From 19th to 24th of September 2007 a noborder camp will take place at Gatwick Airport


_ G O D _

Gatwick No Border Camp 2007
From 19th to 24th of September 2007 a noborder camp will take place at Gatwick
Airport near London.

As the government started to build a :: new immigration prison (Brook House at
Gatwick Airport, near Crawley), the :: No Border Camp is getting :: closer: Sept
19-24. Among the :: various actions announced, Saturday, the 22nd, will see a ::
demonstration from Crawley to Tinsley House, the already existing immigration prison
at Gatwick, next to the planned site of the new centre. There will be workshops both
:: at the camp and at :: Goldsmith University the week before, to coincide with the
30th anniversary of the :: Battle of Lewisham.

Days after the Home Office :: told refugees "We'll do everything we can to send you
home", 26 migrant prisoners :: escaped from Campsfield, Oxfordshire, following days
of protests. The riot was the latest episode in the migrants struggle inside
detention after the :: Harmondsworth riots last November.

Relentless protests, both inside adn outside detention, have managed to put many
detention and deportation profiteers on the map. On 17 August, activists :: occupied
the office of XL Airways in Crawley to protest against the charter airline's role in
forecul deportations on behalf of the Home Office. Several :: demonstrations have
been announced for August 28th to protest against a planned charter flight to ::
deport a number of rejected asylum seekers to DR Congo.

Two years of No Borders UK

It was before the G8 2005 in Scotland that initiatives started to network around the
issues of Freedom Of Movement in the UK again. A :: Make Borders History demo took
place in Glasgow during the :: 2005 G8 summit in Scotland, calling at several
institutions and companies involved in the Border Regime. Shortly after the G8,
activists forced the YMCA to :: withdraw from an "asylum slavery Scheme".

During the following year, No Borders groups were set up all over the country, in ::
London, Brighton, Cardiff, :: Nottingham, Leeds and other cities. Regular
demonstrations targeted immigration reporting centres and as well as detention
The year 2006 saw the first UK-wide :: No Borders Gathering in London (on 11-12
March) at the Square Social Centre. Exactly one year later, :: another gathering was
held in Glasgow at the :: Unity centre. The initiatives naturally had different focal
points, from fighting against dawn raids [:: 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6],
anti-deportation actions (e.g. in :: Leeds ), campaigning against the :: point-based
system, to solidarity with migrant workers (e.g. :: justice for cleaners) and, of
course, demonstrations at :: immigration prisons. In :: Glasgow, people started ::
Unity, a union of by and for asylum seekers. In London, Harmondsworth became ::
another focus of protests as well as building up :: practical support for detainees.
The :: October 7th Network organised a demonstration in London as part of the ::
Transnational Day Of Action for migrants' rights. However, when the Home Office
disclosed plans to build a new immigration prison at Gatwick, the new :: Brook House
became a focus for the whole network.

The upcoming No Border Camp is organised by No Borders groups from Birmingham,
Brighton, Glasgow, Leeds, London, Nottingham, Sheffield and Cardiff and supported by
:: Barbed Wire Britain, Unity, Feminist Against Borders, West Midlands Antifa, :: Sex
Workers Union, Vapaa Liikkuvuus (freedom of movement-group in Finland), :: Campaign
to Close Campsfield, :: No One Is Illegal, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and many

Upcoming events in the next few weeks include:
Wednesday August 22nd: :: film screening at the Camberwell Social Centre.
The next :: Camp public meeting will take place on September 2nd in Brighton.

Events During The No Border Camp:

Thursday, 20th September
Welcome Demonstration - Crawley Town Centre, 5pm-7pm. To inform people about and
invite them to participate in the No Border Camp.

Friday, 21st September:
Gathering at Lunar House, the Home Office reporting centre in East Croydon, 10am-2pm.
A convergeance between those who have papers and those who don't;
information-sharing, exchanging stories, food and music.

Saturday 22nd September
Transnational Demonstration at Tinsley House detention dentre at Gatwick, 12pm-2pm.
Tinsley House, which has a capacity of 146, was the first purpose-built detention
centre in the UK. The new planned Gatwick detention centre is to be built close by.

Later that day, groups will present their work and experiences in a Transnational
Forum at the camp.

Announced workshops so far include ones with migration controls, ID Cards, practical
support of people in detention, the political situation in the Middle East,
alternative media, experiences from campaigns against companies and much more.

Migrating University
:: Migrating University is a set of workshops at Goldsmith University in the week
before the No Border Camp.

Indymedia at the No Border Camp
As usual, IMC UK will be present at the No Border Camp. There will a public access
tent, help with publishing and image processing, as well as workshops about
alternative media.

Hythiam Announces City of Las Vegas Municipal Drug Court to ...
San Francisco, CA, USA
"It is an honor to be a part of the HOPE Court's
mission to provide alternatives to incarceration
for offenders in their drug court population....
See all stories on this topic:

Detention Profiteers
It is not appropriate for people to profit out of incarceration. This
is surely one area where a free market certainly does not exist. ...
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I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~