapons on the school campus."

Whew! Thank goodness for that!

But Thompson added that "...some thought really needs to be given as to who
should be properly qualified and permitted and, and armed on campuses and
other places where large [groups of] people gather."

When pressed, Thompson said "yeah", students should be allowed to carry
concealed weapons on campus.

This has been an issue on college campuses since the violence at Virginia
Tech, and in fact, students today at the University of Colorado at Boulder
are protesting the school's ban on concealed weapons. The right to carry
guns has also been an issue in public schools. A high school teacher in
Oregon is suing so she can be allowed to carry a concealed weapon on her
campus. In Michigan, a state lawmaker has introduced legislation to allow a
teacher to have access to a registered gun on campus.