Froggy ****sucking Socialists Appalled - France Goes Pro-America!


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World Leaders Congratulate Sarkozy Wires Monday, May 7, 2007

BRUSSELS, Belgium -- Washington, Jerusalem and the European Union welcomed
the French presidential victory Sunday of Nicolas Sarkozy, a U.S.-friendly,
pro-Israel supporter of an EU constitution.

Socialists said they feared the conservative former interior minister would
push the EU's agenda further to the right on immigration and economic

The White House said President Bush called to congratulate Sarkozy, a
staunch Washington ally who promised in a victory speech that the U.S. can
"count on our friendship."

A Sarkozy presidency had been favored at EU headquarters in Brussels,
particularly over his support for economic reform and pushing ahead quickly
with efforts to salvage the EU constitution - meant to streamline the way
the bloc makes decisions.

"This election was very important for Europe, and its result was very much
awaited," European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso told reporters.

Barroso appealed to Sarkozy not to block entry talks with Turkey, which
started in 2005, but are expected to last at least a decade. Sarkozy, unlike
his predecessor Jacques Chirac, vehemently opposes Turkey's bid to join the
EU and has vowed to veto it.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose country holds the rotating EU
presidency, congratulated Sarkozy on his "convincing election victory" and
wished him "much luck and success," her spokesman Thomas Steg said in

"In what is one of the crucial phases for Europe, it is important to
continue the close, trusting and intensive cooperation between Germany and
France," Merkel said, according to Steg.

In Jerusalem, Israeli Vice Premier Shimon Peres called Sarkozy a "friend of
Israel," and welcomed Sarkozy's appeal during his victory speech for warring
parties in the Middle East to "overcome hate."

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert expressed confidence that Israeli-French
relations would improve after years of acrimony.

"I am sure that cooperation between us will be fruitful, and together we can
push forward diplomacy and peace in our region," Olmert said.

In Lebanon, parliamentary majority leader Saad Hariri _ son of slain leader
Rafik Hariri _ sent a congratulatory message to Sarkozy saying he was
"confident that the historic relations between Lebanon and France will
continue developing on the political, economic and cultural levels during
your presidency."

The late Rafik Hariri had been a friend of Chirac, who has been leading
efforts to support the Lebanese government and create an international
tribunal to try the former prime minister's killers.

Political leaders in Europe were split along party lines on the effect
Sarkozy's win would have in Europe and the world.

"Social Europe has receded a bit today," said Socialist Belgian Senate
chairwoman Anne-Marie Lizin. "We see a map of Europe which is very much a
conservative Europe, wanting to get rid of social protections."

Conservative political leaders in Austria hailed Sarkozy's win.

"With his clear victory, Sarkozy has a basis for accomplishing the big tasks
he faces as France's future president," said Wilhelm Molterer, Austria's
finance minister and vice chancellor.

World leaders also expressed hope that Sarkozy would help heal relations
with Washington, strained over the Iraq war and how to combat climate

In Washington, before Royal conceded defeat, Republican Sen. Dick Lugar and
Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer both stated their preference for Sarkozy.

"It would be nice to have someone who is head of France who doesn't almost
have a knee-jerk reaction against the United States," Schumer said.