Full 'Stripped' Performance Now Available


New member
thanks jnuts, lpp and hahn

was it a good performance? or just like all the others so far, pushing me away with piano, NICE, theyre continuing the trend



New member
Tonz;489558']thanks jnuts, lpp and hahn
was it a good performance? or just like all the others so far, pushing me away with piano, NICE, theyre continuing the trend
I'd rather hear the original version, that one is even better imo



New member
i dont mind either version to be honest, but yer i would rather mind the reanimation version, but yer, piano mix is still quite nice, its a change of pace, and theyre not overdoing it as its only one track in their set
I hope LPprojekt is up again sometime soon
or am I the only one who can't open the site?
Nah your not, It's completely down. I really hope they come back up again, but then again... Bandwidth was pretty high on the site :p
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