Friends and fights

m. k. Shinoda

New member
I had a group of friends that i liked very much (i still like, btw), so for the fifth time they went to make sumthing and didn't even invite me, if it was the first time i wouldn't be mad... but for the fifth... i was really mad and said some things (not that bad but still with that hate feeling) and now a lot of them are talking like i was a real monster (i think i was with the reason to be mad), i'm so sad, and i dunno what to do now...


New member
i know exactly what i mean. In fact, that used to happen to me a lot. I try not to let it get to me (whether they have a good reason or not) but i cant help but get upset when it happened.

The thing i hate the most is when they say "Well, i thought you were doing something else" or "We didnt think you wanted to come". It's like... the least they can do is invite you even if you know you cant go... it's just that nice feeling regardless if you go or not.

I completely understand. However, i cant really help you on the situation because i stil have problems with it time to time.

Sadly, what i've done, is completely never get my hopes up when it comes to friends, because if i do... not only will i disappoint myself, but they will disappoint me even worse.



New member
I know how that feels. since I live away from my firends half the time, they always seemed to be doing things without me.... But they still stuck with me. anyways, it just seemed like I was missing out all the time and I felt jealous and betrayed. Maybe you should ask them if there is a reson for their neglect. That's my only advice :| sorry....


Active Members
Last year, my best friend fell away from our circle of friends. Though he chose to hang out with some pretty weird people and stuff, I respected his decision and stayed close by his side as all my other friends called him a douche. All my other friends turned on him, and I was the only guy who still stuck up for him.

Well, last May toward the end of school, one of his old friends (my current friend at the time) came up to him in class and asked him a question that embarrased and cut him to the bone. After class, I was walking along talking to one of my friends when all of a sudden, I lost all the feeling in my neck and head and my vision went black. I stumbled, blinked, then turned around and so my 'best friend' smiling smugly and telling me thats what I get for putting my friend up to that. He thought I had told the guy to embarrasses him in front of the whole class!

I ended up in the Emergency room, since he had given me a concussion and they had to X-ray my neck to make sure everything was ok. I also had a small blood vessel in my throat burst and I was coughing up blood for five minutes. And yes, he was that strong.

We haven't talked since....he was never the kind of guy to admit he was wrong.

So yeah, I know alot about betrayal from friends. Don't put up with it. If they were your friends, they would stick up for you and be there for you. After all, thats what friends are for.... :D



New member

try to make friends outside ur if all goes wrong atleast you know you still have close friends near you

i dont know what it would feel like to be left out...but u obviously dont need them..


m. k. Shinoda

New member
thanks u all, u really rocks *hug everybody*

i'm thinking about improving my looking (cuz they start saying things about my weight and stuff, and i'm so f'cking weak with this matter), and so start smiling more, be more kind and stuff to the other ppl outside this group, maybe in a other group they hate, so they will be able to see they're losing me.

i was always SO good to my best-friend all the time she was in a bad situation i helped her, and now, she do nothing. (i'm seing masks falling, the same way they told of mine)



New member
Issues with friend are really hard to handle. I have a very close knitted group of friends (the best, at least... but it's only 4 of us lol) and we do stuff together all the time. We're always calling each other and making sure we can do something at least once a week (it's tough to do anything more often because of college, but in vacations we pratically spend everyday together lol). I've never felt left out with them. They always called me, and if I ended up not being able to go, I wouldn't, but at least I'd get the comfort to know they thought about me. I have other friends though, and ocasionally it happens that I feel left out of stuff. It annoys me, but I let it go, since it's not anything that happens oftens, and I figure they wouldn't do that in purpose. But I absolutely understand your feelings, because not always was I surrounded by good friends. I related a lot to what ShinodaBear said, there was a time in which I just kept my hopes as low as possible just so I wouldn't be disapointed about people... The best advice I can give you is to try and talk it over with them, if you figure they're not being honest with you about something, then maybe you can get some other friends! And maybe those will give you the good treatment you deserve. Don't make friends just to annoy your old friends though, you should try and meet people who you can actually relate to. I'm sorry I'm not of much help, but I hope everything goes fine with you. Don't let that get to you so much :thumbsup:


New member
']thanks u all, u really rocks *hug everybody*
i'm thinking about improving my looking (cuz they start saying things about my weight and stuff, and i'm so f'cking weak with this matter), and so start smiling more, be more kind and stuff to the other ppl outside this group, maybe in a other group they hate, so they will be able to see they're losing me.

i was always SO good to my best-friend all the time she was in a bad situation i helped her, and now, she do nothing. (i'm seing masks falling, the same way they told of mine)
if all of you are friends each other.. good or bad looking does not matter...

im not beautiful.. the most ugly in my group (5 members ;) ).. but my friends love me much.. we are friends for 7 years ..

try with other friends. you will have real friends. dont worry :thumbsup:



New member
']thanks u all, u really rocks *hug everybody*
i'm thinking about improving my looking (cuz they start saying things about my weight and stuff, and i'm so f'cking weak with this matter)
If they really are don't have to worry about it...friends arent there to make you feel like ****, they're supposed to be someone to enjoy life with....

i'm not the skinniest of people, and my friends don't care, neither does my gf...and like most of my friends are all skinny ****'s that i can't get how they stay the skinny, and we have some big people to...

i guess my point is...don't worry about your's just a weekness that you don't want to have...and plus, if you don't care, you make friends that don't care as well, so all you end up doin is hangin out and havin a fun *** time



New member
People can be stupid... that simple lol

and yet again, not stupidsoul stupid, thats somethings entirly different :thumbsup:


m. k. Shinoda

New member
i discoreved that my other friends didn't know about this person who was saying bad things about me...

the things are still a lil bit cold but i think it's better now

thank for all the advices and words of help!

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