Frog Gigging?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
Okay, me and my friend come to her house from down the street because our boyfriends left for a little while. They come down to her house to let us know they are back.....

But they're leaving again...To go Giggin? Lol. Okay..I know I'm from Louisiana and all, but I am NOT redneck..neither are they..They're 2 of the least redneck people I've ever met.

So, Me and my friend have no idea what "Gigging" is, we think it's some type of drug slang...So we Google it...and find?

Anyways, is it just ignorance that we've never heard of this, or is this frog gigging not quite universally known about yet?
:rolleyes: Wow. My Myspace.... Runs and deletes it before other people can see it.. ...or not. Damn.

I'm glad I give you a hard on though.

;) :cool:

:rolleyes: I love sarcasm.
OK maybe not a hard on, but hands down, hottest GF member we have, I should build you a shrine so that we may all adore you.
Lmao. You should build me a shrine?

I have YET to reach that level of self-conceitedness.

Then again, if someone else was willing to devote their time to build me a shrine and worship me..I'd be more than happy to accept.

Anyways, I'm shaving my head soon. So people will see how smart I am..and stop making the hot comments...;)
cynthiaa89 said:
Lmao. You should build me a shrine?

I have YET to reach that level of self-conceitedness.

Then again, if someone else was willing to devote their time to build me a shrine and worship me..I'd be more than happy to accept.

Anyways, I'm shaving my head soon. So people will see how smart I am..and stop making the hot comments...;)
Don't you DARE shave that flat greasy looking skanky hair !!! It's what make's you look like a bitch.
Lol. It's just...:(

Well, I have to tell the truth now, I am a bitch.

Goddamn you.

Look what you've done to my reputation. The reputation I never had in the first place. Well, I try not to act like one on here...:rolleyes:
I can tell your a complete bitch by just looking at your photo. You have bitch written all over your face, and that to me is sexy. I'm guessing you scare your mother too. And what's with that ****ing retarded music on your MY SPACE page ?? And how come if your GIGGIN friends aren't rednecks, they look like them ?? Or, if they are "GIGGIN" as defined by the Urban dictionary, and they are doing this together, then, they are gay.
I'm sure she gets alot of popularity on myspace. I am on there right now and man there are some guys trying their best to score there with all the hotties.
Urban Anyways, they were doing it because they were extremely intoxicated. I sure hope like hell they weren't dancing...
phreakwars said:
OK maybe not a hard on, but hands down, hottest GF member we have, I should build you a shrine so that we may all adore you.

I think I have to give that one to Lilbit Something about her. Wow!

But that's me. We have a few hot ones here.

Tell me she's not hot!
Cyntiha is pretty hot herself though.

Your boyfriend leaves you again, I'll take you giggin!
snafu said:
I think I have to give that one to Lilbit Something about her. Wow!

But that's me. We have a few hot ones here.

Tell me she's not hot!
Lilbit ?? I do not know this member you call "LILBIT", WHY DID SOMEONE NOT TELL ME ??

Hmm.. lilbit...yeah... she's O.K.... If you like the attention whore look.

Myself, I prefer the "I'm god-damn cute only because I look like a very bitchy person" type of cute.

And from the evidence I have gathered about this barely legal girl who is only 2 years older then my oldest daughter, she is a completely obnoxious dreary bitch. Yet for some reason looks hot as hell when she looks like ****...


I'm such a pervert.
cynthiaa89 said:
Ooh. Brought out the old picture. That's back when I had down syndrome. I've been cured.

Reminds me of an experience I had with my friend Michelle a few years ago..

Her friend Ashley asks me to come over and hang out with them for a bit, Ashley and her are both 18..

Ashley is the pretty one.. long blonde hair.. always checks out herself in the mirror.... Michelle was the... not that she was ugly... but more of the plain looking one. Needless to say, Michelle led a dull life... I knew it was dull because she talked to me too much..

Not that I can't be an interesting person to talk to, but for some reason, Michelle always appreciated my "TELL IT LIKE IT IS" version of life.

So anyways, Ashley decided she wanted to throw a party for Michelle's birthday, she was turning 19 (yeah !! :rolleyes: ) and of course they had the booze, and the weed, and the friends...

Of course, I had not known this at the time, Ashley calls me up and just asks if I could come over and look at Michelle and tell her what I think of how they dressed her up and did her makeup and all this ****. And of course to wish her a happy birthday..

So I tell my wife that I'm running over to Ashley and Michelle's house, and off I go... when I get there, I came across drunken teenagers everywhere...

I was greeted by the group and there is Michelle, all gussied up and actually for once in her life looking somewhat cute..

So anyways while I am there one of the teens who had just had his tongue pierced had passed out and no one was able to wake his drunk ass.. His candy ass was drooling everywhere, and Michelle, who at this point was not only drunk, but stoned for the very first time in her life starts to freak out and thinks it's alcohol poisoning, starts ****ing bawling, I'm trying my best to keep from laughing, and there I am thinking... OK now what... I'm here for like 5 minutes and all this **** is happening... do I stay here and help the stupid ass kid and check him for signs of alcohol poisoning and call medical help for his stupid ass and risk getting a charge of procuring or some **** like that just because I was the only ****ing adult there and I just happened to stumble into this teen fest of debauchery and substance abuse..

So anyways, I pick the little 120lb ****er up and take his ass outside, get him some fresh air, knock him up long side of the head (this changes his equilibrium causing a greater imbalance thus makes him want to puke:D ), lay him on the porch on his stomach and let his ass puke all over the yard.....PROBLEM SOLVED... have a glass of water now ya stupid **** who thought he could drink an entire 5th of whiskey..

So anyways, after Jesus Juice Johnny was stablized, I go into Michelle's house and her good pal Ashley call's me into the bathroom and asks me to calm Michelle down... and so, being the nice guy that I am get her to quit ****ing bawling, by saying to her...

"Michelle, I forgot something... the entire reason you wanted me to come over here in the first place and interupt my supper, so that I could give you my opinion of how you looked all gussied up.."

Well, you look like a 13 year old crack whore, and it's kind of cute..

She looks in the mirror and all the mascara and **** Ashley had put on her had ran, her lipstick smeared, hair was in shambles.. don't know how it happened..

Anyways, she busts out laughing, end of all that damn crying

Phreak saves the day for 2 teens, goes home, and reheats the taco meat and finally has supper.

The moral of the story is.. it's better your friends are frog gigging then gagging like frogs with alcohol in them, but they are your friends and you probably look cute to them, but I'd probably like you more if you looked like a crack whore.