Friendly Skies - More than 10% of pilots allowed to fly armed


Patriot Games


More than 10% of pilots allowed to fly armed



For pilots to be armed, they must:

Pass a psychological test and training course.
Requalify after five years.
Work for a commercial passenger airline or large cargo airline.
Take possession of a .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun.
Carry guns only on domestic flights.
Source: Transportation Security Administration

WASHINGTON - More than one in 10 of the nation's airline pilots are cleared
to carry a handgun while flying, and the number will continue to grow,
according to a Transportation Security Administration projection.

The TSA, which has declined to disclose the number of armed pilots, revealed
in a recent budget document that 10.8% of airline crewmembers were
authorized to carry guns.

The Federal Air Marshal Service, a TSA agency that runs the armed-pilots
program, reports that 85,000 to 90,000 pilots and crewmembers flying
domestic passenger and cargo planes are eligible to carry a gun. That puts
the number of armed pilots at about 9,500 - a figure Air Marshal spokesman
Nelson Minerly did not dispute. The marshal service keeps the exact number

The TSA projects the program to grow to 16.5% of eligible pilots by the year

Aviation experts were surprised and alarmed that so many pilots are toting
guns in the sky.

FIND MORE STORIES IN: Congress | Houston | Denver | New Mexico | US Airways
| Transportation Security Administration | Air Line Pilots Association |
Transportation Department | Federal Air Marshal Service |
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department | Greg Alter
"That's a big number compared to what I thought it would be," said
aviation-security consultant Rich Roth, who said he had predicted there
would be fewer than 1,000 armed pilots. The 5-year-old program trains pilots
for one week and arms them with .40-caliber semiautomatic pistols.

"That's a scary number," said Joseph Gutheinz, a former Transportation
Department special agent and aviation attorney in Houston. "By allowing so
many pilots the opportunity to fly armed, we're giving terrorists
opportunity to identify somebody who has a gun and overpower him."

Capt. Bob Hesselbein, head of security for the Air Line Pilots Association,
said the number of armed pilots is "a tremendous deterrent" to hijackings.
"An organized terrorist team, their challenge is to take control of the
cabin, then the flight deck."

Armed pilots have come under scrutiny since March 22 when the gun of a US
Airways pilot fired in the ****pit of Flight 1536 as it approached Charlotte
from Denver. No one was hurt, and the plane landed safely after the bullet
pierced the fuselage.

A report by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department said the gun fired
while the pilot was stowing it.

The marshal service is investigating. The firing was the first such
incident, which indicates that "this isn't a problem with the program," Air
Marshal spokesman Greg Alter said.

Hesselbein, whose union lobbied Congress for the program, said armed pilots
are on about 15% of domestic flights.

Marcus Flagg, president of the Federal Flight Deck Officers Association,
which represents armed pilots, said their numbers could grow more if
training facilities expanded.

Pilots train at a federal center in New Mexico. Classes hold 48 people and
have been filled or nearly filled for five years, Minerly said.
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> More than 10% of pilots allowed to fly armed
> =====================
> For pilots to be armed, they must:
> Pass a psychological test and training course.
> Requalify after five years.
> Work for a commercial passenger airline or large cargo airline.
> Take possession of a .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun.
> Carry guns only on domestic flights.
> Source: Transportation Security Administration
> =====================

If they vet the pilots properly and it gives any prospective hijacker the
added worry of a bullet in the face it can't be a bad thing.

Checking air speed....
Wheels up...
Leaving runway....
"HarryNadds" <> wrote in message
On Apr 4, 7:28 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> More than 10% of pilots allowed to fly armed

>The libs have a hissy fit over a pilot being armed.The guy can fly an
>800,000 pound aircraft with 500 souls on board through the clouds in
>the dark at 40,000 feet and 600 MPH but he can't be trusted with a
>handgun.You just gotta love the liberal "logic".

Libs would know Logic if it crawled outta their ass, stood up, took a bow,
and introduced itself as Barney Franks retarded nephew!
"Lee" <me@localhost> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:47f61ef2$0$30693$
>> More than 10% of pilots allowed to fly armed
>> =====================
>> For pilots to be armed, they must:
>> Pass a psychological test and training course.
>> Requalify after five years.
>> Work for a commercial passenger airline or large cargo airline.
>> Take possession of a .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun.
>> Carry guns only on domestic flights.
>> Source: Transportation Security Administration
>> =====================

> If they vet the pilots properly and it gives any prospective hijacker the
> added worry of a bullet in the face it can't be a bad thing.

They have to buy their own gun and pass whatever their home state
requirements area.

They have to buy their own holster.

They have to buy their own bullets.

They have to pay for their own state's concealed carry license which usually
includes an FBI fingerprint check.

They have to use their own vacation time and pay all of the costs to attend
TSA training.

They have to pass the psych test.

They have to pass the physical test.

They have to pass the TSA/FAM training course.


These pilots are TRUE American Patriots!

> Checking air speed....
> Wheels up...
> Leaving runway....

"stickyw" <> wrote in message
> Only 10%? Forget it! Its better to travel by bus.

You and MILLIONS of others are STILL coming to that conclusion and the
airlines are feeling it!